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Anti surveillance thread

Space Toker

Active member
what 2 instead of 1? you that knit-picky? and where is this randy marsh post? either way if that is the best you have to say, save it. thanks


ICMag Donor
What type of illegal activities are you involved in?
Don't answer this on the forum...

Paranoia only exists when a person feel like they're going to "get caught" for something they perceive as illegal or are forced to perceive as illegal/wrong according to social engineers.

A Social Engineer can be anybody that influences your day to day decision making.
Cops, Politicians, Government officials, parents, siblings, teachers, pastors... All are examples of social engineers, whether they realize what they are doing or not they are still influencing your day to day decisions based on what they tell you is right or wrong.

All social engineers gain influence using one of two methods...
For actions that they do not agree with, they instill the fear of consequences in your mind.
For actions that they agree with, they praise you for and validate your actions with rewards.

You seem like the paranoid type to me. I can be as well so I understand your fears.
Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not watching you.
It also doesn't mean that they are.

You, Toker, need to make yourself realize that these people are not out to get you unless you are actually breaking the law. And if you are breaking the law then you need to focus on what you need to do in order to protect yourself from it instead of focusing on your fears.

Click here for an interesting book.

Space Toker

Active member
ok well I wouldn't tell you and you wouldn't want to know anyway.. kidding, or am I? ;) either way, I think I am good despite it seeming the walls are crummbling around me sometimes


Active member
You need an IV drip of sleepy time tea. Something with chamomile.

Maybe that was just someone jerking off in the truck all those years ago. We call it... knight rider.

Space Toker

Active member
yeah well I like your suggestion sleepy time tea with the bear on the package, my mom drank that way back when and turned me on to that, wish I still knew where to get it. Someone suggested an IV drip of booze as I tend to hack my head off before going to bed. she tried to get me to pass out with valerian root pills and such and well, those made my feet feel like they were in concrete, she couldn't stop laughing when she heard that and wanted all the more to give me more but the tea was far more pleasant! :DDespite our differences wish dearly she was still here! over 5 years still can't believe it! who has that tea now?


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

everyone's got that tea.......



either box look familiar?

Google it.

Space Toker

Active member
I need to get some of that sleepytime! Until these last 2-3 days, I have had a nice restful lull. It seemed like no choppers or planes for weeks, I'm sure there were a few but it was quite peaceful. Even the trains seemed to stop going by. Then I go out yesterday, and an unmarked cop has its lights flashing and pulled someone over apparently, in a parking lot of a store I was considering going to. I turned around in that lot and left. Later, he was in another lot that I passed. (It looked like the same car that followed me in another town for a while and then later I passed it in a completely different area and I later saw it at a state barracks). When I got home, there was a tremendous amount of planes and a few low choppers as well (usually when I am on a seed auction site). Then 2 low military bombers race by overhead so low they seem to almost take the roof off! They never fly this late at night! Today same thing, the noisiest trains I ever heard and lots of them, lots of planes and choppers that seem to lurk forever in the distance and come by when I am in the shower or on the pot or similarly distracted. A chopper seeming to do this seemed to notice me and made a sharp turn to fly over me while I was in my tomato patch. It had no noticable cameras or flir's on it though. Then not too long ago, a low chopper raced over. There also have been low choppers lately too that fly over low and near at night with a spotlight on, facing away from my place, but on and going back and forth.

Space Toker

Active member
An unstable yellow chopper with a device on the side came racing over the house It was swaying back and forth like it it was ready to crash and was just above the roof! It looked like a homemade job!

Space Toker

Active member
I will type my message and then respond to anything here. I went to get my haircut and well, lots of stuff were going on (tents set up with vendors, etc) and I was driving around checking it all out. All was fine for quite a while, needless to say I did not get my haircut! Eventually, a state plane started circling overhead. Cop vehicles then groups of them started to be going everywhere I was or briefly following or sitting in lots. I went to get a slice of pizza and noticed one driving one direction and he turned around and came back towards me and then stopped dead in the road and stared before moving on. On the way home, a cop in a small town was sitting up on a strip in front of a road with all his lights out. I passed another and finally got home. At least the night was peaceful.

Then went back the next day and they started driving around past me quicker than the other day. Vehicles seemed to be following me home and go off in the opposite direction or disappear when I pulled off and then resumed my course. Overall it was peaceful at home though, until today. While out in the garden, 2 F15's (I kid you not, some sort of fighter jets anyway) race over, make a U-turn and go back in the direction they came. Then a low but fairly distant state chopper. Either they are trying to harass me/ use a show of force, or some nut hacked my computer and they think I was him or something! Also, although 95% of ordinary people treat me fine/normally, there are a few asses and I don't know what their problem is but I would love to punch them out sometimes! At a pizza joint where I got a slice of pizza, a worker who was not waiting on me stared me down and would not stop staring at me and made weird noises at me as I walked out. In a booze store, a worker walked past me then partially turned around while caressing his chin and smurking and then went to another worker and then they were staring and talking. At a grocery store, a bagboy getting carriages was staring at me in the parking lot and later in the store. Now I do not look like a space alien or look in any other way abnormal and do not look like the typical smoker stereotype either. Bizarre lately, that's for sure!

Space Toker

Active member
more choppers including a low and close one today, a couple passes at least by a black one the other day, along with the state one at least once. Altogether too much activity keeps continuing. I will fight these evil scum by posting, for as long as I can do so. peace


highly active brain power going on there mate, make it into a book should be a power read.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
I will type my message and then respond to anything here. I went to get my haircut and well, lots of stuff were going on (tents set up with vendors, etc) and I was driving around checking it all out. All was fine for quite a while, needless to say I did not get my haircut! Eventually, a state plane started circling overhead. Cop vehicles then groups of them started to be going everywhere I was or briefly following or sitting in lots. I went to get a slice of pizza and noticed one driving one direction and he turned around and came back towards me and then stopped dead in the road and stared before moving on. On the way home, a cop in a small town was sitting up on a strip in front of a road with all his lights out. I passed another and finally got home. At least the night was peaceful.

Then went back the next day and they started driving around past me quicker than the other day. Vehicles seemed to be following me home and go off in the opposite direction or disappear when I pulled off and then resumed my course. Overall it was peaceful at home though, until today. While out in the garden, 2 F15's (I kid you not, some sort of fighter jets anyway) race over, make a U-turn and go back in the direction they came. Then a low but fairly distant state chopper. Either they are trying to harass me/ use a show of force, or some nut hacked my computer and they think I was him or something! Also, although 95% of ordinary people treat me fine/normally, there are a few asses and I don't know what their problem is but I would love to punch them out sometimes! At a pizza joint where I got a slice of pizza, a worker who was not waiting on me stared me down and would not stop staring at me and made weird noises at me as I walked out. In a booze store, a worker walked past me then partially turned around while caressing his chin and smurking and then went to another worker and then they were staring and talking. At a grocery store, a bagboy getting carriages was staring at me in the parking lot and later in the store. Now I do not look like a space alien or look in any other way abnormal and do not look like the typical smoker stereotype either. Bizarre lately, that's for sure!

try wearing some shades Space Toker, mirrored aviators are best, like a tin foil hat for the eyes.......

Space Toker

Active member
a really low chopper last night and then the black one this morning. What is with these evil pieces of shit lately? Unreal!
I am sure you are joking S4L but I don't get it!

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