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Anti surveillance thread

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
I still think you're over-reacting, but if it's bothering you that much, go talk to them. Get in your car, and drive up to them. Tell them you've seen them regularly, and there have been some break-ins, so folks are antsy.

If they're cops, you'll know. It's not, because cops don't work like that, but if by some cosmic rift it is cops, you'll know. If it's anything nefarious, it's most likely guys cruisin' for cars warming up in the driveway, something to that effect.
I'm still laying odds you'll just freak out the newspaper guy, though :D
I sayin what you're sayin. Only one way to find out bro


Because people here are known to be so pally with cops, amirite? :D

:laughing: :yeahthats

my thoughts exactly.

last time there were cars watching my house I just went up to it and knocked on the window to see what the hell they wanted. they drove away and I didn't see em again. granted they prolly just switched up cars.. good luck man. probably is just the paper boy, especially so early theyre notorious for that. if it were cops they'd be watching you when something was more likely to go down (unless 5am is a busy time for you?). staring at a house when its occupants would normally be asleep doesn't do the cops much good. so I'm going to go with, if you want to know what they're doing down there, go ask them.


I don't think that doing the same routine every day for a couple of months would be a very good surveillance strategy.

It's probably somebody going to work, coming home, paper boy, etc etc. Millions of possibilities, hell it could be a cop just getting of duty everyday and coming home, and burning one in his car before he goes to bed!

Space Toker

Active member
Well ok, yeah I have nothing to worry about but still am wary of any unusual activity. But it has stopped. Sometimes I wish I had a friend on the inside so I could get solid confirmation on what if anything is going on, but being pallies with cops? I don't think so!
Maybe some can do it, I can't.

The activity has seemed to stop, although I have only been looking for a couple nights and then stopped. I know there are regular mailtruck deliveries and they do hire part-time people to deliver in their own cars too I think. The regular postal workers never deliver anywhere close to that time. I've been at this same location a while, and the earliest I ever got mail was 9:30 AM and the latest 3:30 PM. It usually occurs between 1 and 1:30. I do not get a paper except an occasional freebie, so maybe it is a paperboy. I was not too worried about it, just curious. thanks for all the ideas and suggestions!


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
If you had nothing to do with weed you would'nt even notice the car, and if anyhthing was going to happen it would have happened by now most likely. Stop worrying and ignore it because you might very well just end up bringing more attention down on yourself. Paranoia will destroy you and unfortunately the human mind has a peculiar way of making things seem what they are not. Stop looking out the window and mind your own business, that is the best advice anyone has ever given me. :joint:

Space Toker

Active member
poaching deer? There are a good number of deer in the area so who knows.
I am going with the paper boy theory though, that is the best fit for what I saw.
SOTF420, probably sound advice man. I really am not doing much at all right now, nothing but let's say a small experiment to iron things out for when I "get serious". I have these "freak outs" every so often when I notice something that seems odd, whether I am doing anything or not. I've been noticing things that freak me out off and on pretty much since I registered here. Like you say, if something was going to happen, it would by now. I think I can finally relax a little and take your advice. thanks


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Yeah dude, you are fine man just keep it cool and relax because life is too precious to waste worrying about plants. God forbid you did get caught with a few it really would not be the end of the world, you are'nt the first person to come up with the idea ;)


Ol' Skool
ICMag Donor
Could be some guy giving his girlfriend a sign or some shit that the time is right, IDK. At any rate, I wouldn't let him know that I was looking at him. Might open up a can of worms you don't want to fuck with. If it were me, I do what l33t said - I'd dial his ass in with some telescopic equipment to see exactly what he was doing and go from there.


Active member
I try to stop looking out windows now because I was always bugging for no reason. About 6 months ago, at around 4:00 am my girl wakes me up all crazy and says we are getting raided and the house is surrounded. I told her to calm down and not do anything crazy and just keep your mouth shut. I crept over to a window and look outside and there was about 8 cop cars. They were in the drive way and had the whole place surrounded. She and her friend actually went to try and run out of the house but I had to talk them out of it for a while. At that point I was flushing clones right down the toilet to get my numbers down to less than 100. Turns out the house next door got broken into and it had nothing to do with us. I've also had cops strong arm their way into my house with no warrants before and I knew I had to do something crazy to try to get them out of my house so I got completely naked and they left immediately. LOL, you're probably fine.

Space Toker

Active member
wow lots of interesting usernames here, wish I thought of that! :D
good advice stop looking out windows, almost been there done that. but I had to look out a window and see a flashing red and green light on a telephone pole tonight, exactly in the area where the suspected infamous paperboy has his toke or makes out or something. well, it was just a big beige box with a red and green light, and although you may think that may tell me nothing, it told me there are no opportunities for spy cameras that can see say 1 km and make out details as small as an index card. In short, it was just a box of some sort, telecommunications or electrical transmission or whatever, I do not know, but just a box just the same. AS I was there, I noticed I could not see most of my place, just a faint little white point that was a kitchen 24 W flo light to see the kitchen counter, but could have been anything from a doorbell to a security something or other.... welll you know. Point is, I could not see most of the lights on in my house until I was virtually on top of my drive, in other words so obvious if someone was parked in my drive. Long story short, nothing to worry about. Glad I was able to get proof positive though. excellent, thanks everyone


Might have been the Google Street view guy taking pics, they were doing the same thing in my neighborhood... freaked me out at the time, looked at street view one day & there I am looking at the camera. :wave:

Space Toker

Active member
I think the car action was a paper delivery person of some kind. Everywhere it paused or stopped for a few seconds, there is a residence with mailboxes. So I think you guys got that one spot on.

A little more perplexing is the air traffic. That was originally the purpose of this thread anyway and a recent event has prompted me to revive the effort. The effort I speak of is for people to speak up on what they notice aircraft doing, so they can surprise fewer people and less people become their victims as a result.

I have always had planes and choppers, they seem to be less active and then all of a sudden, BOOM, a huge increase for a day or two or three and then back to the normal pattern. I have gotten used to that. What I wonder about is why planes and choppers used to fly any which way and I could hear their approach and be outside doing "counter-surveillance" before they were near and see their entire approach. Now, they seem to be using the hilly terrain to their advantage to hide the sound of their approach or using the angle of the sun to make them harder to see visually. I don't notice them now until they are almost on top of me.

A chopper flew over in the evening. It was low and seemed to be using the sun and hills to its advantage. It flew directly over me and all I could see is its side briefly and its tail end as it receded from view. It was low but pretty quick. It was red, white and blue, 2 of the colors in vertical segments and one running horizontally (the front was one color, the middle another, and the tail and a center strip with lettering another, all these colors being either red, white or blue). It had words on its side, not a serial number or anything. There were 2-3 words (blue) in total, wish I had my binoculars and time for a better look. The last word was 4 or 5 letters long, and no word was longer than 6 letters long, maybe an outside shot at 7. The question is, who flies this type of chopper and for what purpose? If someone could say it was a news or hospital chopper, that would obviously be a lot better than a LEO chopper and would put my mind at ease. But being red white and blue and with words on it, that is not likely. It seemed to be angling itself for a pilot's side view inside my front window, where I frequently have vegetable and flower plants growing this time of year. thanks for any helpful info or advice.


I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
every morning in my town the local cop drives up and down EACH ROAD IN TOWN looking for people broken down or whatever... when they sit there and start watching you... flash your lights make them know your onto there shit!! thats what i do. FUCK EM