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Advice PLEASE!! Landlord coming on Monday to 'investigate my power bill'


Active member
EasyBakeIndica said:
It's called a 'trap car'. If you've got someone following directly behind you, it makes it harder to get randomly pulled over by a patrol officer.

Also, you don't ever want to transport anything illegal that's riding in the same cab as the driver. Anything which is in view/reach of the driver is under less scrutiny and police have more reason to search it.

My advice for the future would be to not worry about trying to move them in a situation like that. More clumsy mistakes are made while you are in panic mode. Something like that should be planned out well in advance.

In fact, checking the weather should be the first step taken whenever planning a trip into the "field".

Glad you took the advice of the wiser people on here.

not too many people talk about this technique...
some people might even want to have a preset driving path with alternative routes...


I'm chiming in again. Find a new place tomorrow. Move asap. Preferably one that you pay the power bill.

This guy is on you like white on rice. I do not share British Bulldogs level of paranoia, but that said, you may want to think twice about drying those buds out there.

Best growing for you and the Mrs will take place when the two of you own your place. then no one needs to know anything but the two of you. save your loonies.



Congrats blueberry! Lets hope we can all be so lucky.

Hope your next place is even better than the current apartment! (Well, it'd have to be without such a dick landlord!)


Active member
blueberry this is what I'd do......don't bring ANYTHING BACK TO YOUR APT... he knows what's up... he's been inside... he saw your grow... don't be stupid dude.. you've covered your ass so far.. don't blow it now....

start complaining everything is ****ing broken.....

everything.... any squeak creak... whatever.... make his life ****ing miserable...

If you have access to it... blow out your pilot light... call him and tell him he needs to bring his ass and relight it.... do that a few times and he'll start to get the idea... ya ****in' play with fire I'm sure the **** gonna burn ya....

if he starts to think about saying anything about all the complaining....tell him you'd be happy to call public works and have them come out and find all the violations he's in for not keeping his rentals habitable..and you'd be more than happy to 'squat' and live for free, as you'd not be liable to pay rent in an unlivable rental....

then get the **** out of there.... or just get the **** out of there... you can't grow there and the landlord is a cocksucker.

Play with his ass since he gave ya a nice scare, and drag it the **** out... leave your lights on.... if you're not running the heat or air, turn the fan to on... just to crank the power bill up a little....

man if I were in your shoes I'd make this guys life hell for a week or two then get the **** out of there.....


Active member
Crack windows when you're not home so that the heat has to be constantly running even if you can't change the guarded thermostat. That'll jack that bill up!


no wuckin furries!
happy you asked for ppl's thoughts in the 1st place....now build on that and develope your own "gut feelings"....

ive always thought...but still never invested in a motion activated camera of some sorts....may come in use when you move ..hopefully for one you get a more chilled out landlord next time.....as someone said use the 1st few months maybe at the next place to see how this go (maybe let a camera see how things go?) and start growing....

dont think you'll find an argument on here how crappy it is to have to buy buds(and yea your supply comes from someone lucky enough to be getting away with growing it !) ......when growing in a unsafe'ish place takes alot of balls and nerve...listening to that gut feeling with a healthy dose of parinoia....and LUCK .

.....i wont go into my details..thats a whole other thread that wont be started lol...in the middle of writting this i decided to go out to do somthings...as i walked out the landlord drove in....now theres no much in the way of a grow here....he wasnt here to see me and i didnt wait around to see him leave ...just a "see you on rent day".......but i walked off knowing that when i see him rent day if anything all he's going to say is "ummm why are the locks changed" and i say "ummm why/how do you know?"....thou as i walked off i thought would love to be comming home to veiw a security tape to see if he tryed my locks......not that i have an issue with him doing that(see other thread im not going to start lol)......we all have differnt living situations...but....i changed my locks nearly 2 years ago...why?....was getting sick of the gut pains from the stress and well one lock did break and i replaced myself...and the other lock...just got replaced very soon after! keeped the broken one to proove it was broken tossed the working one..(absent minded me oooopps :sasmokin: ).....

good youve got throu it(unless your landlord has more on his mind?) and hopefully lernt somthing ....im sure ppl reading this thread now and in the future can learn somthing too when questioning there grow security.HH. =]-~


Montana said:
Perhaps your landlord is a member on this forum......and now he knows all the details.
Hmmmm.....? Now thats something to think about! Set up a camera and catch him creeping!


Active member
Berry_Coughin' said:
blueberry this is what I'd do......don't bring ANYTHING BACK TO YOUR APT... he knows what's up... he's been inside... he saw your grow... don't be stupid dude.. you've covered your ass so far.. don't blow it now....

start complaining everything is ****ing broken.....

everything.... any squeak creak... whatever.... make his life ****ing miserable...

If you have access to it... blow out your pilot light... call him and tell him he needs to bring his ass and relight it.... do that a few times and he'll start to get the idea... ya ****in' play with fire I'm sure the **** gonna burn ya....

if he starts to think about saying anything about all the complaining....tell him you'd be happy to call public works and have them come out and find all the violations he's in for not keeping his rentals habitable..and you'd be more than happy to 'squat' and live for free, as you'd not be liable to pay rent in an unlivable rental....

then get the **** out of there.... or just get the **** out of there... you can't grow there and the landlord is a cocksucker.

Play with his ass since he gave ya a nice scare, and drag it the **** out... leave your lights on.... if you're not running the heat or air, turn the fan to on... just to crank the power bill up a little....

man if I were in your shoes I'd make this guys life hell for a week or two then get the **** out of there.....

god dam! EXACTLY what i was thinking... :spank: :spank:


jipedestran said:
I do not share British Bulldogs level of paranoia, but that said, you may want to think twice about drying those buds out there.


Some paranoia is good - it keeps you safe. Too much is a bad thing though of course. I think I have the right balance to keep me safe, and to not worry too much about things.

The time when things get 'on top' mentally is when you're running a big grow and smoke some strong paranoia-inducing sativa smoke - that's when you know it's time to stick to indicas, lol

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British_Bulldog said:
Some paranoia is good - it keeps you safe. Too much is a bad thing though of course. I think I have the right balance to keep me safe, and to not worry too much about things.

The time when things get 'on top' mentally is when you're running a big grow and smoke some strong paranoia-inducing sativa smoke - that's when you know it's time to stick to indicas, lol


Agreed brother,

I am most paranoid when hanging and drying.



blueberryfarmer said:
Yeah i kind of agree with you here, guest. I think he's just fishing to see how I react to the situation. I dont think he's been tipped off, and I dont think he's been in my apartment when i'm not home. But I'm preparing for the worst anyway. I'm gonna wrap the plants up like Christmas gifts (although the 2 plants are pretty f-ing large) and bring them out to a buddy's place, like i said in an earlier post. Its below freezing constantly now where I live, so the plants will get a little shocked going from the warm apartment out to the car, but thats what I'll have to deal with I guess. The one plant is very top-heavy and is leaning already... I hope there are no disasters!

I thank you all for your input. Please do not post any more "YOU MUST BE CRAZY IF YOU DONT TEAR IT DOWN" posts. I get the point. As I posted earlier (which i guess some people didn't bother to read) the grow will be torn down and the plants will be out of here on Sunday. I agree that it is not worth the risk. I'm still of the opinion that the chance of him actually finding the grow are not that high, but as I said I will prepare for the worst. I really do not want to get charged... if I get charged for anything in the next 3-4 years i believe it is, all my charges from my youth criminal record get stuck on my adult record (which would NOT be good for me). So far my adult record is clean and I really hope to keep it that way.

Anyway, i'm taking the safe route. Well, safest route that doesn't kill my plants. It's not gonna be that safe when my friend and I are driving 30mins to his place with the plants.... but I think thigns will be okay. Thanks for your input everyone.

"YOU MUST BE CRAZY IF YOU DONT TEAR IT DOWN" ....your taking the safe route because you would be crazy if you left it up.

not to be a dick cuz thats not what im trying to say..


Hi jip,

That's been a fairly chilled time for me, apart from on one occasion I won't discuss here, but I think - ok cool, the grow is over and less difficult to get it out of the house if there's a problem, and not lose the crop when it's in pots/hydro and you can't move/finish it.

What exactly makes you paranoid - the strong smell, which is easily combatted with carbon filtration, or the fact that you could be busted 'carrying the baby'?

To be more safe, when you harvest, hang and trim the buds, wear overalls (including a hood to keep the pungent smell out of your hair - if you've got any, lol) and rubber surgeons gloves, and if there's a knock at the door, quickly unzip the suit and roll off the gloves, deep breath and answer the door calmly.

Whoever it is isn't coming in without a warrant or a gun, so just be chilled and make sure no smells can leak out near the door.

If you're concerned about getting robbed at this time, then move to a safer area or get a big dog in the house, lol


sow the seeds

Wow interesting thread I just read through all of it. Good that you took the advice of the members here. That is ridiculous that he wanted to look in the wardrobe...you should have asked him WTF it had to do with the electricity use issue he was there for in the first place. But yea he obviously knew.

You said you don't pay your electricity also right? Well I say use as much as you possibly can on anything you can. He wants to push you...push back...as long as you have nothing to hide.


This guy will be back in your apartment the first time he knows you're not going to be home for awhile. When you are going out for a bit, shut all the doors inside your apartment and put a little piece of scotch tape across the very bottom of each where they meet the door jamb. This will allow you to see if anyone has been in there opening things up. In the meantime, look for a new place, this is not an option, he will keep looking until he gets you! You're only going to get arrested here, over 250 watts? Find a place where you pay the hydro and do the tape trick from above as soon as you move in! I have done it in all my apartments, growing or not just to see what I was up against in the landlord department, on two separate occasions I had multiple unreported visits from mr caretaker, in one of them whoever it was came back 3-4 times over the first two weeks i lived there and continually checked up on me, both times they had opened every door and closet in the place. Out of the last 10 places I have lived, I know my caretaker/etc had been in there without my permission or any notice in at least 8 of them, hell, i got up from a nap one time to be greeted by my caretaker standing in my dining room looking through my mail. Owners and hero caretakers will do anything they can get away with on a regular basis, they are guarding what is theirs! ALSO, DO NOT use this guy as a reference when you look for a new place, he'll talk so much shit about you that you'll be lucky to get anything else. Give people a friend of your's # and a fake name and have him bullshit for you when they call. I have run this gauntlet for years, staved off landlords, inspections, all of it. As long as you are renting you will be subject to it, the best thing I could do was move into a bigger/more expensive place in a complex of bigger/more expensive places. We have 70+ houses and one caretaker, poor schmuck can barely get the snow shoveled nevermind keep tabs on 200+ tenants spread over a few acres. I have a huuuge doggy and I do all my own maintenance, half the time my caretaker has to struggle to remember who I am and that works for me.

I don't want to beat a dead horse here but after 3+ pages you still aren't getting it. He is suspicious because he KNOWS. He doesn't THINK you are growing, he KNOWS because he has been in your place, probably more than once. Don't leave a forwarding address either, just change your address with the postal service and get the **** out of there! :wave:


look, 250 watts is nothing, it doesn't make any real impact on a power bill if he is asking you questions, its got nothing to do with the jump in power and its basically just because he thinks your a pothead, get out and fast


that's a good point, @ typical canadian power rates, a 250 on bloom will add a little over 5$ a month to your bill. I saved almost twice that a month just by replacing all my bulbs around the house with compact flouros. The power thing is only his excuse to legitimize the snooping he has already done. When you're moving out, go to the pet store and get yourself 2 dozen live mice. Release the mice in the building as a going away present. The laundry area usually works best for this as it keeps mr mouse and his new family warm while mrs mouse cranks out the babies. Nothing says 'Thanks asshole!' like an infestation. Don't forget to call the resident/landlord relations office and report unsanitary conditions and vermin!


I know one time that i got skrewed by a landlord. I wanted to move out and i was 1 day late with my notice. (29 day early) instead of a full month. They said i had to pay no matter what. So i paid andd then left the stove on for the full month. 24 hours a day. 2 glowing red burners. I wish i was there to see the look on that poor fuck's face.


Med grower
ICMag Donor
Ignore all these people telling you to take revenge.

Move out, find a new safe space and start again. Remember how lucky you were not to be arrested.

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