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African Strains

Herbalistic, DP has the normal super sweet sativa smell in growth and flower, very pungent when trimmed. I also noticed a definite smell of guava when flowering. It tends to cure fast and very well, after about four weeks cure buds turn dark green with sweet fruity smell with some floral tones and a very smooth fruity, kind of spicy tasting smoke. The best part besides the high is the smell of the smoke, amazing old school kind of smell. The kind of smell that makes you drool for some African sativa goodness haha. :canabis:

About Central African genetics, I have never been lucky enough to grow any unfortunately. Although I have a feeling the unknown male and female African sativas I have may be from some ware in central African. They’ve got those broad dark leaves, different looking to most stuff around here. When the female starts to fatten up a little I’ll post pics.

Here’s the rooibaard, some nice red stems. She is growing thin and spindly in the shade so I hit her with some superskunk pollen I had just for the sake of it:

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Herbal relaxation...
zeno said:
unfortunaly i do not know the lineage of pondo,..i will search for it

Cool Zeno :yes: Very interesting look that Pondo has for sure :chin:

AH: Thank you for thoroughtly description, truly appreciated! Have y9ou tryed to cross her with some other local sativa male?

Btw.. Redstem theory went down after looking Swazi mum´s leafstem´s... I wouldnt really say that they are redder than others! Purps I grow has very redstem as Triangle x NL x Leopard Kush x Pure Kush also...


Dr. Narrowleaf
I just found out I'm growing yet another african based strain.

I am testing a strain called kuhmo, which is a strain with a relatively long history in the finnish outdoors. The seeds were originally brought from Copenhagen 20 years ago, and have since been aclimatized to northern finland with success. For some reason there was a summer when all ~100 plants turned out female! A male plant of an early african strain was brought from another city and was used to preserve the original line.

The resulting offspring has now been grown in the same spot for years and it seems to have retained the early flowering properties of the original seedstock.

Not much is known about the origins of neither of these strains. The african is said to have been big, early / autoflowering, psychedelic and made big seeds, while the danish strain only grew up to one meter tall and was seemigly automatic in it's flowering. It started budding in the beginning of june when there are no dark nights at all.

Kuhmo is one of the earliest non ruderalis based strains I've ever grown. The oldest female I have started flowering only a few days later than my lowryder 2's at the age of one month. I'll pollinate her with an early nepalese strain to add some potency.

If I get any males I'll use them to pollinate my bambata and actual sativa.


Herbal relaxation...
Sounds great Thule :woohoo:

Remember, that you still have the option of using my autoflowering Blockhead pollen :wink: You stated on another thread that you wanna keep your sativas & indicas seemingly "pure" with no cross breeding.. However, how do you feel if pollinate some plants with sativa pollen and other´s with AF BH pollen?

This would be my "weapon of choice" resulting in many interesting plants me thinks :chin: Remember, that the BH pollen is allready collected by me, so you can just pollinate some selected branches with it, without the whole plant/crop full of seeds.....

Cool to hear you have done it so far at this point, what you think, can we call Kuhmo an Finish landrace after this summer?


Dr. Narrowleaf
Herbalistic said:
Sounds great Thule :woohoo:

Remember, that you still have the option of using my autoflowering Blockhead pollen :wink: You stated on another thread that you wanna keep your sativas & indicas seemingly "pure" with no cross breeding.. However, how do you feel if pollinate some plants with sativa pollen and other´s with AF BH pollen?

This would be my "weapon of choice" resulting in many interesting plants me thinks :chin: Remember, that the BH pollen is allready collected by me, so you can just pollinate some selected branches with it, without the whole plant/crop full of seeds.....

Cool to hear you have done it so far at this point, what you think, can we call Kuhmo an Finish landrace after this summer?

Yeah how could I forget

The kuhmo i have has only flowered for a week and my nepalese isn't shedding pollen yet. I'll wait for the kuhmo to grow more bud sites and see if it's a maincola style pheno or a branching one. She's only 30cm high now and I can't really tell what she'll look like after a month.

I'm hopeful that she'll be ready for pollination within 3 weeks or so. I kinda have all my eggs in the same basket so to speak. If she branches I'll pm you and do an isolated pollination with your blockhead pollen. :headbange

The autoflower is strong in this one. Selected autoflower is much more dominant than the one observed in ruderalis hybrids (lowryder) and I have no doubt kuhmo x blockhead could finish outdoors here.

"Landrace refers to domesticated animals or plants adapted to the natural and cultural environment in which they live."

These are adapted to the locale, there for it is imo justified to call kuhmo a finnish landrace.
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Herbalistic said:
AH: Thank you for thoroughtly description, truly appreciated! Have y9ou tryed to cross her with some other local sativa male?

I've never crossed her with a local male but I'm planning to cross a male DP to my local Purple Aids then do some breeding over time to make them PA dominant and hopefully keep the purple trait.

Here's the DP male. He is way too big to get inside so I just cut of some flowers, and stuck them in a piece of soaked florist oasis. Started dropping pollen straight away.

PA goes into flower today unfortunately. I wanted to train her right around the pot but we are moving house soon so I can’t afford to wait any longer.



Herbal relaxation...
Interesting cross coming for sure AHM :yes:

Here´s some pics of the Swazi mum growed from seed:

I love this leggy lady, such an stunna :D

Sounds good Thule :yes:


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
zeno said:
unfortunaly i do not know the lineage of pondo,..i will search for it
Hi Zeno,Pondo would most likely be a Sativa strain from Pondoland:
"The Pondoland region of the Wild Coast, in the Eastern Cape province.
The former Transkei in the Eastern Cape province has long been known as a major
cannabis-producing area, leading some writers and politicians to argue that, if legalised,
it could boost the region’s ailing economy (Ngani, 1997). While cannabis is grown in
most parts of the Wild Coast stretch of the former Transkei, Eastern Pondoland has
been producing the most cannabis for many decades (Beinart, 1982; Ngani, 1997).
Eastern Pondoland’s broken countryside – gorges, enclaves and ravines – makes it
difficult for the police to gain access to the cannabis plantations. Hence, in a recent
pilot project to grow hemp for industrial purposes, Eastern Pondoland was excluded on
the grounds that it would be difficult to distinguish between the cannabis grown for
drug trafficking and that which is grown for producing fibre and oil (Wynn, 1998).
Almost all the cannabis found in the area is planted, as opposed to occurring naturally.
Cannabis is cultivated throughout the year, but the ideal growing season is between
October and March. Consumers in the cities argue that cannabis grown during this
period is of very good quality (Leggett & Burton, 1999). It normally takes about four
to six months for the crop to be ready for harvest. As the plant can grow up to several
metres in height, one of the main chores during the growing season, in addition to
weeding, is pruning the plants at the top. Local informants argue that this helps to
maintain a shorter height for the plant, something that makes it less visible to
unwelcome observers".
Hope its some help, I used to have a great Pondoland strain myself that I picked up there in the 90's,but its sadly only existing in a cross with Indica's as I lost original mum and f2's I made. JBo

split kooks

WOAh!, INtents!


One day, I hope to graduate to some of the more exotic strains mentioned on this awesome thread. In the meantime, as I begin my latest adventure in growing my own, I managed to get a pack of DP Powerplant seeds. Seeing the lovely powerplant ladies some of you have grown, I am looking for some general info on the plant:

1. I am planning on growing moms from seed and taking clones for a SoG style grow. I've read that it does the single cola thing well, but am wondering if I can go to 12/12 straight from a rooted clone or if I need to give it some veg time? How high will pp get with this growing method?

2. I read that this strain has a 50-60 day flower time. Is that right? If so, that is pretty amazing for a supposedly 80% sativa. Any thoughts on when to harvest to maximize the "power" (i.e. Up) and minimize the "plant" (i.e. down)?

3. Any info on the phenotype expression? Any gems to keep a lookout for?

4. General growing tips?

5. I am thinking I'll separate out a male for future breeding projects if this strain works out as nicely as it sounds on paper. Any breeding thoughts?

much thanks for your thoughts.


Herbal relaxation...
Good that you found our Africans fascinating Godless :wave:

I have given Power Plant couple rounds and have kept it in my library couple years now..

I could try to advice you a little :chin:

1. I would give it at least 10 days to produce roots, you will be happy you did when harvest comes :wink: I have seen Power Plant plants flowered side by side comparision.. Other´s flowered straight from rooted clone & other´s as after after an 7-10 days veg. The ones with little vegtime did outperform straight flowered ones in yield department and it really was couple days change in inducing them...

2. It´s all phenotype dependant.. Some plants may take 55-60 days, while others go little further that.. However, I think most of the plants are could be ready to harvest after 50-55 days if you are after very powerfull & racy high, which this strain easily produces before building tolerance, which doesnt build up that quick, but still occurs, unfortunately..

3. I have seen christmas tree style plants, as single cola types. Even those christmas tree plants can produce huge colas, main & bottom colas both! This strain just needs much light & feeding to really get the most outstanding results out of it :2cents: A friend did grow huge PowerPlant trees in 45 L bubblers with 2000+ lighting. Light did come from top & sides and these were crazy yielding trees.

4. Requires feeding, depending on grow method & lighting wattage´s.. This is very easy plant to please if you just give her food, food & more food :D

5. I would cross it with pure sativa to bring down flowering times, while increasing psychoactivity and yield :wink: I am going to do it soon in fact, using Destroyer male. However, im first going to drop some Purple Kush & Blockhead pollen on her to produce some super potency plants..

Hope this did clarify you a little...

What a beautiful strain it is... Btw, I just put another PowerPlant bush in flowermode and im also going to try couple week veg -> flowering, growing it without training vertically :chin:

Here´s couple shots of my last run with her, they are propably on previous pages, but what a heck, some beautiful African genetics :D

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Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
As Herbalistic said. There are mainly two Power Plant phenotypes, one tall branchy pheno and a shorter single cola pheno. Both take about 50-60 days to finish (I had one single cola pheno that finished before 50 days, and when I say finished I mean really finished).
All phenos yield really well. I didn't get a single runt or 'bad' pheno, but out of six ladies I got a couple that produced nanners, and three hermied in the second run.
PP grows more like a hybrid than a Sativa (the smoke is up, heady and energetic though), takes nutes well and ask for no special treatment. What makes it an extraordinary plant is the fact that it's a potent Sativa that can - at best - be harvested at 50 days.



Hello people

i did DP Powerplant lots of times a few years ago (before i had a digicam) both regular and fem seeds (the fems hermied on about the third run) and i agree with what has been said so far about the two indi/sat phenos-they are unmistakable-
one thing tho, i always found that they were v light feeders-and i mean V light. I found that, by balancing the nute levels in the reservoirs, the plants fed @ ec1.2 throughout most of the cycle, rising to a max of 1.35 in early flower. Anything more than this would burn or tip them-and any pk would burn them too.
for a comparison normal indicas or hybrids would be @ approx 1.6 in veg ec1.8 or higher in early flower-

otherwise i found it a BIG yielder of fantastic speedy weed-when i smoked too much of it (most of the time) i'd get hallucinations in perpherial vision

but agree that there must have been a significant indica input into the genetics somewhere along the line for the indi pheno to be so pronounced


Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
As EddieS said. There's a Hindu minority living in South Africa, and the strains they brought with them from India blended in with the local Sativas. It's the most likely explanation for why these mostly Sativas put on so much weight, and finish nicely before 60 days.

You have a similar thing going with la Réunion island, and its famous Zamal, wich many people automatically assumes is a pure Sativa, but no. There's a Hindu population living on the island and they have also mixed Indian landraces into the local strains.

You have great genetics in both South Africa and la Réunion, perhaps because the hybridisation between African and Indian genetics have taken place naturally there.
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Jahwi's Joy, landrace Sativa from Ghana.

9 weeks, 12/12 from seed, under 110W compact fluoros.

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Herbal relaxation...
Vee-ee-ry nice jrw :respect:

I think fluoros could be "weapon of choice" when growing sativas indoors :chin:

Here´s couple pics of my Swazi Reds!

First comes the mother, I did break the mainbranch unfortunately awhile back and didnt manage to save it :badday:

Have a great weekend everyone and keep them African sativa divas coming :wave:

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