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Advancing Eco Agriculture, Product Science


Active member
I have respect for Lead so I ain't playing that. He knows what he is doing

It is your grow if you want to use more go ahead. I would suggest pick a single plant and see what happens

I will say do you really think you have more plant mass per whatever area than that same area filled with tomatos cranking out 25 lbs per plant

ok..... Not sure why you take things so sideways sometimes. You are a strange dude.

Anyways, the application rates I posted up seem to be a low application rate for my outdoor ladies. Anybody, other than Milky, like to discuss application rates?

My core products from AEA are sea shield, rejuvenate, and sea stim. I am not sure I would press the rates on the rejuvenate any higher, but the sea shild and stim I believe can both be pushed.

I have already been doubling the recommended amounts that Lead gave me on a handful of plants, and they still seem hungry.

I will say do you really think you have more plant mass per whatever area than that same area filled with tomatos cranking out 25 lbs per plant
Yes, no doubt.

And while I am at it byf ought to be acknowledged as the guy that came up with certain basic formulas for soil

Didn't byf use like 15 ml per gallon of Rejuvenate and much higher doses than I posted? He also didn't fertigate weekly if I remember correctly, he would drench every couple of weeks right?
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Active member
ok.......... I think I am done with AEA. If you can't even produce a product that doesn't explode and cause thousands of dollars in damage, then how as a customer can I ever trust the product itself.

This is the third round in a row that has exploded. Not acceptable. Caused thousands of dollars in damage, and not to mention sprayed 8-15 curing plants from my deps with Rejuvenate..... This was being stored in a temp controlled room at 68 degrees in the dark being burped daily!!!!

Sucks to spend thousands on a nutrient line, that I now might just throw in the garbage and just build a commercial brewer and create tea's and nutrients myself. Can't believe this is happening, anybody else have as many issues as me with Rejuvenate?


If you can't tell, the second bottle in the row behind the Rejuvenate bottle visible, blew up from the center of the plastic bottle, with such force that my 15' tall ceilings are coated in Rejuvenate. Total high PSI DISASTER!!!


So I am now getting notarized letters from the FedEx facility inquiring about my exploding Rejuvenate. Apparently, after a total of 30 gallons blowing up in their facility, they are getting annoyed. As am I.......

Milky, I got some application rates from Lead and wanted to see if you agree.



1-4 ml. Phosphorus 1-4 ml. Calcium
1 ml. MicroPak
4-8ml. Rejuvenate 4-8 ml. SeaShield

2 ml. Sea Stim
(If needed via sap test)1-4 ml Potassium

I am finding for large outdoor plants, these rates seem low. How about everybody else?
Those rates are low work well for for clones and small plants. Based off 100 sq foot. Def can go much higher. Hope all is growing well.


i had to replace my dirt in my greenhouse and i just used ball metro sun gro mix which is peat forest humis pumace and dolimite and i added ewc and compost so nothing really in my dirt- i have great results using the nutrilive or now special blend a/b every other day at :
special blend a - 3 mil per gal (nutrilive growth)
special blend b - 4 mil per gal (nutrilive vitality)

for root drench.
my plants are 2-3 feet tall.
I haven't gotten any answers on what's actually in these bottles yet, i'm gonna call em on monday.
This is what is in the blend.
Nutra-Live Growth = Special Blend A = PHT Complete Macro
Nutra-Live Vitality = Special Blend B = PHT Complete Micro


ok.......... I think I am done with AEA. If you can't even produce a product that doesn't explode and cause thousands of dollars in damage, then how as a customer can I ever trust the product itself.

This is the third round in a row that has exploded. Not acceptable. Caused thousands of dollars in damage, and not to mention sprayed 8-15 curing plants from my deps with Rejuvenate..... This was being stored in a temp controlled room at 68 degrees in the dark being burped daily!!!!

Sucks to spend thousands on a nutrient line, that I now might just throw in the garbage and just build a commercial brewer and create tea's and nutrients myself. Can't believe this is happening, anybody else have as many issues as me with Rejuvenate?

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If you can't tell, the second bottle in the row behind the Rejuvenate bottle visible, blew up from the center of the plastic bottle, with such force that my 15' tall ceilings are coated in Rejuvenate. Total high PSI DISASTER!!!

looks exactly like my storage unit- fucking mess!


ok.......... I think I am done with AEA. If you can't even produce a product that doesn't explode and cause thousands of dollars in damage, then how as a customer can I ever trust the product itself.

This is the third round in a row that has exploded. Not acceptable. Caused thousands of dollars in damage, and not to mention sprayed 8-15 curing plants from my deps with Rejuvenate..... This was being stored in a temp controlled room at 68 degrees in the dark being burped daily!!!!

Sucks to spend thousands on a nutrient line, that I now might just throw in the garbage and just build a commercial brewer and create tea's and nutrients myself. Can't believe this is happening, anybody else have as many issues as me with Rejuvenate?

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If you can't tell, the second bottle in the row behind the Rejuvenate bottle visible, blew up from the center of the plastic bottle, with such force that my 15' tall ceilings are coated in Rejuvenate. Total high PSI DISASTER!!!

That really sucks man.

I had three loads explode in transit last year and that was pretty much it for me. I don't have the time or desire to deal with that kind of hassle and I don't want my fedex guy to hate me.

Hemphrey Bogart

Active member
Wow. I thought they had figured out the whole blowing up thing. I stopped buying Rejuvenate after the first purchase came with the stuff leaking everywhere. Not good. You have my sympathies, footy.

It's too bad too because the stuff works...it just doesn't ship or store very well.

Is it just the Rejuvenate that explodes? None of the other products? Could you keep the cap loose on it and sore it in a 5 gallon bucket with a lid or something. Just curious because I have some on the way, assuming it can make it here.


Active member
I haven't had any problems with their products once they arrive to me. I just keep the caps loose / unscrewed on the ones that want to swell up- that's all it takes, problem solved. They probably should have that in writing on the bottles that are at risk of explosion / leaks though.


Well-known member
The rejuvenate, growth, sea stim and pht bloom are the ones you have to worry about. I just leave the cap loose.


Active member
Anyone try the nutralive package it's a blend of growth and vitality. Seems a little more cost effective to buy them separately but the ease of two in one is nice if it's the best mix ratio for cannabis. Your thoughts


Senior Member
The rejuvenate, growth, sea stim and pht bloom are the ones you have to worry about. I just leave the cap loose.

I don't really understand why the stim is a problem even though I agree it is. The rest of them have a structured water product in them that I would describe as a very powerful prebiotic. If you have a single bacterial cell in that mix things are going to get very alive very quickly.

What makes it so good is also what makes it explode like that. If they weren't trying to sell product and would say what it is you could add it yourself. Sometimes capitalism sucks balls.


Active member
So why is Nutralive Vitality any better than just mixing your own crustacean meal, rock phosphate, potassium sulfate, and calcium carbonate? What are the enzymes they use in the mix and why are they important?


Senior Member
It is not the enzymes. It is structured water which acts like a very powerful prebiotic. They will never say its name cause it is the basis of their two most popular things, rejuvenate and accelerate.

And that makes it a double edged sword. If they said what it is you could make your own. But because they don't you got shit exploding everywhere.

Dab Strudel

Active member
Its important because while we take the shot gun approach of giving the plant all it needs in variety to cover all our bases, certain items are able to be taken in more of an abundance to fatten up the plant properly (key here) vs using a PK boost or SST that adds somethings (some at higher rates that start throwing off balances) while not adding other important things.. While they will still help, you will be sacraficing in other areas (as well as setting yourself up for failure in the future with all the imbalances) whereas AEA uses specific species that pluck the right strings so farmers can get a better crop, nutrient wise. The enzymes break that stuff down in the forms that are specific to creating the right domino effect in the plant to express those specific genes.


Active member
milkyjoe, what do you mean by 'structured water'? I thought they just used sea water? You can't mean by 'structured water' it's that pseudoscience memory water do you? Do they whisper sweet nothings to their water? lol

Dab, I can't quite understand what you're saying. The enzymes break down the nutrients into different forms? What forms? Are you saying certain forms of nutrients affect gene expression differently?


Structured water meaning they are changing the way the H2O molecules interact, I've heard by somehow changing the hydrogen bond angle. I'm not very versed in physics or fringe science, but it seems to be a potent microbial stimulant.

After using it, I saw sap nitrate rise around 1000-1500ppm. Measurements were taken with a Laquatwin meter.


Active member
After using it, I saw sap nitrate rise around 1000-1500ppm. Measurements were taken with a Laquatwin meter.

After using what exactly? Their secret water? Or did you make some? What was it?

Did you have a control?

Regarding the hydrogen angle of water, I remember reading how snake oil scammers were trying to sell machines that would change the angle to cure cancer. It's totally pseudoscience.


Senior Member
I would not have believed it, I might have called it pseudoscience...but how did orech's sap nitrate go up? I don't understand it but somehow it acts like a really strong prebiotic...that is microbe food. I promised I would not say what it is but it causes the explosions and a whole lot of good stuff along with it. Think about it...rejuvenate is molasses along with a little kelp and sea crop, that would be plenty shelf stable and just give avg results.

And of course different nutrients cause different gene expression. Just like in us. It is like resistant starch in us...doubt that it will cure cancer just like I doubt cannabis will. But you can measure the effect if you just use the structured water and nothing else. Hell for all I know it is just another humic substance...then again I drink 1/2 ounce of bioag fulvic every day

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