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Well-known member
Good to hear such positivity. What is the sort of America that you and just about the majority of Americans want Cannavore?

Pray tell, because I am VERY curious to know what the future of that great nation might be.







Started with the first sentence, Sultan Knish. Leads to his blogs which seems a majority of conspiracy theories and extremist views.
Might just be a unfamiliar perspective, but there are too many glaringly large differences in fundamental belief for me to care to listen to him

The only thing I somewhat agree with is....
"Now we’re seeing what the pros do when amateurs try to walk in on them. They spy on them, they investigate them and they send them to jail. They use the tools of power to bring them down."

but thats just common sense nowadays
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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Thankyou Cannavore, that was quite a thorough explanation, and does make a lot of sense to me.

....and I agree that whoever you might have installed in the White House out of the two recent candidates in the Presidential election, the people of the USA would have been no better off really.

So called democracy seems to have become a joke and far from what the founding Fathers envisaged what it should be.

There definitely needs to be a much more fair distribution of wealth and much less spent on the weapons of war used in fomenting wars all over the place, causing untold grief to so many people.

Let the Middle East, and anywhere else for that matter sort their own problems out, and stop creating more problems with armed intervention and backing proxy armies in far off lands. Best to concentrate on your own land and people, spending all those billions on giving them free healthcare and proper education....at least.
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Morale went up a bit with bama'. "yes we can" was the message that people felt. Whether he lived up to that, you can debate that till' the cows come home
I think most would agree Trump has been very controversial. He's split the country in half

Democracy I think is working in the case that he can't do anything he wishes, but he also can't be removed for dislike. If anything will test democracy it will be this presidency

Like the bitterness of a bad day makes the sweetness of a good one all the more enjoyable, it may just be a necessary moment in time to confront issues that have been there all along. Only to come out stronger in the end, is what I am guessing and hoping


Active member
Morale went up a bit with bama'. "yes we can" was the message that people felt. Whether he lived up to that, you can debate that till' the cows come home
I think most would agree Trump has been very controversial. He's split the country in half

Democracy I think is working in the case that he can't do anything he wishes, but he also can't be removed for dislike. If anything will test democracy it will be this presidency

Like the bitterness of a bad day makes the sweetness of a good one all the more enjoyable, it may just be a necessary moment in time to confront issues that have been there all along. Only to come out stronger in the end, is what I am guessing and hoping

You see that's the whole problem here. For the 8 years of Obama his actions continuously insulted half the country, and nobody in the media or the coastal cities listened to what happened in middle America. With his soft foreign policy, slow economic growth, pushing Obamacare and taxes down our throat, and race politics....... The country was split in half when Obama was in office, if people were happy with the hands they had been dealt Trump would have never succeeded. People are lulled into a sense of false reality by how the media covers things. Media coverage was glossed over and rosy under Obama so people in cities and coastal states just assumed that "hey everything is pretty good", meanwhile people everywhere else are seeing their way of life diminished. The media refused to give any kind of accurate coverage to how average blue collar people are living. Not saying Trump is gonna fix it or not, but someone speaking in plain speech and talking about problems everyday people haven't seen talked about in the news media ever was refreshing, no wonder Trump got elected.

I'm not saying you liberal folks have to like or approve of him, but if you intend to have some sense of healing in our country maybe you could start by LISTENING TO YOUR NEIGHBORS. You go on talking about gun control without considering that rural folks actually do need weapons for self defense. There's no cops in my town! Half the country doesn't want socialized medicine! How about you respect their opinion and make a solution that accommodates both sides. Obamacare just said "this is the right way, and you can suck my dick..... take it or pay a fine"..... Now is this the way you "heal" a country. A lot of lower income rural people see their manufacturing jobs going oversees, maybe you can understand why they resent immigration a little bit. So from my side: liberals, try to accept that millions of people just want to be left alone and not told what we can and cant do because academia says its right.


Active member
You see that's the whole problem here. For the 8 years of Obama his actions continuously insulted half the country, and nobody in the media or the coastal cities listened to what happened in middle America. With his soft foreign policy, slow economic growth, pushing Obamacare and taxes down our throat, and race politics....... The country was split in half when Obama was in office, if people were happy with the hands they had been dealt Trump would have never succeeded. People are lulled into a sense of false reality by how the media covers things. Media coverage was glossed over and rosy under Obama so people in cities and coastal states just assumed that "hey everything is pretty good", meanwhile people everywhere else are seeing their way of life diminished. The media refused to give any kind of accurate coverage to how average blue collar people are living. Not saying Trump is gonna fix it or not, but someone speaking in plain speech and talking about problems everyday people haven't seen talked about in the news media ever was refreshing, no wonder Trump got elected.

I'm not saying you liberal folks have to like or approve of him, but if you intend to have some sense of healing in our country maybe you could start by LISTENING TO YOUR NEIGHBORS. You go on talking about gun control without considering that rural folks actually do need weapons for self defense. There's no cops in my town! Half the country doesn't want socialized medicine! How about you respect their opinion and make a solution that accommodates both sides. Obamacare just said "this is the right way, and you can suck my dick..... take it or pay a fine"..... Now is this the way you "heal" a country. A lot of lower income rural people see their manufacturing jobs going oversees, maybe you can understand why they resent immigration a little bit. So from my side: liberals, try to accept that millions of people just want to be left alone and not told what we can and cant do because academia says its right.

Very well put. Why can't people just be FREE. Why do the coastal elites insist on screwing the ordinary Americans.


The difference with me vs a lot of others I know is I judge people on what they say and do, not what the group they are a part of is known for.

Because I like Obama doesn't mean I think we need to pull automatic weapons off the shelves...thats stereotyping. If you want to go there, what I think is we need a better system of background checks that doesn't miss obvious alarms. I think the teachers should have a right to carry and be trained accordingly. Paid an extra salary from the Federal gov't for the extra responsibility. Why do they have to use there body as a shield? And a dozen other things to discourage whats happening

Would you not agree the division is louder now than in Obamas time? It would be hard to loudly demonstrate against someone seemingly trying to help the majority in a well spoken mannerism
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Well-known member
For the 8 years of Obama his actions continuously insulted half the country,
example of how he insulted half the country?

With his soft foreign policy,
he expanded 2 wars into 8. how is that soft?

slow economic growth
he inherited the biggest recession since the great depression and ended up doubling the stock market. bush 2 took a surplus and turned it into a tremendous deficit.

pushing Obamacare
which is a right wing plan. the liberal position is Medicare for all. something which many republicans support. you're all fighting a losing battle here. medicare for all is the future of american health care.

taxes down our throat
what specific taxes?

race politics
again some specifics would be nice

You go on talking about gun control without considering that rural folks actually do need weapons for self defense.
and you can still get a gun with a universal background check. literally no one is talking about getting rid of all guns. this is a total strawman.

There's no cops in my town!
so lets arm every one instead of hiring some police. sounds sensible.

Half the country doesn't want socialized medicine! How about you respect their opinion and make a solution that accommodates both sides.
obamacare isn't socialized medicine retard. how can i respect someone who doesnt even know what the fuck they are talking about?

Obamacare just said "this is the right way, and you can suck my dick..... take it or pay a fine".....
obamacare is a mandate to buy private insurance. 90% of people were exempt from being fined for not having obamacare. and again, this is the plan mitt romney pushed. this is what the heritage foundation pushed in the 80s. newt gingrich, chuck grassley and tons of other cuckservatives used to hold this position until the 'negro' took office. (must be another coincidence. no racism here folks)

A lot of lower income rural people see their manufacturing jobs going oversees, maybe you can understand why they resent immigration a little bit.
in what reality does this make the slightest of sense? jobs go overseas so you blame the people immigrating to the US?!?!?! LOL

immigration has been down since 2008 when it peaked under the republican bush 2. jobs going overseas has literally nothing to do with immigration and has everything to do with paying workers pennies an hour, having disgusting working conditions where the workers basically have no rights, sleep at the factories, have children working, ect.

a dude coming from Mexico to haul watermelons out of a field for below min wage is not the problem.

So from my side: liberals, try to accept that millions of people just want to be left alone and not told what we can and cant do because academia says its right.
specifics is cool. rhetoric is not.


Well-known member
he inherited the biggest recession since the great depression and ended up doubling the stock market. bush 2 took a surplus and turned it into a tremendous deficit.

Bush had to deal with 911 and our security after so he gets a pass in my book


Active member
It's Obama's fault. It's Bush's fault. It's Clinton's fault. It's Bush's fault. It's Regans's fault. It's Carter's fault......Some things never change.


Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
It's Obama's fault. It's Bush's fault. It's Clinton's fault. It's Bush's fault. It's Regans's fault. It's Carter's fault......Some things never change.


Excellent post vta, it explains how so easily misguided people can become when they exaggerate about the political spectrum as if to create a 'good' and 'evil' ideology in their own minds of how it is portrayed....

Democrats are accused of being communists and republicans are accused of being fascists......its really so silly when dems or republicans accuse each other of being so extreme.


Active member
Thankyou Cannavore, that was quite a thorough explanation, and does make a lot of sense to me.

....and I agree that whoever you might have installed in the White House out of the two recent candidates in the Presidential election, the people of the USA would have been no better off really.

Clinton was not perfect at all, and if uranium sales occurred that she was responsible for she does come close to Trump in comparison.

However Trump throws around nuclear bombing threats like nothing, and is whoring out the position for maximum financial gain in full view of everyone from day one.
Plus all the inexperienced friends and relatives in high places who can’t pass security clearances after a year.
And you you would be hard pressed to find a worse role model for kids or anyone else, the twenty sex assault allegations, taped admissions of sex assault, lies excessively and on a regular basis.
Then the Russian deal, can’t say a bad thing about a guy that fucked our country in the ass and continues to do so. There are already passed sanctions on Russia that aren’t implemented because he won’t sign off on it.

But I get what you mean, all politicians have baggage and behavior issues, you try and get the one you can deal with hopefully.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Yeah redlaser......someone who says stuff like 'I am so smart' (Trump)....and repeats it often, doesn't impress me with being very intelligent at all.

Its like people who say 'You can trust me' constantly generally can't be trusted...


Active member
Clinton was not perfect at all, and if uranium sales occurred that she was responsible for she does come close to Trump in comparison.

Ok...so you are saying that if the whole Uranium One scandal is true...then she would then become 'close' to Trump in comparison.

Close as in a pos traitor?

Then the Russian deal, can’t say a bad thing about a guy that fucked our country in the ass and continues to do so.

Russia ? Really ???



he inherited the biggest recession since the great depression and ended up doubling the stock market. bush 2 took a surplus and turned it into a tremendous deficit.

Bush had to deal with 911 and our security after so he gets a pass in my book

9/11 was the straw that broke the camels back for me and many people regarding America. Most Americans don't believe the official explanation and a straw poll in Australia had around 70% of Australians believing it was an inside job. How did Building 7, a building that didn't get hit, collapse in a controlled explosion like manner? Many people heard explosions. It's my guess that United Airlines Flight 93, the plane that crashed into a field in Pennsylvania, was supposed to hit Building 7. America then used 9/11 as an excuse to invade Iraq, a country that had nothing whatsoever to do with it, and we've been dealing with the consequences ever since. When asked by a reporter, Bush didn't know the difference between a Shiite and Sunni Muslim, didn't know that there were Shiites and Sunnis. WTF. What's so telling is that so many people believe the government is lying to them. Imo, if it was an inside job, we're well and truly stuffed because any super-power willing to sink to such depths is capable of anything. Is kind of curious that the BBC reported the collapse of Building 7 twenty minutes before it fell. From memory, a reporter was reporting the collapse of Building 7 while it still stood right behind her and in frame. Check out what seems to be the controlled demolition of Building 7.

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Active member
Where did you see that France has more mass shootings than America?

OK, i think i found that chart, but i think it is fairly skewed as France had the 2 big incidents.

It's a stat. No agenda. Just a stat. Just like now the US has Las Vegas and Florida to add to ours. This isn't a competition. Any shooting, mass or not, is horrible. Unfortunately mental illness seems to play a major factor in these incidents.

Everything else i have seen has direct correlation with ease of getting the guns compared to deaths.

Homicide Rates to Gun Ownership



Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I remember just over a year ago when these accusations of Trump being involved in this Moscow 'Wee-Wee Party' came out via this Steele dosier...I watched the report on the BBC.

My older brother is a firm liberal/socialist and he was raving about how disgusting Trump was because of this, but I was not convinced because there was no real evidence, no video, no pictures of this actually occurring. To me it looked like a fake scandal to make Trump look bad.

I expressed my doubts about it to my brother and he went ballistic on me shouting and screaming, accusing me of being a Trump supporter etc (btw we are both British, in the UK)....lol

I have never been remotely interested in defending Trump, he does a pretty good job at making himself look silly without any other 'scandals' true or false.

Because of that episode my relationship with my brother has suffered, but I did see him this past Christmas. He seems so brain-washed by the BBC and any anti-Trump propaganda it makes him unreasonable because he is so keen to damn the man. He truly hates Trump to such an extent that anyone who questions his beliefs must be some sort of Trump loving fascist......even his own brother.

To me it just goes to show how powerful the main-stream-media can be in forming public opinion with fake news, to the point of turning one brother against another......tragically sad in my mind.
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mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
It doesn't take fake news to dislike the man.

I find him disgusting because of the brashly bigoted, grabbingly greedy, prickishly proud, and slimy smug shit that spews from his childish mouth.
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