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Advice PLEASE!! Landlord coming on Monday to 'investigate my power bill'



I think your making a stupid mistake if you dont tear them down right now!!!
The first thing i would of done after that phone call, I would of ripped up all the plants and moved everything growing related out of the house! I would rather be sleeping in a comfy bed instead of a concrete block...

**Just read you are moving them out sunday...GOOD your making the right move but i still think you wont be able to grow there anymore...
Good luck man!!
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cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
i second the "designated decoy" idea by Berry Coughin'
at least thats what we call it.
we would do that after a night of drinking.
if one of us had to drive a lil tipsy (which i do not condone)
a sober driver would follow.
if a cop was gonna pull over the DD,
the decoy would swoop in and deter the cop off your ass.


Dr. Doolittle
You know what I did when I had to move my plants to another grow location; I took and bought a few closet wardrobe boxes from U-haul and put the plant in there and put the metal bar above it and put cloths on each side and taped the cloths from the inside so it looked like there was a lot of cloths in there jam packed so if you looked into the box all you could see was cloths and that was it; even if you moved the cloths there would be more cloths in there.....

THey were hanging from the metal bar that you get when you buy the box..... so the coat hangers can hang from it and it looks like a wardrobe removable closet.

Also I put about 3 boxes of dryer sheets in there tapped around to hide the smells.... I had big plants so I had to and they were in flowering.


guest2222999 said:
Lemon: Good post but we're no where near that yet thank god


It's coming though. I can feel it. Enjoy your freedom before steve has you on your knees praying for even thinking the word "marijuana".
Wow... so the weather ****ed everything over.. because of the weather my friend couldn't get the minivan and we had no way to bring the plants to my friend's house. It just happened to be a huge winter storm warning for my area tonight. So we chopped the plants. They were really nice and crystally and I think they're more mature than i thought. There are a lot of white hairs, but i think it will still get us stoned. Very nice and sweet, fruity smell. Too bad they didn't get flushed :(:(:(. Anyway, i've got the plants hanging in storage bins right now and my friend took most of my equipment. I will take the drying herb over to my buddy's place early tomorrow morning before the landlord gets here and bring it back later tomorrow after he leaves. Looks like a decent mission accomplished, although I think the buds would've packed on a LOT more weight in the last week or two. Oh well, at least there aren't any plants growing anymore. Thanks for your input everyone.
blueberryfarmer said:
Berry: What do you mean, 'prepared to obstruct any officer trying to pull you over' ??

It's called a 'trap car'. If you've got someone following directly behind you, it makes it harder to get randomly pulled over by a patrol officer.

Also, you don't ever want to transport anything illegal that's riding in the same cab as the driver. Anything which is in view/reach of the driver is under less scrutiny and police have more reason to search it.

My advice for the future would be to not worry about trying to move them in a situation like that. More clumsy mistakes are made while you are in panic mode. Something like that should be planned out well in advance.

In fact, checking the weather should be the first step taken whenever planning a trip into the "field".

Glad you took the advice of the wiser people on here.


that sucks about the weather, just goes to show you that you should have acted sooner than waiting until day before the landlord comes over. but early dope is better than no dope and let's just hope everything went ok with your visit and that the transportation for the early morning was successful
Okay so far everything's good. I brought the buds to my friend's place early before the landlord got here, and my friend's on his way right now to bring them back to me now that the landlord is gone.

The landlord was a ****ing dick. He came in and was anal about everything he could find. He inspected every electrical outlet in the apartment, checked every possible wall (for mold, of course........), checked the closets, opened my cupboards, and even asked me to open my wardrobe cabinet. There was nothing in it, and I knew i had nothing to be afraid of, but i told him i wouldn't open it anyway. He just casually asked me to open it, and i said:
"No, I already opened the closets. There's just clothes in there".
"Well I'd just like to have a look. I won't touch anything."
"No thats okay."
"Well if you dont want to open it, then that's grounds for eviction."
"What? No it isn't." He didnt push that comment because we all knew that he can't evict me for that!
"Well I'll have to make a note of your refusal to open the wardrobe and follow up on it afterward. Explaining this to a judge won't look good. The key word in the law is 'reasonable'. With a small apartment with so many large storage spaces I think its reasonable for me to be able to look in them."
"I think this 'inspection' has been pretty invasive already and I think we've been more than reasonable in accomodating for this search."
"So how shall i make a note of this? 'Tenant refuses to open large wardrobe.' Does that sound good on paper so we can agree on the terminology used?"
My girlfriend pipes in: "Just let him see"
"Look I dont know why you need to see in here so bad. Its just our clothes and I told you that several times. Here."

So I open it for him and he shines his flashlight in there and, lo and behold, THERES CLOTHES!!! Whoah. I hope he's satisfied.... ****er... OH yeah when he was looking into the closet that's near my wardrobe he walks over and sniffs a coupla times and says "hmm.. smells skunky over here". **** THAT. I got rid of the plants the night before, burned incense and opened some odour absorbing pucks. There's no way he could smell any 'skunky' smell. I really think hes been in the apartment when we're not home or something.. I dont know. I'm pissed at him.

So anyway, he looks over the whole apartment and whatnot... he's looking in the bathroom and notices a little bit of mold or some shit on the ceiling. Now he's saying he's gonna have to come back to deal with that, and deal with a couple of other small things 'wrong'. He didn't offer any time when he might be coming, either, so I guess all I can do is keep watching for one of the 24hour notice slips in my mailbox. I'm really only concerned about him coming this week, because the buds still need to be dried in the cabinet. I'll have to take all the clothes out, put the carbon filter back up, and dry the buds for at least 5-6 days. If he wants to come back again, I'll have to pack the buds back up into the containers taht they're in now and do this whole thing over again.

Damn it... this was only the second crop I pulled in in this apartment. I was just getting ready to really have things pumpin.. I had some more seeds lined up and I was gonna get some girls in the flowering cab asap. Its been really tough making ends meet paying for pot these days - I could definately use the extra cash I'd be saving by growing my own. Oh well... the mrs and I have been in this apartment for over a year and wouldn't mind a change. We're gonna start looking for somewhere to move. Thanks for the input everyone.. I'm glad i listened.


Hello...Mcfly! Do you still not get it? He knows you grow!!! He is coming back, he told you so. Don't bring your bud any where near there. Good luck, you need it.


blueberryfarmer said:
The landlord was a ****ing dick. He came in and was anal about everything he could find.....checked the closets, opened my cupboards, and even asked me to open my wardrobe cabinet.

...So I open it for him and he shines his flashlight in there and, lo and behold, THERES CLOTHES!!! Whoah. I hope he's satisfied.... ****er... OH yeah when he was looking into the closet that's near my wardrobe he walks over and sniffs a coupla times and says "hmm.. smells skunky over here". **** THAT. I got rid of the plants the night before, burned incense and opened some odour absorbing pucks. There's no way he could smell any 'skunky' smell. I really think hes been in the apartment when we're not home or something...

...We're gonna start looking for somewhere to move. Thanks for the input everyone.. I'm glad i listened.

^^^ there ya go man - listening to experience saved your ass, and you're welcome for the advice, from me at least. I'm happy you've still got your freedom, but you're not out of the woods yet...I wouldn't have anything there....in case of a return visit, especially when you're not there, and this time he'll be calling the cops....so again, my advice is clean house...

He was definately looking for a grow, and his comments about Skunky smells takes the biscuit! Talk about clutching at straws! lol

I bet all those thoughts while in denial about keeping the grow in the apartment seem as crazy as they were now eh? Imagine you and your girl being locked up right now....you had a close call....I've had close calls that would make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up, but the key is always keeping a cool head and making the right decisions.

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PS. If you want to survive in this game, be more cool next time about things like the 'drobe and letting him look in.

>> Basically he knew you were growing, and by dramatising opening the wardrobe, which was going to happen anyway, whether you dragged it out, or whether the cops opened it, you got his back up, so in future, no matter how much it hurts, do the following:

1) be professional
2) be polite
3) be friendly
4) but always exercise common sense, logic, calmness and know the law.

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I would (and did) only use an apartment as a 1-grow stepping stone to a safer location. It can be done, but there will be moments that make you feel like your sac's been dipped in ice-water. If you share walls, you'd better be prepared to live in fear for 4 months. This life is NOT for the faint of heart.


AriesXX said:
I would (and did) only use an apartment as a 1-grow stepping stone to a safer location. It can be done, but there will be moments that make you feel like your sac's been dipped in ice-water. If you share walls, you'd better be prepared to live in fear for 4 months. This life is NOT for the faint of heart.

I second that - a house is always better, and growing's definately not for the faint hearted!

When I've had to step upto the plate, I've always been cool and collected, but by always being aware of what's going on around you and ready for any situation, at any time, helps a hell of a lot.

You can say luck comes into it too, but especially in this game - you make your own luck.

Stay safe all.

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British_Bulldog said:
PS. If you want to survive in this game, be more cool next time about things like the 'drobe and letting him look in.

>> Basically he knew you were growing, and by dramatising opening the wardrobe, which was going to happen anyway, whether you dragged it out, or whether the cops opened it, so in future, no matter how much it hurts, do the following:

1) be professional
2) be polite
3) be friendly
4) but always exercise common sense, logic, calmness and know the law.


Cool. I definitely understand and respect that advice, B_B. I've had plenty of experiences when i was somewhat younger with getting mouthy or difficult for the sake of proving a point... I shouldn't have really gone there today. He was just getting real comfortable with inspecting whatever he pleased and it was really bothering me. But I was inappropriate anyway. Regardless, he seems reasonably satisfied that nothing is going on here...

Yes I know i'm taking another chance with drying the bud out. I will be able to pack it up and get it out of here again if he does come back, though, because he has to give me 24hrs notice. There is nowhere else really that I would trust drying them... Its just for the next few days until everything dries out enough for me to jar them up. The carbon filter will keep the smell down and that fan is 110cfm so they shouldn't take too long to dry (the wardrobe itself isn't TOO big so the fan moves a lot of air through it). Anyway, thanks guys.... wish me luck.


Ok cool bbfarmer,

but remember this - now you've been a dick with him about the 'drobe, and he knew you were growing anyway, he might just call the cops on you anyway, on the off chance you bring drugs back in, and/or just to dick you around now...he may well tell the cops everything, that he knew you were growing and thinks you still are, and he may have already seen the grow as you know....info which I'm sure would be reasonable suspicion for the cops to get a warrant...once a location gets a black mark against it, it's finished completely as a safe location, and only safe enough to have enough bud to eat in.

...it pays to keep landlords and cops cool and not aggravated...if you've got nothing to hide and you never will have, then be a dick with them, it doesn't matter, but you're moving all your buds back in for drying...

Count your blessings you're still free and either dry it at a friends or bin it and cut your losses.

If you get caught when drying you will kick yourself you didn't listen to this...in between visits from your lawyer and between sleeps on a concrete bed...your decision man, but what you have drying isn't worth risking your freedom over anymore.

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Active member
I'm glad that you took everyone's advice on the subject.

Any way you slice it, he knows what you were doing, and was trying to "catch" you.
He wasn't able to visibly catch you and by the sound of it is betting on the fact that you bring it back. That's how the law works, they're nice to you all the way up to the second they catch you doing something bad, which is why he was there.
By stating that he's running an inspection of your apt gives you the hint that he intends to look wherever he pleases. And in this case....he did, right?...

That being said, i would dry your nugs at the friend's house where you finished the grow. Don't think you're out of the clear now. You just passed a visible inspection that he ran and believe me you are only half way through the woods.
Honestly, if you trust your friend enough to keep your plants there i would trust him with drying.
You really should split it with your friend anyway, seeing as how he's the reason you have any buds at all....right?
Tell him he's gonna get what's comin to him so he doesn't opt to steal anything.

I think you should stay safe, positive and be thankful that you listened to everyone's advice. And i think you should continue to.

spadedNfaded said:
I'm glad that you took everyone's advice on the subject.

Any way you slice it, he knows what you were doing, and was trying to "catch" you.
He wasn't able to visibly catch you and by the sound of it is betting on the fact that you bring it back. That's how the law works, they're nice to you all the way up to the second they catch you doing something bad, which is why he was there.
By stating that he's running an inspection of your apt gives you the hint that he intends to look wherever he pleases. And in this case....he did, right?...

That being said, i would dry your nugs at the friend's house where you finished the grow. Don't think you're out of the clear now. You just passed a visible inspection that he ran and believe me you are only half way through the woods.
Honestly, if you trust your friend enough to keep your plants there i would trust him with drying.
You really should split it with your friend anyway, seeing as how he's the reason you have any buds at all....right?
Tell him he's gonna get what's comin to him so he doesn't opt to steal anything.

I think you should stay safe, positive and be thankful that you listened to everyone's advice. And i think you should continue to.


Well i didn't get to finish my plants off at his place... that's why I had to chop them early and why i'm slightly concerned about drying them here when he just checked the apartment today. But regardless, I dont think it would be a good idea to dry them at my friend's place... and it's not just his place, his family lives there too, and they would expect portions. And my girlfriend and I split what's left after all that... leaving me with very little just for taking the precaution. I dont know... ****..maaybe you guys are right.. but it also means more risk driving them somewhere if i do take them to his place whereas for the foreseeable future they will probably just be right here... I dont actually ahve to expose myself by driving them somewhere (hopefully). I dont know.. I will think about it.


bb - with what's gone down, and the reduced yield from drying elsewhere, added to the fact that these aren't even finished buds, just immature colas, your truly best option is to destroy everything as discretely as possible...that also involves risk, but it's the last thing to do before this is over....and don't have any quantity of drugs in your current apartment anymore, period.

Then, chill out for a while, wait a bit and then hand in your notice to the current landlord - i.e. Not straight after he's finished being anal, then find a house, wait 3 months and then start growing again if all's clear.

I know you're not going to like the idea, but this is how you live to fight another day, and not get busted like a chump.

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