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Advice PLEASE!! Landlord coming on Monday to 'investigate my power bill'

texasluv said:
blueberryfarmer- I've read every single post in this whole thread and I can't believe you gave cocktail frank -K for the GOOD advice he gave you. I am not coming down on you, but I think you need to get back and re-evaluate the way you are reacting. You asked a question, and got an answer. Not the one you wanted to hear, but it was the right answer. If you don't want to hear the answers, don't ask the question. Just because you don't agree with what someone says doesn't mean you punish them. I agree that that was a dick move, but whatever. Not my problem.

You say you are not 100% sure that he knew about your grow?!?!?!?!? Is it going to take your landlord actually saying the words, "I know you were growing" before you believe it? WTF more do you need?!?!?! He gave you notice, he INSISTED to look in a wardrobe he has NO BUSINESS IN. HE ****ING KNEW WHAT WAS IN THAT WARDROBE AT SOME POINT!!!! If you can't understand that then sell your light, dump your seeds, and leave growing for those of us that understand common sense.

I'm not directly insulting you, you are just inexperienced. Please don't get offended, I'm not trying to be dick. It would be unfair for me to say "you should have known..." simply because I've been doing this FAR longer than you have, and on a much larger scale. You learn with time, consider this a learning experience. As you can see, a lot of people on this site knew exactly what was going to happen based on your first post. You didn't have the experience to come to same conclusion as all of us 'old timers.' That should tell you there are a lot of people here with more experience than you that can teach you something. Although cocktail frank came down a little hard on you, it was for your own good. Just remember, he did not give you a single piece of bad advice (trust me, I went back and read all of his posts....) He tried to help, you punished him for it.

Do what you must. Obviously, you are not going to get rid of the buds. I wouldn't either, even though I know better. I know its hard to hear the exact opposite of what you want to hear, but it is necessary sometimes. In the past 6 months I had to shut down an entire 4KW operation, cutting down every single plant and throwing them into plastic bags to be sunk to the bottom of the ocean. Trust me, it hurts to be safe- but it hurts less than getting ****ed in the ass in jail.

It wasn't the 'advice' he was giving me that I had a problem with, it was the way he said it. It wasn't necessary the way he worded it and I took offence. It sounded more like he wanted to tell me how stupid I was/am, rather than give me respectful and useful advice.

Whatever, i'm getting pretty sick of this shit. I can deal with being given advice that i dont want to hear, but I dont see why I should have to deal with being ridiculed. I dont need this shit. You guys talk like you know everything about me, my situation, and my landlord. I understand that you guys have a lot of experience, but it doesn't mean you KNOW whats going to happen to me or that you know what I know, what my landlord knows, etc. I dont know how anybody can be 100% sure of anything, let alone what someone else has in their head (IE what my landlord supposedly knows).

Verite - Okay, the form he gave me specifically says on it that I have one week to comply with his conditions - which consist of keeping our apartment temperature where he wants it, essentially. If I do that then the everything is fine. If he wants to say I did not comply (I AM COMPLYING) then I am served another eviction notice. If I disagree and want to fight it, I stay where I am until the situation is resolved in court or whatever. I really do not see it going that far. I've spoken to another guy in the building and he says that he's had problems with the LL being anal about the power and serving him eviction notices and shit, but he's never moved out and keeps paying his rent and nothing ever really comes of it. I'm not saying this is what I will do if he tries to claim that I didn't do what he wanted, but I dont think it will go that far. I said in my earlier posts that i have to comply within a week and all that....

Listen.. thanks to all the people who took the time to read the thread and have given me constructive criticism in this situation. I appreciate that very much because without that things probably would have gone a lot differently for my girlfriend and I.

I wish more people would read and actually listen to what I'm saying on here... but anyway.. I think this thread is done.


Blueberry i feel your pain with annoying snoopy landlords. My advice is to get out of there if you feel your privacy is at risk. I rented from this guy and i noticed alot of his places were vacant so it seemed fishy to me. He creeped me out too and frequently came into the building and went in the vacant apartments downstairs. what he did down there i will never know. i think he listened to see if we were home then go in the place. I was the only one renting out of 4 places wtf!! and he had 6 other vacant places in town too, wtf pedophile lol. something had to be up. Then i heard alot of rumours about him entering the places and going into the dirty underwear when the tenants were at work. I talked to a guy that was home because he was working a different shift and he caught the landlord trying to come in at 1 am!! well he normally worked the night shift and his girlfriend worked until 3 am. I needed to get out so we started looking to move. Shitty thing was the end of one month was coming, only 3 days left!! Then it happened to me, we cleaned our place up because we were going to have company over. I was working 7-3 and he knew that. My gf was home until 12 then left to see her dad and he seen her leave because he just so happened to be there as usual. I came home at 3 to find a pair of my gf's dirty underwear on the couch. When she got home i asked her just because i heard stories and she told me she changed in the room and put them in the dirty clothes bin like we always do. Then i got this sick feeling our privacy was violated. I started freaking out and was so pissed i drove to the cop station to make a report. I needed to get out soon so we went back and started throwing everything in garbage bags, like everything man, got it all ready for the move. We stayed that night at my friends house and i worked until 3am that because of a shutdown and they needed people for overtime. I was going to go to my friends that night again but i managed to find an apartment last minute and got the keys. I worked with the guy so i never had to have first and last. We moved at 3 am lol, me and my 2 buddies and 3 trucks, gone in 20 minutes. I dropped off his key with a letter stating never to come near me if he sees me in town, i know what youve been doing type shit.

Honestly, i think he was in your place. what got me was the fact he said "other plants" to you and said that is smelt skunky in the one place you grew. Those snoopy landlords will always be like that. My advice find a new place. Im from northern ontario and i know its really shitty to move in the winter. If i were you id wait do the surveillance if you want, run up his bill if you want to get back at him for violating your space but is that childish? You could always move with a uhaul, i did it once but it sucks balls. I am currently not where i want to be, but have nothing to move with. I love the place i rent from and its all i need, even though theres no jobs here lol
But yea, find a new place, preferably one with power not included, even though a 250w is **** all, even 300w for crappy ballasts isnt much power. Here it is based on ontarios 5.3cents per Kwh. Hey i finally used the stuff from college lol basic formulas

I based this on a 99.9% efficient lumatek, but if you have the other type it wont be much more then this. Does this make sence about a power bill for a 250W?

First Month - Veg

14 days @ 24/0
250w x 24h/1000
=6Kw/h per day times 14 days
=84 Kw/h @ 5.3 Cents per Kw/h
= $4.45

7 days @ 18/6
250w x 18h/1000
=4.5Kw/h per day times 7 days
=31.5Kw/h @5.3 Cents per Kw/h
= $1.67
7 Days at 14/10
250W x 14h/1000
=3.5Kw/h per day times 7 days
=24.5Kw/h @5.3 Cents per Kw/h
= $1.30

First Month= $4.45 + $1.67 + $1.30 = $7.42

Second and Third Months

60 Days 12/12
250w x 12h/1000
=3Kw/h per day times 60 days
=180Kw/h @ 5.3 Cents per Kw/h
= $9.54 for 2 months dived by 2

Second and Third months= $4.77 per month

Grand total 7.42 + 4.77 + 4.77 = 17 Bucks for a 250 per cycle.


blueberryfarmer said:
You guys talk like you know everything about me, my situation, and my landlord. I understand that you guys have a lot of experience, but it doesn't mean you KNOW whats going to happen to me or that you know what I know, what my landlord knows, etc. I dont know how anybody can be 100% sure of anything, let alone what someone else has in their head (IE what my landlord supposedly knows).

Hi bbfarmer,

It's not that were psychic and can read people's minds, it's because we've been doing this long enough, and with enough different landlords, to identify specific behavioral patterns.

From what you said, based on my previous experience, I could see what was going to happen, and that's why I felt the need to stress the importance of clearing house and helping you and your gf keep your freedom.

I'm sure the last thing you needed was being arrested, but based on all your comments, I don't think you're cut out for making a living out of growing.

This is not dissing you, so please don't take it that way, but if you react the way you have done about a 250W grow, I don't think you could handle a big operation....for that you need a different mindset; a calm, professional, non-vengeful or spiteful, friendly-with-landlords-and-cops-attitude. In situations of extreme stress, you need to be able to make a joke and act cool.

Maybe you don't want a career in growing, and that's fine, but if you do, and you're just rough around the edges and want to get into it, just remember what I've said before you fill a house with plants.

Perhaps your landlord is giving you empty threats, but the bottom line is man - apartments where someone else pays the power bills are a big no-no for growing - that was your first mistake really.

You've taken good advice and saved your skin this time, but to continue to grow, you need to be nice as pie to your landlord, lay low for a while, say you've got a new job or family problem out of town and need to move, rent a house, chill out and don't grow anything for at least 3 months, then start again slowly.

That's the path to take, if you want to, but ultimately it's your choice. I will say it's a very rewarding path, not just financially, but also very risky, and even if you're up for it, your gf may not be.

So, things to think about and remember.

All the best,

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BB, I have been through alot of shit in my time, numerous court battles in criminal, civil and family court, along with all the battles outside of court that went with them.

I have a temper, and when I get pissed, I spend alot of time and energy on wasteful activities. And I have gotten myself in trouble quite a few times when mad.

Please listen to me and consider your time and efforts. Just obey the landlord, keep the heat down to wher he wants it, and start looking for a new crib. Stop focusing on revenge and catching the LL. Focus on work, your GF and the holidays.

Down the road, you will think to yourself, why the F**K did I waste time on that idiot? I have regretted alot of my actions.

BTW, what is that video going to proove? Its a civil issue more than likely. And evidence like that is not readily admissable in court. Theres alot of rules about evidence. Who is to say when the video was taken? Maybe it was after he gave you 24 hour notice? Your time stamp means nothing, you are biased. He could also claim he left the notice in your box.

Its a pissing match that can be easily avoided. Stay on the down low and find a new place. Dont let your LL kindness fool you, he probably is baiting you.


Well-known member
I just wanted to chime in a second time and I have followed the thread beginning to end. You have handled yourself admirably. I understand you are frustrated with the people who only provide advice with undertones of negativism. I believe you are correct in your statements of the criticism from others. You will find few threads without it.

Everyone has good intentions, as they want you to do well, they just get caught up in the “ well duh” in their minds. I know its hard in fact impossible not to take some of these personal. Just keep in mind you have made the right decision every time and any of your comments on this board were just thinking out loud, bouncing feeling and ideas off of fellow growers. This is what you should be doing and continue to do. That way the action will be one that is clearly thought out.

So do not give up on this thread or IC mag you will gain important knowledge. Just because every Tom, Dick, Harry or Hamstring can give good advise does not mean they are good at giving advice. It takes a unique person to be able to transcend the negative and just allow the positive to come through on their advice. Not me, I am the most impatient SOB on the earth and can never practice what I preach. Just hang in there and keep asking questions. One thing you can count on is someone offering good advice and whole lot of negativity also. Just try and see the advice only.

Keep up the good work because as the old saying says “Actions speak louder than words" and your actions have been right on.

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you should make christmas sugar cookies with all your harv and send em to your landlord for christmas.


bbf - Hey man , I don't post much here and i thought i should really say that i have read all the pages on this topic. I ran into a issue Not like yours a year ago and asked some questions on here and got a LOT of answers i did not like. Telling me i was wrong and that i should do things a different way. Needless to say i understand where your coming from and understand the stress and overwhelming energy that comes from this type of event. BUT let me tell you these people on this forum are like the BORG on STAR TREK, A collective hive mind 100's of thousands of hours of experience here at your fingertips. :muahaha:

The only that i can say is congrats on escaping with something so many people take for granted.... FREEDOM! ( People you don't know and may never meet GIVE THEIR LIVES so you can enjoy your freedom, Don't slap them in the face and spit on them ,and give yours up so freely. ) You made the right decision in this mater. :fsu:

On a last note i want to also say, I have taken MANY effective communication classes for management. And i still remember to this day one thing i learned and it apply here.

Emails/Post, Have NO tone. You cant hear variation in vocal patterns and emphasis on different words. Meaning if i say Shut the F|_|ck up, you don't know if i am angry or have a happy go lucky smile on my face saying it in a joking/causal/Surprised manor.

P.S. Revenge is never the answer, Its bad Karma, Mojo, Zen, Or what ever your center in life may be. :rasta:

And remember, " Wars are not won by dieing for your country, wars are won by making the other poor bastard die for his!!!" :dueling:
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Active member
I learned a lot from this thread. Is cool to have someone else going trough the shit and then you can learn from it.

blueberryfarmer said:
Well, i'm not 100% sure he's been in the apartment when i'm not home, and i'm not 100% sure he ever definitely KNEW about the grow. There are so many mixed signals its impossible to tell at this point. Yes he 'tipped' me off by giving me notice of the inspection, but he also ruthlessly inspected every inch of my apartment once he got in there as if he was looking for anything he could find to evict me. What i haven't bothered to post about yet is that after he looked through the apartment, he gave me an eviction notice, citing the adjusted thermostat and extra appliances that he found while inspecting that contradict our tenancy agreement

Sorry man to say but i think you are not so clever.

I remember to you that you're doing something ILLEGAL, and this deprive you of ANY rights.

You did the rough guy the first time and this ****ed you up.

It's normal for a landlord to come to houses and check things out, maybe it's not legal but as i said you are a DRUG DEALER and you have NO RIGHTS. You DON'T WANT police to be involved, you CAN'T sue him or anything else.

Just forget about him, go to his house with a present and apologize that things got wrong, BE KIND, and tell you hope to see him again in the future, but you're moving.

Remember he KNOWS and he can send you to JAIL.

He yet has been TOO MUCH KIND giving you a warning, it's normal he's upset. In my country if someone has the idea that you're smoking pot in their house you won't smell anything. You just get busted by a cop at 6.00 am.

APOLOGIZE TO HIM, move out, change the locks in your new house. Maybe saying that you heard a lot about rapes and house robberies from previous tenants.

FORGET ANY FORM OF REVENGE, if you piss him off he'll tell the police on you!!!

Keep his adress. Wait some time (like a pair of year) and then think again what you feel about your old landlord. And then decide what to do, if you still are too angry.

Sometimes reading or hearing from people i think that someone would like to go to jail
You want to **** with a guy that has your nuts in the hand.
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Active member
man i repeat: sit down and think.

Can't you see how much shit is coming on you?

10 days ago you were cool with your landlord and now you've almost been kicked out of your flat.
If you misbehave tomorrow you could sleep with a guy called jesus instead of your GF.


Med grower
ICMag Donor
gramsci.antonio I think he's sorted out his problem now mate. No need to go overboard and call him retarded (yea thats against the forum guidelines).


Active member
Sammet said:
gramsci.antonio I think he's sorted out his problem now mate. No need to go overboard and call him retarded (yea thats against the forum guidelines).
yeah you're right. Sorry to all, i edited.


I figured out why i am paranoid.....

Felony, 24/7, 365. But, they have to catch you first.

Okay well thanks for the supportive comments everyone...

Everything's fine right now.. the landlord came over to do the rest of his repairs and shit today and there was no problem. The bud had dried and i jarred it up and my wardrobe went back to being a wardrobe. He didn't say anything about another eviction notice or anything and today would be the day he'd have to serve it to me, so...

He's still concerned about my power usage even now that the grow is down. He's thinking my neighbour's stealing power, possibly from me, and that i may or may not be helping him. He's asking me to write a statement saying my neighbour is using power that isn't his (the outlet in the hallway). I told him I wouldn't do it, because i'm not screwing my neighbour over like that, but this is the type of shit the landlord is going on about right now.

Anyway, in case it isn't clear to some people yet:

BTW, the 2 plants at least 2-3 weeks premature yielded 6.33oz dry.
Sammet: I tried to upload them a while ago and it wouldn't work. I'll try again tonight. The buds are super crystally and sticky, but loose and not filled in. These nugs would've fattened right the **** up in the last two weeks there... sigh. I bet i would've been pushin at least 8oz if they could've matured. But at least i got something.


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
right on glad things worked out so so for you, they say better to tear down today and be abel to grow tomarrow. sounds like your landlord is a winner use to much power turn everything off unplug it while your gone type guy. lol bet if his but squeezed any tighter a penny would pop out granted utilities included is great. but being in charge of your own power bill is allways better, these ppl know approx how much the unit should cost say per month in power ussage. so utilities included usally has it in the rent allready and when ya exceed said approx ussage from past tenants well duder's going to say WTH lol.


blueberryfarmer: This thread is currently my favorite one on icmag. I am always checking to see what is up with you and that you are still posting! Someone mentioned that this thread was like a Hitchcock movie.. I couldn't agree more! Reading your posts I was thinking "Damn how does this guy get through his front door with balls that big?"

I am really really glad that you chopped your plants though I am sorry that you had to. I think anyone who is growing in an apartment (like myself) needs to be prepared to chop on a moments notice. Others have mentioned that you should be glad you're not in a cell. I would say that not being in jail is top priority. After all, there are a million other things that can be done with your freedom... like get a part time job to pay for weed, guerrilla farming or finding sympathetic buddies who might have access to land where you could have a plant or two. If you are in jail, you can't do anything.

Good luck and please keep us posted!


this thread was like a soap opera im glad u made the right decision bb jail aint nowhere to be you can always find a new spot to live/grow dont take the advice you get so sensetively you were about to make the wrong choice about not moving them at all so the oldtimers had to put their foot in your as$ and make you see things clearly remember-a good friend always tells you what you need to hear not always what you wanna hear.ya feel me?peace

High Jinks

BBF, come on dude, this is one of the most anticipated bud shots of the week. So much trial, and tribulation...we're all still hangin' out here to see your smoke...post em!' :whip: