Dab Strudel
Active member
Not worded the best. I mighta been high.
I use a Dramm Foggit nozzle...that is the spray part. All alone it works fine, but add in front of it a kind of venturi deal to speed the liquid up and it is even better. I fill a container, chuck a pump (just an electric from harbor freight) in there, attach the nozzle to a 75 ft hose and I can cover most of my gardens. I would recommend Teflon tape unless you wanna get wet.
Sooo Hose>Educator>Dramm=Fog? Just saw some videos about the dramm nozzles on the Tube. Pretty sweet. Does it change the application rates? I assume not, but what is the point if you keep the application rates the same? just to provide an easy going dropplet to the leaves vs a big old water dropplet that rolls off? Sorry I ask so many controling questions, Its hard to assume and/or see what happens :/