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Anti surveillance thread


Active member
if you're being gang stalked they will do things (eg. "classical conditioning" methods) intended to make you feel paranoid, but over time you'll find the object is to debilitate you through your own mechanisms than directly.

don't know why, that's just what they do. lots of people will tell you they aren't, lots of people don't know.

Space Toker

Active member
Go ahead and be mean spirited about it if that makes you feel more important. Seriously some of the comments directed toward me for merely reporting what I see are uncalled for. Things are in a little lull now but a little more activity today. I agree with whoever said being watchful and careful and noting things are good, I can take it too far when it seems a lot is happening but it can make you think every step through and help you too. waveguide, if you are not just toying with me, I have thought they could be doing something like that. However, I am really making an effort here not to worry about every little thing. thanks for understanding and happy holidays. peace


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

Space Toker bro, I don't know if you've been naughty or nice but don't sweat the small shit, that's only gonna be Santa Claus you see flyin' across the sky w/out any marker lights tonight.......



Split for a few days to somewhere else away and see if it is still happening while you are gone to somewhere else...if so then you best be careful...even across town for the day might help see if you are being followed...but right now is prime DUI time nationwide for the whole year besides July 4th so the cop activity is gonna be way up until the 4th of Jan or so...they are looking to catch some Xmas and New Years cash for a bonus...at $5k a pop or more...

Space Toker

Active member
S4L, thanks for lighting the mood! ;)
Wish that was possible BrnCow, but thanks for the helpful advice. I will just try to take it easy until then. happy holidays everyone!

Perpetual Nooch

Active member
I can't believe this thread is still going.

Dude, you've been under surveillance for almost three years. If they were going to bust you, they would have done it long ago. They wouldn't be spending the cash to keep an investigation going for three years for a small-timer like you.

Seriously, it is time to mellow out, smoke one, and enjoy Christmas. You're in the clear, man.

Space Toker

Active member
no I have been under surveillance for like 20 years it seems! :D
Well you have to wonder when a super low chopper goes racing by just minutes ago right over the place! Not that there is anything to see or sense but what was that about? What possible justification is there for that this late in the country? The time and place is highly unusual for this to say the least! Anyway, piece of shit better stay away if they know what's good for them! Ok just letting off a llitle steam but still


Fuckers were supposed to stop their DUI for XMAS shit on the 4th but they are still out in force around here...been searching cars just stopped for traffic also...guess they didn't get enough drunks to pay for their salaries yet...if people would only stop all criminal activity outside of their houses and businesses, they might have to lay off a bunch of pigs for lack of revenue....maybe leaving your weed at home and your illegal gun there also, make sure the car is legal and clean might cause some effect on them...less cops less problems...and don't drink and drive...call a fucking cab...spend $40 or $14,000 - take your choice..and as far as drive bys and burglary -fuck that shit...get a job...leave people alone...

Space Toker

Active member
man I think you are one of the few that understand I intend and encourage others to document real or perceived pig treachery so they can surprise no one and to make acting on something worse for them than not. I report real events often almost immediately after they happen for my record to log events and look back and keep notes. Do I think every event is the end for me? Not at all! I think it is like a 5 percent chance if that, but I feel better talking about it in hopes that if something does happen, someone else can learn a lesson from it. thanks dude

ps PN, I hear you man, I think it is all not that bad but I have to express myself just the same, but oh hell I just realized this is 14 pages now?! you have a valid point but it is a sad commentary to society that taxpayer money is still being wasted on the drug war and so many other frivolous things!

Space Toker

Active member
Ok I saw a black chopper flying low behind me a couple days ago. Today I saw the black one with a red cross inside a white square again. Army medic maybe?
But at night and at a suspicious time, I saw a low chopper go by in the distance in front of my house but at such an angle that I think it started off a lot closer. Now, a chopper races by maybe an hour after the first but this one was quite low and mean and closer and seemed aggressively on a mission the way it was flying. all this after a nice period of relative calm. Well if you think I have something stop harassing me and get it over with mofo's and boy will you end up looking like asses in the process!


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
no I have been under surveillance for like 20 years it seems! :D

ok man, either

A. your taking other drugs and not saying


B. you missed you meds and haven't taken them for a while

fun stories, but camping is over, quit playing people and yourself.. far to many of you characters on this site for some reason.

funny, looking over your posts, you don't ask questions on growing, or answer them.... wonder why your on a growing website then......... this isn't friends.com
Last edited:

Space Toker

Active member
I say what I observe in hopes it helps someone and in return someone helps me. Nothing more nothing less. If you can't share that spirit of sharing fine, but don't bring it down with your negative nonsense. thanks

Space Toker

Active member
Air activity has been fairly low, almost surprisingly so. Until a little while ago when a chopper raced right overhead with a searchlight going back and forth! Earlier, there was a low chopper but it was distant, and most recently what seemed like a low chopper sneaking around behind me. Several days ago, there was one that came directly at us just a little earlier than it did tonight. I will be interested in learning why I over-reacted yet again and learning the explanation for this!

lost in a sea

well the whole world is seriously surveilled thesedays, of that there is no doubt and anyone who does has been living under a rock the last 15 years..

having said that why would they use choppers to follow you to learn your movement patterns when then can follow you with gps on your phone or put a tracker in your car or profile your internet usage..

also if a helicopter is using its searchlight why would you presume that had anything to do with you? for one thing its not very discreet and used to search for people..

unless they know you are paranoid about choppers of course and are messing with you, even then i'm sure they have more important people to follow by helicopter..

i see police helicopters around sometimes, sometimes they fly low, sometimes they go back and forth over my property, and sometimes they use search lights but it doesn't have anything to do with me..

then again with the things i've said on the internet they wouldn't need a helicopter to profile what kind of person i am..


You must be almost sitting on some type of airfield for copters or in the line of training for them...must be nerve racking...might be time for a move to a more peaceful setting ...if you can...

Space Toker

Active member
thanks both of you!
I thought everything from nothing to do with me to harassment to really knowing something but you put it all into perspective. After initially almost having a f'n coronary (and thinking their only intent was to illicit such a response from me on here), I realized what good would a search light do unless there were already cars coming up after me or they were already here. I am hoping to hear about some escaped prisoner or something on the local news. peace

lost in a sea

just don't let the panic attacks get the better of you.. i promise you you don't stand to gain anything from worrying buddy.. :ying:

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