are you shure you aint smokin crack. your way too sketched out man
Get armed, and camoed out, go to the spot, and wait, you should get an answer, and lots of info if there is radio convo.I live on a hill, and in a hilly region where other hills face mine. Sometimes I notice spotlights or headlights sitting there at night for prolonged periods and I don't know why. I can see at least a half mile down the road. There is my long drive going down a hill, then a road, then a left turn leading to another road and I can see a little beyond that intersection here in the boonies. There is this car, always at like 5:15 AM local time, it comes down the road I live on, past my drive, past that road that is the left turn for like at least 50-100 feet beyond, always turns around and goes down that other road that it could have gone down easily without turning around. Instead it turns around, drives back a little ways, stops, creeps forward a little, stops again, several more seconds before it finally goes down that road. On that other road, it stops for a few seconds whereever there is a clearing that provides a clear view between that road and my hill above. Now maybe they are just nosy commuters to some job, maybe they are just fascinated at the house on the hill with the lights on including christmas lights still, but of course I fear LEO spying. so before dismissing me as a paranoid freak, explain what logical or sensible reason someone would have to do this? This has been going on almost every day for months. Thanks
We use to get dry ice from the mexican ice crean carts with bells, we would give hime 5 bucks he would give us a big chunk, and we would hold it in our shirts, and try stickin it on each others neck when not lookin, we would go to the alleys, and find 40 bottles, and make homemade m80s, or louder. Dope the little piece of the ice in the bottle with quater way of water, put the cap on tight, and run, few mins later sounds like a bomb, nothing left but glitter on the ground, awesome.thanks dude!
After a period of relative calm, the plane and chopper activity lately has been intense. To be expected this time of year I guess. Not that long ago, a dark chopper with light stripes horizontally across the middle flew by at about 350 mph based on my rough calculations. It was moving but went right over me and had what looked like a spare tire for a wheelbarrow in front of it. It looked in a hurry to get somewhere though so not too worried. An aircraft enthusiast would be thrilled with all the things flying by, from fighter jets in formation to choppers flying quickly in a straight line to those circling low just out of sight! One plane was so low it woke me up thinking someone was trying to forceably give me a buzz cut!
But no cars to try the dry ice bomb on? Where do you get dry ice and not look totally weird doing it? So no big deal I think but feel better discussing it anyway. peace!