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Advancing Eco Agriculture, Product Science


"Holy shit" is right. Thats a lot of stutzmans, almost 20% of the mix. Is it for starts? Last years outdoor I used a really hot mix, maybe 1.4 EC, and it worked out alright. I didn't have time to mix up a well balanced, microbially active media though.

We have good vermi composts out here but not many options as far as being well made. I've been told that the Oregon malibu is good but I haven't checked it out yet. Soil testing has turned into a sort of self gift giving activity for me. Some people buy lottery tickets or play slots, I like to break open bags and send samples to logan.


Well-known member
Orechron.. I was rather impressed by the Malibu soil when I transplanted my seedings into it. They grew 6 inches almost overnight...I haven't done any testing on it but the results were undeniable.


Senior Member
I am pretty sure Rootwise is using Malibu after trialing it and oly. He was stoked about it...not sure which one but the stuff on build a soil's site


Just placed an order :)

Lets see if my rejuv comes intact or not, and see of the hype is real.. I gotta say im exited to try some foliars for my full term plants outdoors...

I was pleasantly suprised at how cheap everything is, sweet! :)

I got rejuv,phos,cal, mocropak, spectrum, sea shield, sea stim, and photomag... Anything else you guys would recomend?


Had a couple questions I hoped someone might chime in on.

Just got some Nutralive A/B, the application rates for foliar per 1,000 sq feet seem very conservative. Do you guys think the rates are sufficient for large plants? My train of thought is that 1,000 sq feet of canopy that is 2 feet high cant be equal to the same canopy that is 6 or even 10 feet high?

Also with the Nutralive A/B being used on a regular schedule, is there any need to still use photomag on a regular schedule as well?

Those cucumber beetles have been really fierce around here as well. I have been manually picking them off and squishing them. I thought I had their population down and got lazy. Then they came back. Swear I killed about 70 on a good day. Caught a bunch of them mating, easier to catch when they are stuck together!

Thanks and happy season to all,


Active member
So, this is now attempt number two where the Rejuvenate hasn't even made it to my house. Burst open at fedex.........Anybody else having issues, this badly?
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Senior Member
Had a couple questions I hoped someone might chime in on.

Just got some Nutralive A/B, the application rates for foliar per 1,000 sq feet seem very conservative. Do you guys think the rates are sufficient for large plants? My train of thought is that 1,000 sq feet of canopy that is 2 feet high cant be equal to the same canopy that is 6 or even 10 feet high?

Also with the Nutralive A/B being used on a regular schedule, is there any need to still use photomag on a regular schedule as well?

Those cucumber beetles have been really fierce around here as well. I have been manually picking them off and squishing them. I thought I had their population down and got lazy. Then they came back. Swear I killed about 70 on a good day. Caught a bunch of them mating, easier to catch when they are stuck together!

Thanks and happy season to all,

So if you have Nutralive instead of adding other things simply jack the one that has the macros up to say 10.5 ounces per 1000 sq ft twice, 7 days apart. Do not spray this heavy, just lightly mist. If you can add the other stuff...micro 5000, pepzyme, some Ca (aea, albion, jhbiotech) and some sea crop...if you don't have it don't sweat that much cause the main stuff you need is in Nutralive

As to how much to use, that depends. The better your soil is, the healthier your plants are already, the less you need. Also during periods of natural stress (transplanting, shifting into flower, they don't look healthy) you can use a little more.

Don't overdo it though. Try to get it right in the soil and use this stuff as a supplement...not as the primary feed. Remember it is primarily about balance. Getting out of balance is worse than being a little light on food.

You will never get rid of a pest by picking them off. That is like the modern medical system and drugs...yes they address symptoms but they do not deal with the root cause of your problem. As long as the plants are attractive to flea beetles (its an infrared thang) they will keep coming back until you alter the mineral balance in your plants to something that does not attract those little bastards. This is why, in spite of all of the new chems that come out every yr all that happens is farmers apply more and more chems vs solving their actual problem


Thanks Milky, appreciate the info.

Gonna go back a page and check out that flea beetle recipe. I am hoping with the weather warming back up and some nutralive the plants health will pick up a bit and fend them off better.

Had a really great start this year, the garden got huge fast. Personal best for this time of year. The plants are very perky, but I noticed the start of a deficiency on a couple of the strains. It seemed to start just as these cold nights hit. Although I am not quite sure if it is the cold weather, the plants are just hungry, they reached some subsoil that isn't as balanced, or something else all together.

Live and learn, guess well see soon. Thanks again.


Active member
I had some seashield bust open / get a leak at the post office. The place reeked when I walked in, i could tell they weren't happy about it lol. The stuff reeks and makes me gag, I don't know how you people are using it foliar. I can handle everything else from chicken shit to feather meal but not the sea shield. I'm going to start getting my aea delivered to my friends hydro shop from now on after that.

Med researcher- my plants were looking real pretty as well.....than the cold came. It got down to 40 one night. I was stressing real hard for a day or so thinking the same thing as you- deficiency - but Since that day I've seen other farms that have the same thing. If it's a weird twisty / droopy stressed look, that looks the worst at sunset, it's just this weather. I hope so anyway, I'm in the same boat.


Active member
Jesus, is there a guide for cannabis to all these AEA products? Milkyjoe, you'd probably have to answer a lot less questions If you made us a little cheat sheet :D


Had a couple questions I hoped someone might chime in on.

Just got some Nutralive A/B, the application rates for foliar per 1,000 sq feet seem very conservative. Do you guys think the rates are sufficient for large plants? My train of thought is that 1,000 sq feet of canopy that is 2 feet high cant be equal to the same canopy that is 6 or even 10 feet high?

Also with the Nutralive A/B being used on a regular schedule, is there any need to still use photomag on a regular schedule as well?

Those cucumber beetles have been really fierce around here as well. I have been manually picking them off and squishing them. I thought I had their population down and got lazy. Then they came back. Swear I killed about 70 on a good day. Caught a bunch of them mating, easier to catch when they are stuck together!

Thanks and happy season to all,

i had to replace my dirt in my greenhouse and i just used ball metro sun gro mix which is peat forest humis pumace and dolimite and i added ewc and compost so nothing really in my dirt- i have great results using the nutrilive or now special blend a/b every other day at :
special blend a - 3 mil per gal (nutrilive growth)
special blend b - 4 mil per gal (nutrilive vitality)

for root drench.
my plants are 2-3 feet tall.
I haven't gotten any answers on what's actually in these bottles yet, i'm gonna call em on monday.

Dab Strudel

Active member
Milky, Did you ever try the foraging schedule or blend or whatever it is from aea (cant recall). Also, did you ever try the Tom Hill mix or did you just comment on it for admiration? I was thinking id slap it in and see what happens but if its a big difference to amend with a list of stuff id continue down that rd. maybe a way to make the TH mix better without going too far off course with some oly fish, maybe a chitin source, and the ususal aea/tainio/etc to make me feel like im with the times atleast?


Senior Member
Obviously Tom's mix works. Nothing but respect for that guy.

If it were mine I would leave out the bone meal and replace it with crab meal and I would not use gypsum, I would use Vansil W10

the big problem with these mixes is the bagged soil is not consistent at all. You cannot count on it being even close. If I were going to use it I would get it in and then send it in for a Logan Labs and go from there.

The second problem is how lightweight it is. You cannot really store enough on the cec sites for a full season. If you remember Tom ended up feeding on top of that mix in an attempt to keep soil ergs at 0.7.

I would say use NutraLive or HoloMax/Min at the recommended doses. And I would add Mo at 0.1 ounces per 1000 sq ft. Then I would also use Accelerate at flip or whenever the plants are stressed (transplants, etc)


Active member
So I am now getting notarized letters from the FedEx facility inquiring about my exploding Rejuvenate. Apparently, after a total of 30 gallons blowing up in their facility, they are getting annoyed. As am I.......

Milky, I got some application rates from Lead and wanted to see if you agree.



1-4 ml. Phosphorus 1-4 ml. Calcium
1 ml. MicroPak
4-8ml. Rejuvenate 4-8 ml. SeaShield

2 ml. Sea Stim
(If needed via sap test)1-4 ml Potassium

I am finding for large outdoor plants, these rates seem low. How about everybody else?


Senior Member
I have respect for Lead so I ain't playing that. He knows what he is doing

It is your grow if you want to use more go ahead. I would suggest pick a single plant and see what happens

I will say do you really think you have more plant mass per whatever area than that same area filled with tomatos cranking out 25 lbs per plant

Dab Strudel

Active member
thank you for your input, I didnt mean to put his talent against yours, I was more referring to simple vs complex. He has the most reputable simple mix so it was easy to throw it out there. I do want to make it my own, with things like lava rock, bark mulch, raise the cec, and some other things. Can I take samples at various points, say if I wanted to sample the bagged soil, then add everything I think I will need and sample again, then amend if need be and sample again? or will samples at those points be useless for some reason?


Senior Member
I was talking to foothill.

I am glad to help in general but I ain't gonna be played against someone else. When shit goes wrong who is to blame

And while I am at it byf ought to be acknowledged as the guy that came up with certain basic formulas for soil

Miss byf on here. I give him, orech, avenger and MM the respect of listening to their opinions

Anyways I ought to shut up

Edit...I may have read that wrong. But my talent does not match Tom's...yet


Well-known member
I see it as get it close enough, most guys here who will speak up and give you some recommendations have they're own ducks in a row. But then that's only to a certain respect. Alot of opinions float about but most aren't worth they're time to press the keys. KISS and learn from your own mistakes. Hop it up to much and chase your tail...Then get worse results. Not saying this person is better then the next but I do like to watch a good fail every now and then. At this point in the season if your still trying to get a mix dialed , the 8 ball is long and far gone. Not that I'm on cruise control by any means, but we're almost there. Get plugged, it's almost july. Focus on the details and miss the big picture.

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