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Anti surveillance thread


Active member
oh, thinking about our conversation i realised i left something out, bit more of personal experience.

now, i cant say i totally am free from paranoia and fear of the cops.

but now, instead of jumping to the window and looking whenever i hear people or cars, i just think "fuck that shit." and get back to what i was doing, just force it away.

and instead of jumping up and down around the clock, i just maybe every other day get that paranoia, short lived, or it might be a few days between.

and some days, the occasional bad day, it takes me 1-3 hours to quell the paranoia (im heavily bipolar, feelings sometimes run rampart.)

but mostly im fine and free from it (in comparison to the past lol.)

though ive been battling at it forawhile, it sounds like you are going to have a much easier time of it though and fuck yeah, thats cool.i hated being like that.

h^2 O

hopefully i will be legal after the elections, so the paranoia associated with growing in my home will be gone. In fact, i will be following the law.
Back when i first started out with growing i would look out the window every time a car went past the house after ten pm. When i got my first HPS i watched and listened in horror as i started it up around midnight and it sounded exactly like a streetlight going on, except inside of a house rather than on a pole outside. I thought for sure my neighbors could here it. After a while I didn't care. Fuck though, go with digital ballasts from now on because those magnetic ones, at least the one i had, was like a small generator starting up. Was fine after it lit up, but that startup always made me cringe in fear
HHHHHHUUUUUNNNNNNUUUNNNNUUUNNNUuunnuunnuunnnnnnn and then this INTENSE light like i had never before seen, making my room glow for blocks

smoke drugz


Space Toker

Active member
sso dude I wish you luck I probably have the same problems and don't even know it, although no offense but I like to think I am with your help getting a handle on this. I will never stop being watchful and cautious and that is a good thing. But I took your advice and went to the garden not saying which one but it did relax me!
H2o I honestly don't know what to make of you man but after that last post I think you are cool! Rock on man!

Space Toker

Active member

I noticed 2 said it was helpful I could very well be one of them for all I know! :D but it was funny at any rate! And thanks for that other pic btw I know you worked hard for that one! Stay thirsty my friend says the 70's semi-sucessful at best western actor who is the "most interesting man in the world"! :D

Space Toker

Active member
Well it doesn't bother me much anymore but anyone who is an aircraft enthusiast would be having fun here lately! ;) A few days ago, 4 military choppers in formation flew by one way then the other. Then a single military plane the last couple days flies over mostly out of sight but skirts my area. It has a protrusion on the left side. so like 3 or 4 choppers a day and planes galore including one of those noisy cennard jobs (or some term similar to that). I know what it is those SOB's are still pissed my bro and I decided against joining the military! :D Well of far more concern, we may have to get ready for a strong tropical storm and all the BS that brings with it!!!
:)^^ exactly! you just live in a high air traffic area, direct flight path for whatever runway that lines up with your property, and probably a straight shot from heli pad to military base or whatever.

i know that locally, depending on what runway they are using, it could be bigger jet powered planes all day, or 100's of little prop planes out...hell it may be a day of nearly NO air traffic due to that runway not being used.

also within __ amount of km/mi is usually where they keep flight plan areas for training exercises, lots of circles, paths, all kinds of random shit they do up there they REPEAT and they usually stay within 10 mins of the strip. Ive got a buddy doing his licenses and he gets horny talking about how he went up and did circles or practiced something all morning, so dont get worried about that. i cant believe no one suggested flight schools!

they take them over areas with lots of vegitation/water/roads so they can learn how to deal with the turbulence and air changes over different land. those guys love flying around doing nothing!

usually the flight school kinda stuff is NOT around the bigger traffic, so i would SERIOUSLY suggest going and checking out the airport/strip and the areas on the other sides of the airport for the same type of traffic, or different air traffic than you see at your place..could be the same situation on the other side of the air strip!

i realize you are over the paranoia stage now lol. kinda late for me.

Space Toker

Active member
yeah man thanks anyway though! What you say makes lots of sense and I think someone did suggest flight schools too. I still observe but I don't sweat the little things anymore, too busy with more important stuff! :)


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Well it doesn't bother me much anymore but anyone who is an aircraft enthusiast would be having fun here lately! ;)

you gettin' over it?!?! wow! you know what this means doncha? you'll have to turn in your Frequently Freaked Out Observer card.......


Space Toker

Active member
Well the last week or so has been a little much, with a chopper low and just behind me coming around the same time each evening, and today 3 olive green military choppers very low and right over, so low the windows were rattling! But I am not going to revert to my former self, I don't want that level of stress ever again! So it probably is just a chopper going from point A to B in what only seems to be a suspicious time and path. And as for the military choppers, going from base to base probably although I don't know why they have to fly so low.

Space Toker

Active member
A chopper just went over, seems a lot lower the 2nd time than the first. Where I am, they are extremely rare this time of night, in the country you just don't have choppers more than an hour after dark usually. It had no illumination except a green light. Yes, a green light both times! I have never seen a chopper with a green light yet until now!
WTF?! I am determined to not let these assholes get me all paranoid again but this is hard to explain. Someone please tell me how this can be normal activity somehow I beg you! My goal as always is to say what I see and in the very likely event I end up as a nut so be it but if there is the slightest chance I am right I will expose their tactics so they can't do so to anyone else again or at least not with the element of surprise.

Edit: the military choppers were just weekend warriors, possibly a classmate from long ago with something to prove or recruiters revenge or something. They passed by a 2nd time that day about 4 hours later so going from point a to b and then back to a again, most likely to a base they claim was closed. I think they are gearing up for another middle east war. But anyway, they came the next day too, same 3 choppers, almost same exact time. Didn't see the return trip this time though. No choppers today until just now that I knew of, just a few annoying planes. Well I feel better exposing their harassment anyway.

Space Toker

Active member
yes I kind of am, and it is not just my decision. Moving is not an option right now but in the longer term it is likely. That chopper with the green light (this time also with a white flashing one) raced by behind me this evening and then one seemed to be following at a distance as my brother and I drove 'off on an errand. Training new recruits more than likely but they would have to fly super low to do it? Well I thought those who said so were either not thinking or not caring and just interested in having a laugh at my expense but I finally realized you are right! well I continue to realize it is more like it. That being, there is no way of knowing what if anything is going on and no way of stopping it, so why worry about it? If my worst nightmare one day happens, it is likely to happen when I am not watching and can't do anything about it. I do what I love and love what I do and willing to accept whatever consequences lie ahead good or bad. In the meantime why ruin my health worrying over what is 95% likely to just be nothing. peace

Space Toker

Active member
well it's more of the same, periods of heavy chopper and plane activity or vehicles in the distance that move when noticed, then a lull then all over again. The frequency and timing seem to be more intense the last few days, several chopper passes daily including one at 4:30 AM which I never experienced. Must be their way of celebrating the holidays or some regular training exercises or something. I am not going to read too much into it like in the past, where I would think they are trying to fly either to annoy or to sneak FLIR peaks from a distance while keeping most of their flight paths hidden, and using the topography to mask their approach. I don't rule anything out, but far more likely the regular pattern of irregularities I alluded to earlier! Happy holidays everyone (not trying to be pc but not everyone is Christian but if you are Merry Christmas!). peace

Space Toker

Active member
ok today was a bit freaky. I choose to go out, horrible criminal act I know, please forgive me! Everywhere I go, there seem to be cops, not just one but 2 or 3. Again, mostly not where I am but where I am going to be. Ok I drive a little more than I have to, I don't get out much and like to enjoy driving around a bit. Go to another town, same thing, first nothing then they are there where I am going to be and have no choice passing them. Then I get home and all kinds of cars. OK this is a Thursday night but seriously dozens of passes of cars in this rural area, like 4 or 5 times above normal at least?!
Then a low chopper passes by, but in the distance. Later a low chopper goes racing past very low and right above me. Again was it a crime that I went out and was driving? Would they hypothetically do this over seeds or cash? If so, I don't know anything about it, some crazy random nut or someone I know trying to play a game on me is responsible!
Sorry to lapse back into panic mode but had to express myself. It will hopefully pass like every other scare. peace


Active member
dude, you are so overly paranoid, that im wondering if you are just trolling us. :)

if true, then you just told us a good thing, saw lots of cops and they didnt give a shit about you.

if you get a scare again, just breathe your way through it and force yourself to think of happier things.

if it gets really bad, just sink yourself into some hobby that requires all your focus.


There are FOUR lights!
They are coming to get you!
The good thing for you is, they are slow as molasses about it!
They are spending millions on land and air surveillance, over months, no
years of time to get you. I predict they will spend 15 million over the next
8 years, then they will swoop in and bust your 4oz cabinet grow.


Active member

yeah, actually you are the nr1 most wanted criminal in the country and all these cops were secretely viewing, collecting data for the day they will come and get you.

same about the chopper, they just think you are such a highly valuable catch, archcriminal, that they want to spend months and months staking you out before the inevitable.

some careers are gonna be made on your ass.

(btw, if ya are so paranoid, cant ya just sell the house and move to colorado or something?)


Confucius say:

Man with hands in pocket feels foolish but man with holes in pockets feels nuts.


New member
Paranoi is good, it keeps you safe.
But if you are overly paranoid like in your case when there is no reasonable basis to feel so overly paranoid then that can be a sign of mental illness.
Maybe see a shrink and talk to him/her about it.