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Advice PLEASE!! Landlord coming on Monday to 'investigate my power bill'


My little pony.. my little pony
When the guy pretty much told you in so many words he knows what youre doing what on earth are you thinking about trying to hide it from him? If I was the landlord I would be insulted to find it after I had 'warned' you on the phone. He also wouldnt hesitate to tell you to open up any and every cabinette in the apartment and if you refused he wont hesitate involving the police. He has every right since he owns the property.

The saying " quit while youre ahead " comes to mind.




Believe me people here know what they say, it should be gone 10 minutes ago.It's not about BALLS!!!PEACE!!!!MUCHA LUCHA!!!! :bashhead: :bashhead: :bashhead:


Active member
ThirdEye said:
bbf....you have two choices.....harvest and tear it down or you could rent a van or uhaul, box everything up, put everything in the van then bring your setup back in on tuesday....but i would suggest along with mostly everyone hear that u tear it down, cut your losses and move to a more secure location...preferably one where you are the only one who sees your electric bill

Good luck bro

that sounds like an even better idea, just move it outa there, u could even leave the cab and light havign all theos are not illigal but he has no evidence of mj if the plants are gone.


What are you thinking?

What are you thinking?

Not trying to seem rude here but what the hell, man? There's never been a more clear and concise warning given. He mentioned "growing other plants." He knows! He knows what to look for. Sure, maybe he can't open your wardrobe but he can request that it be opened. If you vehemently deny him access, he will become suspicious and most likely call the police and they'll open it for you. This landlord has given you a warning that most everyone on this board would love to get (nobody wants to be discovered but compared to arrest-first-ask-questions-later, a warning is a blessing.) Maybe he's warning you because you've kept a good relationship with him? He probably could've just had you investigated/arrested already. He has to know that something is going on. Has he ever been in your apartment when you weren't there? If you answered "no," how do you know for sure? Your location has been breached! Get all evidence out of the apartment! I wouldn't be able to sleep at night with plants in my place and a landlord on his way. Hopefully you make the right decision. If not, you'll learn your lesson. We're all just trying to make sure you come out of this in a situation where you'll be able to grow again without having criminal charges (not to mention charges against your girlfriend!) :2cents:

Good luck, hope to see you around soon! :noway:


that sounds like an even better idea, just move it outa there, u could even leave the cab and light havign all theos are not illigal but he has no evidence of mj if the plants are gone.
It works well, i've done it on a couple times but my landlord had no clue what i was doing....bbf's landlord knows what's going on and he needs to break everything down and move on to greener pastures


There is ALWAYS meaning to my madness ®
"A guy told me one time: Don't let yourself get attached to anything you are not willing to walk out on in thirty seconds flat, if you feel the heat around the corner"


no wuckin furries!
just incase you you needed more posts to make up your mind????? .....your getting the warning if we could we would all ask for.......shut it down...clean up...put it down to a lesson learnt....and move on to grow again.......

we are not in your shoes...but im sure there are some posters here are able to give you there best advice...because they were the one that didnt shut down and pack up!

learn this lesson for free!!!....all the best ...stay SAFE. HH. =]-~
Okay well, you guys have all convinced me. I was able to count on a friend that I hadn't anticipated, and I have the opportunity to move my plants to a secure location. Unfortunately that location is about 30mins drive away... but thats the only other option really. I will be able to keep the plants there until they're finished it looks like, and he even has a 1000w HPS. I'll have to split some of the crop, but I guess thats the way she goes. I had already counted on getting as much out of this as possible, but a lot of things haven't been going my way lately so i guess this is part of it! haha.

For some reason, just me knowing my landlord, i have this gut feeling that when he comes on Monday he'll be in for about 2mins and then leave, and then all this hassle and stress will have been for nothing. I'm preparing for the worst and everything will be fine as long as i dont get busted on the way to my buddy's place. I just think this might all be for nothing. I can't guarantee they'll get the best care at my friend's house but I think he'll be decent enough with them.

Thanks for the input everyone. I'm gonna tear everything down Sunday and take the plants over. Hopefully they're not too top-heavy.. the one plant is leaning pretty significantly. We'll see how it goes. Thanks for the input


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
For some reason, just me knowing my landlord, i have this gut feeling that when he comes on Monday he'll be in for about 2mins and then leave, and then all this hassle and stress will have been for nothing.

for nothing lmao and if he dosent and dose your room like a army AGI inspection you'll see him in places you didnt even know exsisted. shut down today to grow tomarrow i can tell you moving plants in flower has its own challanges, i moved 50 in july some veg some flowern. was one of the very very few times in my life i was honestly scared hell just the thought of being pulled over and haven POPO smelln the grow was mind boggln for me. 1st night i was gonna move them i had the door to moven truck break and SWAT had the hood shut down lmao what a trip that was

High Jinks

One time i had a leak downstairs, and i got a call at night that said "the plummer needs to be in your place first thing tomorrow." I spent the ENTIRE night on the tear down, and by morning had everything gone MINUTES before zero hour. My gf said i had to leave because i looked "insane."
onto the subject of power consumption...

saying you have a new 1500 W Hair Dryer would be retarded, because theres no reason for one running 12-18 hours a day.

What's reasonable consumption for Apartment / House / etc?

Can your bill jump say 25? 50? 100? then stay constantly at that rate?

If your the only one reading that bill and paying on time every time to the power company do they care? Energy uses in complexes must be compared to each other.

Whats a reasonable # of HID's to run ?


Dr. Doolittle
Hell for all you know blueberry; he could have sneaked in there while you were away and then have given you fair warning saying he is coming in.

Dude you are so indenial; I guess you want to go to jail? Never seen someone ever give this much thought to ripping down a grow when they have such a long warning....

BB do NOT be stupid dude. If you want to keep your grow you have to move it elsewhere; even then I would not; because you said you were growing last year and he did not do anything?

WEll sounds like to me he did a walk around your place without you knowing it dude.....

So you are not going to be able to grow there no more; I bet you any amount of money that is what he did; he did a walk around with you not there and that is why he is giving you time to get rid of it otherwise I bet he WILL call the police if it's not gone and stays gone.

So take my advice..... rip it and grow elsewhere some other day.. cause even if you move it.. I bet he will snoop in your place again soon.

Landlords have keys dude... so you are never safe to grow when it's like this.

NEVER safe!

Landlords are always nosey people.
So take my advice; or go to jail... which one ya want?


blueberryfarmer said:
Okay i'm getting worried.
I live in an apartment in Ontario, Canada and i have a small personal grow that has been designed to be stealthy. It is contained in a wardrobe and has an effective carbon filter. I use only a 250w light and some airpumps for my DWC. The wardrobe does not look suspicious from the outside.
Anyway, I got a call from my landlord today and he said that my power bill is higher than it was at this time last year. I played it cool, offered a couple of very reasonable explanations, and he wasn't too abbrasive or accusing. But he said that the only reason that ever happens with tenants in his building is "if they're growing something other than houseplants". He wants to come in on Monday and have a look around to make sure things arent any 'problems'. I have tried to keep my relationship with my landlord very positive, and therefore I said he could come in on Monday (not in writing, just over the phone).
I'm pretty damn sure I can keep everything contained and the smell should be okay. I can cover up all externally visible evidence within the apartment that there is anything going on. But what do i do if he wants to look in the cabinet? As far as I know, he has no legal right to start opening my personal belongings, even if i did allow him entry. It might look suspicious if i say no, but if i let him look in then i'm ****ed. The plants are like 3 weeks away from finishing. I can't move them anywhere safe. They have to stay. Can anyone give me advice on this situation? What do i do if he motions to try to open the cabinet? Should i make it impossible to open? Should i lock it somehow? Can he go to the cops and get a warrant to search everything in the apartment, including the cabinet, based entirely on his suspicion due to a high power bill? A 250w light on 12/12, two dual output air pumps and a 110 CFM ventilation fan can't be drawing much power. We have a lot of electronics and stuff in the apartment (TV, 350w sound system, 650w computer that runs 24/7, two laptops that are usually running and plugged in, a portable heater, baseboard heating, fridge & microwave, a 100w heat lamp for the bathroom, other miscellaneous gadgets) that could easily account for a high power bill.
My mind is racing right now.. i'm worried... what do you guys recommend I do? Thanks so much

i wasnt going to respond to this thread, but i felt i needed to.


he told u hes coming over to see if you have a grow. if you dont show him whats in a big cabinet, then he'll know whats up.

if you actually do it and get away with it post back.

i highly suggest you get rid of it.


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
How many plants? you cant take em somewhere and stash them or to a friends house.
Also you just never know if when he comes he is bringing LEO with... Just for the fact he said something about growing already... I would not even think twice about leaving that grow up.. Its like having LEO already there, and hoping they dont look in the cab.. Is that a chance you REALLY want to take?? Shit id even put them in my trunk of my car just for that 30-60 minutes he is there. It wont hurt anything... All i know is not having freedom over a few plants is not worth it.. Good luck peace..

edit: Dont forget to fill the cab with boxes and clothes and such so you cover all evidence of a grow cab. No vent holes exposed, anything he will see and say hmmmmm... Make the cab looked used for what it really is intended for..

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No one in Canada goes to jail for a few plants in fact I've been told plants get chopped power cords severed and charges aren't laid if the grow is small so your all freaking over nothing.
Secondly as he said move the grow for a day and keep going,250 watts does very little to hydro bill.
Landlord is probably fishing is all,as growing is pretty common in the great white north


too bad Lothar is not here, as I am not familiar with the laws in the great white north.

but that being said, your Landlord has some serious problems, you need to move if you are planning on continuing to grow. Like everyone has said, a 250 is nothing. NOTHING.

You need to be in a space where you pay the hydro bill, then it will not be an issue for you.

best of luck whatever happens
guest2222999 said:
No one in Canada goes to jail for a few plants in fact I've been told plants get chopped power cords severed and charges aren't laid if the grow is small so your all freaking over nothing.
Secondly as he said move the grow for a day and keep going,250 watts does very little to hydro bill.
Landlord is probably fishing is all,as growing is pretty common in the great white north

Yeah i kind of agree with you here, guest. I think he's just fishing to see how I react to the situation. I dont think he's been tipped off, and I dont think he's been in my apartment when i'm not home. But I'm preparing for the worst anyway. I'm gonna wrap the plants up like Christmas gifts (although the 2 plants are pretty f-ing large) and bring them out to a buddy's place, like i said in an earlier post. Its below freezing constantly now where I live, so the plants will get a little shocked going from the warm apartment out to the car, but thats what I'll have to deal with I guess. The one plant is very top-heavy and is leaning already... I hope there are no disasters!

I thank you all for your input. Please do not post any more "YOU MUST BE CRAZY IF YOU DONT TEAR IT DOWN" posts. I get the point. As I posted earlier (which i guess some people didn't bother to read) the grow will be torn down and the plants will be out of here on Sunday. I agree that it is not worth the risk. I'm still of the opinion that the chance of him actually finding the grow are not that high, but as I said I will prepare for the worst. I really do not want to get charged... if I get charged for anything in the next 3-4 years i believe it is, all my charges from my youth criminal record get stuck on my adult record (which would NOT be good for me). So far my adult record is clean and I really hope to keep it that way.

Anyway, i'm taking the safe route. Well, safest route that doesn't kill my plants. It's not gonna be that safe when my friend and I are driving 30mins to his place with the plants.... but I think thigns will be okay. Thanks for your input everyone.

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