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Anti surveillance thread

-~Wind Walker~-

Active member
Stand outside and wave a white flag when they buzz you again.


stand on the roof with a white flag . wave it about and surrender

God Damn it! You asshole. Superman gets the chick, saves the world, beats me to the punch. FUCK.

Pal, I hope Lex Luthor wins in your next movie!


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Space Toker

Active member
that was a joke
anyway, a chopper passed over the other day, a lower but slightly further chopper a week before that, and today a plane comes not long after dark and flies several passes north to south then east to west directly over. Ok so there is a logical explanation for a plane doing this at night, I'd like to hear it!


Active member
air traffic controller might be a future job. i cant count how many planes and choppers go by my pad. it used to bother me now its only bad when they hover and shine that bigass light on my pad.

memphis man

air traffic controller might be a future job. i cant count how many planes and choppers go by my pad. it used to bother me now its only bad when they hover and shine that bigass light on my pad.
yeah i could see how that might cause some problems in the flowering department lol


Active member
last time they shined right on several big flowering plants. didnt hurt the plants any but made me look to make sure nobody had jumped the fence. now my dog is trained to jump right out the window and take care of any tresspassers.i cant wait for her first sucker

Space Toker

Active member
air traffic controller might be a future job. i cant count how many planes and choppers go by my pad. it used to bother me now its only bad when they hover and shine that bigass light on my pad.

that was a joke too I guess, but I did see a presumed chopper (sounded like one) in the distance, maybe a mile or 2 off but just hovering with a bright spotlight on. Of course they do train scum to do that in my parts so it could just be that! ;)

Space Toker

Active member
these last few days have really been freaking me out a bit, not the worst my paranoia has ever been but close! A black chopper made a fairly close and really low pass and then flew by slightly further away (but in the same direction) than before. These choppers fly in an elliptical or oval orbit seemingly to sneak in closer when they catch you off guard and coincidentally at the most opportune times too. I get Ka5 and P on my radar detector much more than I used to. with the P, it happens at 2 very specific locations 80% of the time, at the end of a road and the bottom of my driveway. I used to get something setting off the radar detector around here maybe twice a month, now it is most every day. One morning just after getting light, an unseen chopper circled for over an hour! I think I heard one today too in the distance. Either some kind of training exercises going on or who knows what, I sure would like to know! Or maybe not! :D Forgive me in advance, in a few hours I will think this is silly too more than likely but right now it feels good to get it off my chest.

Midnite Toker

Active member
Dear Space,
Brother I feel your pain. Remember when grandma lost her marbles? She use to say those helicopters were buzzing her because she was "the richest widow in North Dakota". Remember when she refused to use the bathroom for over a week because of the camera's in there? What a mess. Brother Space, this is no way to live. I want you to know there is help. Seek medical attention ASAP and be completely honest with your doctor. Stay with your treatment and it will be OK.
Ma sends her love. You know she worries and I guess that won't change. Write her sometime, she'd love to hear from you.
Take care,
Your Brother Midnite:comfort:

Space Toker

Active member
yes if I could I would BrnCow, but I can't now. A white chopper, never seen a pure white one, and a state one, and twice heard one somewhere in the distance and saw one far but low. Otherwise a beautiful peaceful spring day believe it or not! But then at night, another low circling chopper, distant but close enough to come in at any moment. And then like a car down a road at night like every 10 seconds, like 10x normal or more including 5 cars in a row? well maybe it is some kind of misalignment of the stars or something I will let you know on that!


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

you should rent some air time in a small aircraft and buzz past your neighbors house, I'd love to see what he has to say about this.......


space gardener
I live in an area that helicopters are constantly overhead, it took a minute to get used to but I soon realized that is was a good thing, the airspace is so clogged here, they can't really afford to look for harmless growers!! Either that, or, my tinfoil hat saved me!!!

Space Toker

Active member
I feel you man everyone needs something to do keep us updated got a few grows around there.

huh? well I just report things as I notice them, no more no less.
if nothing is going on I go on looking like a tinfoil jackass and I am perfectly happy with that. But if something is going on I may expose their tactics for everyone's benefit so others can save themselves even if I can't. If they come, they reveal that everything I say is true and you all better be a whole lot more paranoid like me. IF they don't, everyone here can continue laughing at me and I couldn't be happier! :D Either they lose or I win you know what I am saying? ;)

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