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Advancing Eco Agriculture, Product Science


Senior Member
Take a look at bear river zeolite. I don't totally understand it but it might sequester K. Decide for yourself.

I use 20 lbs per yard. Do get the amended or load it with AS or it will scarf up your N


Active member
If you have Dropbox I can easily share it with you or maybe you know of another way? If you sign up on their website they send invites to you via email for the live webinars. Ask questions and interact live, it was pretty cool. Just got some sap meters in the other day, it's going to be an interesting season :)


Hey, this seems to be the place where all the soil experts are gathering and I'm hoping to get some feedback from your venerable selves ;) I picked up some of this "coots mix" soil and had it tested. I'm looking for a general evaluation and maybe some tips on what I should add to the soil or look out for. This stuff goes for $369 per yard and is advertised as "perfectly balanced" with all the nutes needed right through flower..a lot of hype there.

The plants in this are doing alright..the soil itself though, ouch, I would've added some perlite instead just a little red lava rock for drainage...it holds water in a very deceptive way and is very susceptible to overwatering.


View attachment loganlabssoilreportapril23.pdf

View attachment loganlabssaturatedpasteapril23.pdf


Just a little clarity on my test A and B are from two random smart pots with plants that have been given three or four compost tea applications since I loaded them up a month ago. Sample C is from the center of a 5 yard hill of "coots mix" that I haven't used yet..

They suggested I let the mix sit for two weeks and water it with compost tea but I was way behind schedule so I just plugged the plants in and surrounded them with a few gallons of promix creating a promix buffer zone of 4-5 inches all around. I'm sure the roots grew through the buffer within a week or so. There's the tiniest bit of crispiness on the tips of my plants from N I'd assume but a few strains are absolutely loving it--it's just the right amount.
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Active member
Yeesh, $369 a yard is an astronomical price. It ain't that hard of a mix, it's posted all over the web. At that ticket it should come with a water boy.


Active member

BRZ said they don't offer an organic amendment nor AS but instead offered amended with UAN32.. I assume if it's tied up and cannot be made available what's the harm?


Senior Member
It will become available down the line...nice slow release. If you don't fill it up front though it will rob N from the soil far awhile. Learned that the hard way. Get the amended or just add some as


Active member
They can't ship fertilizer to Oregon, just the zeolite but he did give me a location that carries it in state. Seems logical to just factor in the amount it will tie up and factor that into the amendment. Why not just use my regular amendment mix and let it tie up the excess since we know there is plenty and in time released amounts. Then if sap test start to show waning nitrate levels then foliar feed with N Fixing microbes. Could set the stage for going low low N and just fixing from atmosphere. Seems plausible..


Active member
I got the Horiba ph meter and the Ca ion meter. I'm about to do some sap experiments with ca25 and the Albion metalosate... The ec, nitrate and k meters are on the wish list. Also picked up a ir/ contact temp & psychrometer to monitor plant stress and dial in the watering needs by monitoring leaf surface temps. Fun tools to have handy for the toolbox.

Backyard Farmer

Active member
They can't ship fertilizer to Oregon, just the zeolite but he did give me a location that carries it in state. Seems logical to just factor in the amount it will tie up and factor that into the amendment. Why not just use my regular amendment mix and let it tie up the excess since we know there is plenty and in time released amounts. Then if sap test start to show waning nitrate levels then foliar feed with N Fixing microbes. Could set the stage for going low low N and just fixing from atmosphere. Seems plausible..

Zeolite sequesters nitrogen big time. It's used in the Aqua culture industry in high end reef tanks.

I'd recommend buying it and watering it with AS Before blending


Senior Member
Yea...about the coot mix...and no doubt I am fixin to piss off the los guys once again. The neem meal breaks down super fast into no3 and just screws things up. A little bit is ok...but mix it with other slower release proteins. Say what you will about alfalfa meal...but give it to me anytime over neem. You will not see that big nitrate spike.

Better yet add some zeolite and interupt that protein to nitrate deal by sequestering it as nh4.

One more thing tom tried to teach us. Use the right N source and wet/dry...new/old...it don't matter. EC hangs in there period. Use the wrong ones and watch it drop over time
Zeolite sequesters nitrogen big time. It's used in the Aqua culture industry in high end reef tanks.

I'd recommend buying it and watering it with AS Before blending

Real talk. Zeolite also often harbors Trichoderma too. Supposedly the origin of the material has a significant impact on its molecular structure and microbial inoculum.

BYF, any experience with pyrophyllitic clay?


Senior Member
It doesn't have to be T-22. But it is nice to know your supplier has a true understanding of why you are using his product.


Active member
Bamboo gardener is funny.

Hi Backyard Farmer. Did I hear my name mentioned at being very funny? Well lets all laugh over this. Taken from the 91'chemdog forum and responded by Nspecta, a well respected breeder and owner of CSI Humboldt seeds.

No they kept it VERY tight and me prying the cuts away took work, real world relationships , things of equal value , hard work and dedication to this plant........no plant I've ever gotten has been whored out by me..

This :laughing: ain't true in the slightest...you got practically everything you've gotten by Lying, Dishonesty, False Representation, Trade Baiting, Hypocrisy, and the Ilk.

And many of your best cuts were shared freely with you to be shared freely with others and instead you hoarded them...to what end? So you could have trade bait for the next "elite cut"...so you could act like you were special...you tell me?

And what of all the lies...well? You've never admitted to a single lie and yet your lies are everywhere...a decade worth of them...you told my bro you created Super Silver Haze in 2004 (In the real world), you sold Kid Rock your Northern Lights back in 1990, what, when you were 4 (real world numbers). You're my partner, my brother...you created or selected everything I did? The whole time you're lying behind my back about everything...is your dad HA? No. Is your grandfather B.E.? No. Are you my Brother? No. Did you have anything to do with Bombthreat? No. Nothing but dishonesty and deceit man...it never ends.

What I don't get...why are the lies & dishonesty necessary Backyard Farmer/VegNout/Dusty/Danimal/Etc...well?

You have become a badass grower...you grow more than most of the cats on IC in a single season...you have the upper echelon of elite cuts in the world...you have the potential to breed with cup winning stock...you have the skills to make something that's your own...and still you feel the need to put on a front and keep up a charade of dishonesty.

I honestly think this is one of those instances where if you were able to be honest with yourself and everyone else your entire life could/would change in ways you could never imagine...tell the truth, keep it real, be honest, stop living the lie.

And while this is directed at you BF...it applies to many in our game & industry...even some of the perceived best in the game are building their lives on lies...for what? $$$'s Sad.

Apologies to all...rant over. :fsu:

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