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AK Auto (RQS) x (Medical Mass x White Rhino)


Well-known member
Roots growing rapidly (just visible already at the drain holes, only a couple of days after repotting), and plants looking healthier in general. The yellowing and dead patches on some of the first true leaves are not going away (in fact they are becoming more apparent) - new growth looks better though. Think I got them repotted just in time.

Had difficulty uploading photos today, weird messages about files being too big (they werent) or the wrong format (they were the correct format) - but after re-logging it was fine. Weird glitchy interface.


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Well-known member
Happy green is back! They seem pretty uniform from a distance. Feels like a promising start. 😀


Well-known member
Just about to flip this lot (need to set the timer and finish lightproofing still). Will move the 100% perlite experiment back into veg.


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Well-known member
9 declared females, 6 males. Nice ratio. Plants have been really unhappy because of bad compost/pH issues/who I am as a person, but in spite of this look set to come through and make me some F2 seed. Call it stress testing.


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Well-known member
AKMMWR20211127_214858_9.jpg - Click image for larger version  Name:	AKMMWR20211127_214858_9.jpg Views:	0 Size:	53.6 KB ID:	18001675

Males have been making tall flower spikes and shedding copious pollen, in spite of my attempts to kill them 😅. Multiple pollinated buds swelling on all of the females, so I removed the males from flower last night. They've done their job. Have kept one male on death row in the bathroom for a while in case I need him later, and may collect and freeze some pollen. Females greening up a bit now that I've got the pH and feed more balanced - not going to win any beautiful baby competitions, but so long as they make viable f2 seed we are good. Using such small pots means I can cram a lot of plants into a tiny space - sacrifices most of the bud production for genetic diversity in the seedstock, which is priority here as I'm planning to use this as the base material for new auto versions of some long-flowering sativas. Bonus is that they should finish quickly now.

Final count of males to females is 8 females and 7 males.


Well-known member
Looks like I will have plenty of F2 seed to play with from this experiment - in spite of nearly killing them, and the tiny pots... I've still got C6 in perlite in veg, and a couple of cuttings, so if it turns out to be female I'll flower it sensi under better conditions (controlled pH & nutes, bigger pot) to see what it is capable of. The three plants with the best structure turn out to be one from each of the maternal seedlines, which is sweet.






Well-known member
C6 flowering nicely - am hoping to get some gist from her of what this combo of genetics might do. Not much scent yet as shes just started building the buds after her stretch, but her breeding siblings are all frosted and giving off some very appealing sweet spicy perfume/fuel smells to the touch. C1, B2, & A4 particularly good in terms of both frosting/smell and bud-size/density/bud-to-leaf ratio. Nice to have one clear favourite from each maternal seedline.

Foolishly managed to let C6 get dry for a day and the temp up to 30C - some resulting leaf necrosis on a few lower leaves - but I think shes fine now. I can see why people automate water and feed in hydro systems.




Well-known member
Apparently, you might be able to identify the female seeds.

Female seeds tend to have a dimple on the end like these seeds...

Click image for larger version  Name:	Screenshot_20211226-142119_Samsung Internet.jpg Views:	0 Size:	159.1 KB ID:	18024631

It might be worth taking note of the dimpled seeds and see if they turn out to be female.

The male seeds tend to be flat or bulging out a bit at that spot.

The tap root always sprouts out the opposite end of the dimple.


Well-known member
Apparently, you might be able to identify the female seeds.

Female seeds tend to have a dimple on the end like these seeds...
It might be worth taking note of the dimpled seeds and see if they turn out to be female.

That's interesting - I've noticed seed with an elongated dimple before, where it was joined to the mother, but it seemed specific to strain (Johaar in particular has this trait). I'll keep a note of this next time I pop seeds.

Chopping A3, A5 & B1. B1 smells a lot like the MMxWR F1 mother, A5 is a sickly thing with ratty flowers, but an intense scent, A3 more like B1 but sweeter - probably the sturdiest of the 3.
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Well-known member
At this rate I'm in danger of actually getting some weed before too long. Am amused that C6 was the "sacrificial" plant I didn't expect to survive... Not the best picture but I'm liking the way the buds are stacking. Went into flower super quick, too. Wondering whether incomplete auto genetics can still reduce flowering time. Have a couple of cuttings of this, also. Hehe.



Well-known member
Apparently, you might be able to identify the female seeds.

Female seeds tend to have a dimple on the end like these seeds...

It might be worth taking note of the dimpled seeds and see if they turn out to be female.

The male seeds tend to be flat or bulging out a bit at that spot.

The tap root always sprouts out the opposite end of the dimple.

never heard about that ,
sounds a bit funny ,
perhaps a new urban legends ?
you can ask Ed about that ,
but he certainly don' t know more about ...


Well-known member
never heard about that ,
sounds a bit funny ,
perhaps a new urban legends ?
you can ask Ed about that ,
but he certainly don' t know more about ...

I think it makes sense.
Girls have innies and boys have outies.
lol 😁