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Anti surveillance thread

Space Toker

Active member
I live in an area that helicopters are constantly overhead, it took a minute to get used to but I soon realized that is was a good thing, the airspace is so clogged here, they can't really afford to look for harmless growers!! Either that, or, my tinfoil hat saved me!!!

well I would rather be way too paranoid and have my tinfoil hat save me than be some over confident jackass and get nabbed for say discussing things in a bar! Thing is, here choppers were never very numerous and all of a sudden they are everywhere! Sure there have been off and on periods of activity and inactivity, some periods of activity worse than this, but they seem to go out of their way to avoid this area and then all of a sudden they are constantly in the distance and occasionally closer. Anyway, you could be right, I do seem to live near this or that or the other, airports and training grounds and other damn things that don't do well for paranoia. But I have lived here for some time and this recent activity does seem over the top. Hope I am wrong.

Space Toker

Active member
only 2 choppers today, am I lucky or what? :D That is still like the norm for a month but an improvement at least! a morning chopper was obstructed by clouds, and a later chopper more distant. Planes were about normal, vehicle activity still above normal but overall a better day. Let's hope it stays calm so we all can see less of these posts! ;)


Why dont you call up the local airports and see if your in a flight path and inquire about the night ones also. Im not sure how much that will help but it might give you some peace of mind.

Space Toker

Active member
good idea, if that doesn't look suspicious.
Since I was last here, much less air traffic until today. A distant chopper one day, none for 2 days, and now 3 in less than 3 hours today. two were kind of close but not super close like right over my place but a 1/4 mile away or so. And the third was distant. Vehicle noises were more unerving than the air traffic. It was a great day weather wise and everyone was scrubbing out, racing motorcycles, and doing other things that are fun if you are involved but annoying if you are not. On a more positive note, the bird activity was great, from pileated woodpeckers drumming and calling to bluebirds starting to nest in a box I built. A great spring day overall!

Space Toker

Active member
A plane just flew over my house so low I could see it as if it was in inch wide from like 20 miles away, and looked 3 feet wide as it flew directly over my house, this is highly unusual for a plane to fly this low, let alone this time of night! I estimate 100 foot up or less, not much above the trees. Can you please tell me a rational, non-paranoia explanation for this? I sure would like to here it! That asshole deserves the worst pain and to roast in eternal hell if it was a pig or to antagonize! There is no need to do that at all. Anyone flying that low, it's a once in a few years event here. there are no airports near enough to necessitate that!


Active member
Now you have a reason to call and ask about flight paths. Tell them somebody buzzed your neighborhood and as if your in a flight path. I get twice the air traffic in low flying choppers around my house all the time, but I live in the concrete jungle. I still get my outdoor on.

Space Toker

Active member
Now you have a reason to call and ask about flight paths. Tell them somebody buzzed your neighborhood and as if your in a flight path. I get twice the air traffic in low flying choppers around my house all the time, but I live in the concrete jungle. I still get my outdoor on.

excellent man thanks! That give me hope and reassurance, a rarity for posts in this thread! I mean there have been other low aircraft, but it is very rare and especially this time of night. But nothing happened then and prob won't know. I feel better by mentioning though. I can actually do that without looking suspicious, asking about flight paths? that would be great! I mean come on, some nervous old lady could have a coronary over this and then they would have a death on their hands over what? Arrogant sadistic thrills at worst or is it best? Either way fuck them! Older people are trying to sleep, younger people don't need the buzzkill and the farm and wild animals do not need this kind of disturbance either!
Aircraft should not be allowed to fly under a certain distance unless a certain distance from their landing destination, then you would know if something is up or not!


Sorcerer's Apprentice
Aircraft should not be allowed to fly under a certain distance unless a certain distance from their landing destination

They aren't.

Minimum if they are not on immediate approach to a runway or in the midst of a crash-landing is 500 feet from any structure.

The stuff in bold should apply in your situation if you live "in the hills" without lots of neighbors.

(If you have a bunch of neighbors, then they actually have to fly even higher.)
Low Flying Aircraft Complaints
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is the government agency responsible for aviation safety. We welcome information from citizens that will enable us to take corrective measures
including legal enforcement action against individuals violating Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR). It is FAA policy to investigate citizen complaints of low-flying aircraft operated in violation
of the FAR, and that might endanger persons or property.

To Whom Should You Complain?
Within FAA, the Office of Flight Standards monitors aircraft operations. Locally, Flight Standards inspectors work in a Flight Standards District Office (FSDO). See below for the office nearest you. If no FSDO is listed, call any FAA facility: they can give you this information.

"The facts, Ma 'am, the facts!"
Before contacting the FSDO, remember that the FAA is a safety organization with legal enforcement responsibilities. So we will need facts before we conduct an investigation. To save time, please have this information ready when you call. And do keep your notes: we may request a written statement. Here is the type of information we need:

  • Identification - Can you identify the aircraft? Was it military or civil? Was it a high-or low-wing aircraft? Did you record the registration number which appears on the fuselage? (On U.S.
  • registered aircraft, that number will be preceded with a capital ''N.")
  • Time and place - Exactly when did the incident(s) occur? Where did this happen? What direction was the aircraft flying? What was the color?
  • Altitude - How high (low) was the aircraft flying? On what do you base your estimate? Was the aircraft level with or below the elevation of a prominent object such as a tower or building? Did
  • you obtain photographs? Are there any witnesses who could confirm your estimate - do you have their names, addresses, telephone numbers?
  • Supporting Evidence: Witnesses, Police, Photographs
  • ·Do you know of any other witnesses? The more the better. Do you have their names, addresses? They may be contacted.
  • Are local police aware of the problem? While they have limited authority in aviation matters, police officers are considered ''trained observers" by the courts and their written statements or
  • reports make excellent evidence should our enforcement action go to trial.

If you took photographs, we need to know the lens used, and the height of any identifiable landmarks that appear.

What FAA Will DoOnce we have the appropriate facts, an FAA aviation safety inspector from the local FSDO will attempt to identify the offending aircraft operator. We can do this in several ways. For example,
we can check aircraft flight records with our air traffic control information and/or sightings from other observers, such as local law enforcement officers. We may need to trace and contact the registered aircraft owner, since the owner and operator
may be two different people.

Do you want feedback?FAA welcomes assistance in identifying and prosecuting all violations of the Federal Aviation Regulations. Citizens complaining about low-flying aircraft will, upon request, be advised of the
final results of the FAA investigation: be sure to give the FSDO your name, address and telephone numbers where you can be reached at home and at work.

If further information is required, please write: Community and Consumer Liaison Division, APA-200, Federal Aviation Administration, Washington, D.C. 20591. During regular duty hours (7:30 a.m. - 4:0O p.m., Eastern Time, Monday through Friday), telephone (202) 267-3481.

This is the FAR
If you're interested, shown below is Title ·14, ·Code of Federal Regulations, Section 91.119 of the General Operating and Flight Rules which specifically prohibits low-flying aircraft.
·91.119 Minimum safe altitudes; general Except when necessary for takeoff or landing, no person may operate an aircraft below the
following altitudes;
(a) ·Anywhere. ·An altitude allowing, if a power unit fails, an emergency landing without undue hazard to persons or property on the surface.
(b) ·Over congested areas. ·Over any congested area of a city, town, or settlement, or over any open air assembly of persons, an altitude of 1,000 feet above the highest obstacle within a
horizontal radius of 2.000 feet of the aircraft.
(c) ·Over other than congested areas. An altitude of 500 feet above the surface except over open water or sparsely populated areas. In that case, the aircraft may not be operated closer than 500 feet to any person, vessel, vehicle, or structure.
(d) ·Helicopters. ·Helicopters may be operated at less than the minimums prescribed In paragraph (b) or (c) of this section if the operation is conducted without hazard to persons or property on the surface. In addition, each person operating a helicopter shall comply with routes or altitudes specifically prescribed for helicopters by the Administrator.
·Helicopter operations may be conducted below the minimum altitudes set for fixed-wing aircraft.

The reason? The helicopter's unique operating characteristics, the most important of which is its ability to execute pinpoint emergency landings during power failure. Further, the helicopter's increased use by law enforcement and emergency medical service agencies requires added flexibility in the application of many FAA provisions.
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Well they have't raided you yet so they are not going to.
It costs something like $30 000 an hour to keep a chopper in the air; are they going to spend all this much money on you? What are you doing in those hills anyway? Have you set up a terrorist training camp there or something?
It's not the ones in the air you have to worry about; you can see them coming.
It's the ones on the ground.
For example I recently read a book about an undercover cop who infiltrated the mafia here.
One of the things the mafia did was they paid a farmer to grow on his land; however they weren't growing in the ground; they started to build and outfit a great big barn for growing inside.
The undercover cops dug a hole 10 metres from the barn and covered it with a sheet of wood which was covered in leaves and soil.
In the early hours of the morning a cop would get into the hole and they would put the board across the top and cover it with soil and leaves and the cop would sit there all day taking photo's through a little hole.
There was another cop in the next door property with a chainsaw cutting wood; that was his cover.
They can actually go to great lengths if they want to; but most of the time they don't want to.

Guest 88950

low flying plane at night...........maybe its a smuggler, listen for loud thuds......bails of ??? being dropped.

Space Toker

Active member
Today, the air traffic was unreal! I know, nothing has happened prob won't now but still I have to contemplate the possibilities, that seedbay was taken over by the dea or aliens or something, AND that someone is out to get me despite them not having any possible reason for that other than though illegal means. Well, 4 drab green military choppers flew over at like 8:45 am. then, a statie chopper flew by once and then again. No sweat, a little distance away and within a half hour or so apart. Then a plane circles, then while that is occuring an unknown chopper with a stripe flies past low. And then tons of racing vehicles going past my drive. OK prob some huge coincidence? Maybe but why all this over the top activity now?

Edit: another low noisy chopper, that makes like 7 or 8 passes, normal for like 5 or 6 weeks not one day!

Edit2: yes lionpaw I think I am in some flight route AND being flown over on top of that. I do want to move but that is not possible right now, maybe a year or 2 out. I know no one in this local town or the general area. There is no cause for this and it is a bit troubling to say the least. As far as deer go, they leave paw prints through my garden on a regular basis, so I almost welcome redneck poachers, certainly more than other kinds of 2 legged intruders!


New member
as far as your OP goes. I don't know if its still an issue because it was so long ago. If you see cars or trucks in the middle of the night with spotlights coming out of them they are almost always (at least in my area) rednecks tweekers spotlighting deer, and the occasional game warden chasing after them. you wont always hear a shot because spot lighters often use bows or guns with silencers. I found an arrow on my property last year that looked like it was shot from the road. it really pissed me off.

Also if all of the air traffic is causing you to much grief or if you think that theres something shady going on in your area, then maybe it would be best for you to relocate. I know if my house was in an area that got flown over everyday i would probably move.

No Me Ves

New member
I think if leo is surveilling you they would be a lot more covert than buzzing you constantly with helicopters and alerting you that something is going on.
Try some countersurveillance measures, when you close your gate stick a small stick in the ground behind the gate so that if you find the stick has been knocked over you will know someone has been in your gate during the night.
Get some night vision goggles and camo and do night patrols of your property.
Out surveil the surveillers.