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AK Auto (RQS) x (Medical Mass x White Rhino)


Well-known member
Had to trash that tester batch of F2s, sadly. Still, got some useful information from it - with those seeds, germination rates after 8 days at 18-24C is just under 50%.


Well-known member
Smoke report for C1
This one's a banger. Happy functional high. Strong rush initially, then a prolonged sustain. cheerful buzz. Chatty. Great physical relaxation, but active. In terms of pure bodily and emotional wellbeing, this is my favourite so far.

Interested to compare the smoke with C6 - which I will have lots of. Theorising about whether effects tend to carry on maternal lines.


Well-known member
Smoke report for C6
Not properly cured yet, but dry enough for a rough smoke. Smoked a chunk of bud in a bong. Little harsh, but not unexpected. Strong high with fast onset. Energetic, active focus. Went on a tidying and cleaning spree. heh. No paranoia. Chatty. Long sustain (4 hours) tailing off gently with munchies & some body relaxation. Again v similar to C1. Definitely taking the C line forward.


Well-known member
F2 generation on its way.

3 x A4 seedline
4 x B2 seedline
4 x C1 seedline

4 seeds per pot (44 seeds planted total). 1 litre pots w coco, planning to do these under a pair of LED floodlights in my overflow space whilst I refurb my main growcupboard. I'll select down to the best 1 per pot, discarding any photos once the autos have shown their colors.

Assuming c 50% germination, I expect to recover 5-6 true autos, and hopefully a mix of males and females. Lots more seed from this project so lets see how this goes. I'm trying my best not to pamper these.
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Well-known member
Excited to see what shakes out with this generation. 50% AK47 Auto; 25% Medical Mass; 25% White Rhino. The C6 was not an impressive plant when I rescued it but cloned well and turned out loads of big sweet smelling buds. Needed good ventilation to prevent mould. Plenty of variety in its ancestry - 3 lines with no crossovers.


Well-known member
6 of the C batch emerged (6/16)
1 x B (1/16)
1 x A (1/12)

All at room temp, seeded direct into pots of coco, as I'm trying to select for ability to germinate at cooler temps. It looks like the C line might be best for this - which is a bonus as that line was the best smoke last round.


Well-known member
30/44 germinated now (of the AK autos), lots of vigor, and suspect there will be more. Should be plenty to recover a few male & female true autos. Feeling sad about having to cull the rest of them :cry: Was having a little chat to them last night, letting them know my hopes for them - I think it helps to talk to your weed (and listen to them!). ;)


Well-known member
40/44 germination from the AKs as of this morning, one week exactly from planting. Pleased at the high germination rate, straight into coco at 21c. Babies looking fine and fiesty. No significant difference in the end between the germination % of the 3 lines, although C was definitely fastest.

Facing tough choices now as I need to cull most of them... I'll give them another few days to show a bit of character, then I'm minded to cull to the strongest (not necessarily tallest) 2 plants per pot.


The ACE Auto Zamaldelica I'm growing alongside as an outcross has not germinated (yet??). I'll give her a few more days. I have a couple more seeds, and will try again with a heating mat/sterilised medium if this one doesnt pop.
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Well-known member
No more germination overnight - looks like 40/44 is the final germ count. All looking good. Seems a bit of diversity in initial leaf and cotyledon shape - some cotyledons very asymetrical with one very elongated leaf, others rounder, or with a sightly pointed end. First leaves are mostly quite narrow, but there are a few blunter fatter shaped.


Well-known member
Started culling where plants are touching or shading each other. Also brought the lights a bit closer to discourage legginess -2 x 20w LEDs - were at 12", now at 8"


Well-known member
Gave first watering, as pots were starting to dry & roots just visible at base holes (still some weight to the pots, but noticeably lighter than their initial soak when I planted the seeds). Watered slowly to 10% runoff, mix of rainwater and tap (nitric acid to bring pH down & make Ca available, + epsom salts for Mg) with .75ml/litre of Canna A+B. 230ppm.


Well-known member
Culled down yesterday to two plants per pot. 22 plants remaining, including a mix of taller and shorter, early and late germination, but each one has something that said "keep me...". Kept the B1 with the cleft seed leaf - it looks fiesty. Always a wild guess when culling at this stage, but its got to be done. Finished the easy bit. Now to try to keep them alive long enough and healthy enough for the autos to show and produce viable pollen and seed. Will let them dry off a bit more before watering again. Dont want to swamp them until the roots have filled out.