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Anti surveillance thread


Really dude no police or federal surveillance would act so unprofessionally. You are being paranoid.

If they had something on you they'd just kick your door down. Why the hell would they drive around shining lights at shit that makes no sense what-so-ever.

You sound exactly like a friend of mine who was doing coke all the time and started hearing sirens in his head and thought he saw spotlights all the time. One time another friend was with him and didn't see or hear anything and suggested maybe it was the moon he thought was following him.

Anyway there are plenty of explanations that make far more sense than someone interested in you. Plus what purpose would this shining of lights have ? Most police surveillance is going to happen during the day when they can actually see shit.

It sounds like you really should consider a more laid back strain or taking a break for awhile. That level of paranoia is unhealthy. It's 100 times more likely some dude is sneaking in to shag somebodies wife or daughter than it is there are spotlights out in the night looking for you. Maybe some crazy asshole is out there looking for aliens or something. It's not the police shining lights into the night for no reason. What sense does that make ?

Why would they only use FLIR at night anyway? That again makes no sense. They'd fly over during the day, they are the police they don't need to hide from you or shine lights around at night. That's now how surveillance works. They would get an informant and if they did surveillance they'd do it during the day.

Think about the amount of resources you'd be taking up to have all these police running around like this and getting nothing done, all the fuel and all they would have accomplished is to warn you of their presence. No police force is that stupid. If they wanted you that bad they'd just say they smelled pot and kick your door in. They don't need to pussyfoot around shining lights at you and shit.

Space Toker

Active member
In reference to post #81 & 82:

Dudes, please note that this thread is many months old, and if I haven't mentioned something recently, it probably is not still happening. I know you mean well, trying to reason this guy on the verge of insanity back to reality, but honestly it isn't like that at all. Most nights I sleep quite well, so the perception that I am worrying about things constantly, day and night, is simply way off base. I only try to document occurences, so in case someone else notices similar things happening, we can compare notes, exchange ideas and help each other protect each other and stay one step ahead of the bad guys with badges.

I no longer have any worries about vehicle traffic, haven't for some time. Helicopters haven't been an issue either. Small planes, 2 passenger type, are what mostly flies over most days, sometimes incessantly and sometimes hardly at all. It is not that I am worried about every plane, I am not, I just want to document it, so that on the slim chance it is actually surveillance, I (and we) can thwart their efforts and render them useless. Or you could just say I am an afficianado of planes, whatever your preference! :D

Like today, there were 2 planes that sounded like hedgetrimmers or something. I went out and they were flying next to each other, one a little in front of the other (diagonally). They had the body of a normal plane, but the wings looked non-rigid, what I like to call "parachute planes". I just like to note interesting occurences. The other day, a plane was buzzing all around, but it was carrying a banner advertising a local business. No worries there. It's all good. I really don't think anything is up, but I don't know for sure. I document things "just in case". IF anything ever happens to me, it is all out there for everyone to learn from. They don't want that, so that renders me virtually "untouchable", get where I am going here? ;) :D

Space Toker

Active member
the planes were mad crazy today and the night before, there was a car down the road taking off down another road interecting mine as I walked down the drive. This is not new, not too worrisome but I would like to know for sure it is not a cop.
It's summertime. You live in a rural area, the car was most certainly kids who are bored and were out spotlighting deer, puffing, drinking, or having sex.

Did you ever find out anything about what kinds of businesses/installations/people are located near you????

Space Toker

Active member
Well I know/found out some, but not a lot. Choppers have been very rare, almost non-existent, but have been increasing since the start of September. Mostly they fly high and/or distant, but occasionally low like one did just now. It brings up something I am curious about (I should point out that just because I am curious about something, doesn't mean I fear or have reason to fear it):

can Flir-scanning choppers conduct their business several hundred yards away like this one was, or do they have to be or would more likely to be directly overhead? I also hear a lot of planes on overcast evenings or rainy nights. Well I will keep reporting what I observe even though some seem to react bizarrely hostile to it for some inexplicable reason.

Space Toker

Active member
wow a chopper was circling endlessly for an hour and a half at least, prob considerably longer. Maybe they were training on how to spot escaped prisoners, I don't know. It was unreal. They haven't circled like that for a couple years. It seems like they were doing an oval or rectangular flight pattern, over the same area over and over, and only one corner of their path came close to my place but not overhead. I could see them in the distance and damn were they low and making a lot of noise! At least it was not late at night, right behind my place and with a spotlight sweeping back and forth. That happened the last time they did this like 2 years ago.
Other than an occasional distant chopper that flies a straight line pattern quickly a couple times a week, and a few planes a day, things have been pretty quiet and I have not had reason to complain. When they are rampantly flying over, I could have not grown for 20 years and would still feel like I am under a damned microscope all the time! There is no need for that in a country that prides itself on so-called freedom. There needs to be limits to bad behavior, even for (or especially for) LEO too!

Space Toker

Active member
well there has been a lot of low choppers around lately, not right over me but close. That is odd for wintertime. I know it prob has nothing to do with me or anything I am saying or doing, but I would like to know why they need to fly so low and close like that!

Space Toker

Active member
well low choppers of the black variety have been around lately, circling and going away, only to come back and circle relentlessly. Not near, in the distance but low and still close enough to maybe read something. not likely but who knows, only a fool would rule out unlikely until they know for sure. and a low white plane with a red stripe and an appendage on front with a bulbous area on front of that, first I have seen of that! Can't be too watchful or too careful my friends!

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
it is not constitutional to gain information from infrared images of your property. it is a 4th amendment violation and a good lawyer would have the case won.
I live in a city of 450k ppl and if I worried about every plane or chopper I would lose my freaking mind. There are so many of these things that trying to figure out which is the police is a foolish game. Hell running out and looking at everything that flies over is probably a bigger give away than a heat signature. All you can worry about is keeping them from seeing what they can barely see from the air. If you have no leaks you don't get wet.


Think for yourself, question authority
ICMag Donor
They are spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to peep on you with copters and planes You must be the MAN!! Stop printing money at your crib ;)


Active member
This thread makes me realize how un-paranoid I am. I mean you had some of us pulling for you until you mentioned the UFO's. Planes and choppers, yes, but the ufo's, c'mon dude.

I have a friend of mine that is constantly spewing similar crap about government conspiracies, phone taps, ufos, and the like. Tom, is that you?!(that's his real name btw) I would categorize him as someone who thinks the world is out to get him and that just isn't the case. I constantly find myself telling him to STFU cuz I don't believe in most of that stuff and I don't need him trying to convince me I should. There are just way more important things to worry about.

And, I don't get why you are constantly up at the ungodly hour of 4am to catch these DEA flyovers. Get some rest and a lot of this EXTREME PARANOIA will go away.

I am sure the DEA isn't happy about you always poking your nose into their business when they are trying to conduct a simple, routine flir flyover. Mind your own business. :)

Space Toker

Active member
hey I just say what I see going on, no need to make assumptions as a result. I do understand what some are saying, but I am not losing no sleep and I am not "that paranoid". If everyone just did the same and reported what they saw, their tactics would be known by all and they would not be able to surprise or sneak up on anyone and they would be rendered ineffective. And if I am paranoid, it is just a little and just briefly, and talking about it helps. If you don't like it, please feel free to ignore this thread. Anyway, thanks Hash for trying to be helpful. You reaffirmed what I thought so you WERE helpful. And post #94 was cool as well. And 95 was a good-natured joke.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
some basic rules.
1. NEVER EVER OPEN THE DOOR for anyone that you didn't invite over. I don't care if they are screaming for help. cops will trick you.
2. Control your smell
3. Don't brag or show off.
4. Never say a word to the police if they approach you outside of the house, or if they arrest you . even if you are innocent they will twist every word you say to work toward your conviction.
5. Don't have any guns in your house or grow location or on your person. it sucks but you have to give up guns if you wanna grow in the city.
6. be respectful to all neighbors, and smile when you see them. look conservative and "normal". dont look all stoned
7. keep your property clean
8. never mix personal and grow garbage.
9. tip waiters well, and be good to people you know or meet. (just for good karma) the more people that like you the better.
10. stay chill.

Space Toker

Active member
well it's been a strange couple of months and a strange day. Among other things, there was a car that drove up early one morning. I was in bed, but heard 2 car door slams, and moments later they did so again. I ran to the window and saw a car speeding off. Now a couple months later, a car drove up about an hour ago. It was like a man in black, yet he was in a greenish Hawaiian shirt and in a dark green Jeep. He parked his car behind a big bush for a bit, then backed into the turnaround. I remember the last 3 digits of the plate number, which was just a normal plate. He sat there staring at me (I was inside in front of a big window) in plain view with his head twisted almost completely around, talking away on his cellphone. I grabbed the binoculars and he took off immediately. I saw that he was not wearing a uniform, had a beard, was probably in his late 30's to early 50's (bad judge of age), most likely mid 40's. For a second, I thought it might be someone my brother knows and he was chatting with him on his cell phone. But it was still 2-3 hours until he was due home at that point. And come to find out, he left his cellphone at home and it has been making weird noises without lighting up, just since I have been typing this message. And oddly enough, the plane and especially chopper traffic has been well below normal. Freaky! If he just took off, I would have thought maybe he thought it was a road and took a wrong turn, but he was sitting there about a minute chatting and looked like he would have continued to if I had not whipped out the binoc's.


Active member
if its LEO just show a little hospitality



Registered User
Don't worry bro... it was just little ole me... been fucking with ya the last few years (me & my buddies in the choppers)! Sorry dude, just my sense of humor... I'll stop now, no more visits to your place... didn't know it was getting to you so badly. It's all cool.

BTW... while we were there, we did notice some people seemingly digging in that area... they weren't with us, so might want to still watch out for them... they looked strange to us even... and we noticed they came on days where only one cloud was visible in the evening sky... dunno if that meant anything or not, but we did notice it. There was a weird electricity in the air even. Be safe bro.

((feed the bears))

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