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So you guys see what Bamboo is working on with Rare Earth. I would assume shipping from RE would be cheaper than the AEA soil. This is what I was talking about, I don't see how the AEA soil could be THAT much better if the right ratio's are met and soil microbes are maintained through watering and teas. If I had to guess, the cost of the coot's mix at RE is going to be close, if not more, than $200 a yard.

I am just getting into Michael Astera's book, and trying to learn all I can.


Active member
OK, never-mind. I guess we can't talk about other soil in the AEA thread. I already made up my mind anyway, coot's mix it is for fresh soil next year. Thanks for at least bringing the AEA soil to my attention.


Senior Member
I would suggest running side by side tables. No doubt the coot miix with proper micros will be really good. Howvere once you see the waxy keystone bio ag leaves with relatively low ecs it do make you wonder. I have never seen anything close to it.

All of that energy stored as fat is flat going to drive essential oil production.

At least one table this winter will be only adding the bare minimum of n and k needed.

Outdoors I am actually thinking a heavier soil since it will hold more minerals...bigger battery.

Lot of ways to skin a cat. I kinda prefer to follow my own path. You learn a lot more that way...good and bad


Senior Member
Plus I will bang it hard with tainio stuff trying to avoid N adds entirely if I can. K can be supplied with pht k foliars

Backyard Farmer

Active member
My favorite lessons are the ones that make me say "id never do it that way again" mainly because the correct path opens itself up in that experience.

Backyard Farmer

Active member
We want to move away from continually planting in the same beds so we're going to make a new garden with 25 next year and do 25 full term and do our auto blackout with the rest of our #s.

In our current areas I'm going to plant cover crop and bio accumulators


Active member
2 skids from AEA is same price 1900$+ just for delivery. Eli suggested ordering thru them as it will be the same price. 17$ a bag. He said 15k for a full truckload of skids delivered to the west coast...BYF someone in your neck of the woods is ordering them in fact. Someone you might know..


Active member
1 on the EC! Wow, teetering on the edge eh... I've gotten up to 1.2 w salt build up, plants clawed and burnt tips but the yield was ridiculous and quality was tip top. I'm sure it'll do well just seemed more in tune @.7-.8 in my garden at least...

Backyard Farmer

Active member
.7 is what I always went with but I feel like they can take more with out getting funky if I push their enzyme system...it's all about hormones and enzymes...

I don't know any one using the keystone stuff.
Trying to calculate how much product I should get for a test run.

Going off the Solenacous Crops schedule.
Calculating a modest 1 time a week cycle of 12 feedings using 20 gallons of water.
That is 20 oz of each product for each week. 20 x 12 =240 ounces
16 oz in a gallon. That is 15 gallons of each product needed.

128 oz in a gallon

Backyard Farmer

Active member
Yes previous experimentation lead me to 9-10lbs of the protein blend per yard will give .7-8 EC , the old blend I was using on the worm factory compost/peat/perlite/lava rock also is jacked up with calcium from things like fish bones , crab shells , cal carbonate cal sulfate...

I'm going to send penn a GA of my blend and see if I can get their recommendation on how much to add to raise the EC .

I'm also really tempted just to get a bunch of that turkey compost from Diestel farms thats made with MWBA composting system and just do what I need to do with it... I talked to the guys at Diestel farm and will be heading down for tour after the season


Senior Member
I went 20 lbs once upon a time and hit 1.2 and definitely burned some roots.

Guess I will go 10 on a table and see where I end up...although 15 would probably be safe.


Active member
I'm also really tempted just to get a bunch of that turkey compost from Diestel farms thats made with MWBA composting system and just do what I need to do with it... I talked to the guys at Diestel farm and will be heading down for tour after the season

Is this the turkey farm out in or by Sonora? If so GCG and there crew used that compost this year and loved it.


Senior Member
What I keep having trouble wrapping me skull around is the fact that tom uses 2 actual pounds of N per yard (67 lbs chicken shit at 3%). 10 lbs of protein meal is about 0.3-0.4 lbs actual N.

The difference has to be that the cs is actually compost and far less N is released during a plant cycle. Re amending is gonna be different.

Turkey diestel is probably not as much N as cs. But it probably a better symbiotic relation between microbes and plant. But who knows...definetely not me for sure