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Advancing Eco Agriculture, Product Science

I'm setting up the excel program with steve Soloman and mike A's recomendations, looking at the two when our soil density is factored you see some major differences in K.

For steves, he recommends up to 543 lbs/acre of K when you reach 39 CEC and remain there for any TCEC higher than 39. For a soil with TCEC at 39 that equates to 1.79% K. For a TCEC soil of 100, that would equate to about 0.7% base saturation of K, but his sodium recomendation remains at 1%. I don't like the idea of Na levels being higher than K. Also if you take K away from the sites, something else has to fill those sites. If that's H+ then your soil pH will be lower. Due to his max limits on micros, the variable bases (Mn, Fe, ect) recomended saturation % would lower as soil TCEC raises. So Id assume you'd have more sites filled with H+ and therefore more Al 3+ And Fe from acidic soil conditions.

For mike's, he recomendends 2-5% K.

Another difference is Steves limits on all micros and Mike only has max limits on Cu and Zn. So when you factor in our soil densities, all the micros that were adequate in the original soil test data (with the wrong density) are now very excessive. I think what it boils down to is steves soil plan wAsnt design for a soil over 50 TCEC.

I'm thinking of shooting for 1.5-2% K. perhaps Na at 0.5-0.8%, then use a paste test to see what's in the soil solution. For micros im going to follow Mikes and again see what the paste test shows. As for the free sites from the less K%, im going to run Mg to 15%-16% and Ca at 68%.

For the program, I've put steve and mikes recomendations side by side so you can choose, and I made all the major cation saturation % variable so you can choose your own Ca, Mg, and K%s.
Excel handles linear programming with its Solver pack/add-on... Simple conditional value solving is done with the GoalSeek function, and bigger models with its Scenario building tool...

Yeah I'm looking into the solve function, meeting w a mathematician that's more educated than me to go over it, if she can't help me would you mind?

Also when looking at TCEC of our soil and where to put the bases, you want 10% of the sites for H+ (for pH 6.4), 4.5% for other cations (Mn, Fe, ect) and you want Ca%/Mg% to be 4.33. For ideal soil K+ is 4% and Na is 1.5%, so that's 2.67 K:Na....were not in a soil that albretch worked on, I believe we need less K and Na % and still get adequate amounts of both in soil solution. So if I run K at 2% im going to run Na at 0.75%. So to account for the free sites from reducing K to 2% and running Na at 0.75, im running Ca at 67.22% and Mg at 15.53%...I think with limits on micros we may have some more free sites from the variable bases, if that's the case then I'll continue to increase Ca and Mg while maintaining the Ca%:Mg% of 4.33:1.


Yeah I'm looking into the solve function, meeting w a mathematician that's more educated than me to go over it, if she can't help me would you mind?

Writing software is [part] of what I do...
I'm no mathematician, but I know how to code in VBA (the scripting language for Microsoft Office apps), and I understand the basics of the Solver & Scenario-builder objects and how to manipulate them in code...

... And lurking around ICM is all about helping out, so, sure, I'd be happy to help out if I can.
Good karma and all that... Besides, your spreadsheet would prolly teach me a lot, and I'm all about learnin...

Just let me know.
I just need it to calculate the solution to a linear system, however if there is no solution, to make adjustments to certain coefficients in the matrix array. For instance if the system has no definite solution, then ignore S levels to help find a solution.

As for incorporating parameters such as using different amendments for different pH situations, I'll use different matrices for a each situation (pH >7, ph<7).

I would've messaged you that as I hate to derail this thread, but I don't think I have enough posts.

As for AEA I use micro5000 and pz1000 biweekly(1/8 tsp) with 6drops clearzyme and 17drops photomag per 1/4 gal. Use biodigester after I amend my soils. Week later I innoculate w mycogenesis. Used specrum in high Na soils w good results, surprisingly.


Senior Member
So me outdoor soil this spring is:

Organic matter...13.25
B... 0.6
Ca...68.59%...5528 lbs/acre

So the plan will be make minor corrections on some micros but lets face it with that much P they are gonna get tied up anyway so foliar micros including sea crop. Plenty of room for Na.

I will use ammonium sulfate as my N source as I want to raise S to help leech out K. It will also leach Na...but did I mention sea crop. I eventually want K ppm = Mg ppm graeme sait style.

Plenty of Ca and Mg foliar cause the high K is going to reduce their uptake.

And we will see what happens


I just need it to calculate the solution to a linear system, however if there is no solution, to make adjustments to certain coefficients in the matrix array. For instance if the system has no definite solution, then ignore S levels to help find a solution.

As for incorporating parameters such as using different amendments for different pH situations, I'll use different matrices for a each situation (pH >7, ph<7).

I would've messaged you that as I hate to derail this thread, but I don't think I have enough posts.

As for AEA I use micro5000 and pz1000 biweekly(1/8 tsp) with 6drops clearzyme and 17drops photomag per 1/4 gal. Use biodigester after I amend my soils. Week later I innoculate w mycogenesis. Used specrum in high Na soils w good results, surprisingly.

Hump -
Sorry I didn't see this earlier... didn't get your msg.

The scenario solver will handle resolving a linear result, no prob...

But, to handle the "IF {NO RESULT} THEN DO subAdjMatrixArrayCoeffs()" logic, will have to do some VBA coding... you're probably gonna have to specify how many iterations the system must execute b4 concluding that there is {NO RESULT}... depending upon how big the matrix array(s) are, may have to specify a huge number of iterations? May have to resort to Monte Carlo simulation (which would require an add-in like @Risk or similar)?

Oops, already diving off the deep end here, so I'll stop here... don't wanna derail/threadjack either, so I'll try to PM you about details or file transfers (in the meantime, post like a crazy man so you can msg, lol)
So for K ppm to equal Mg ppm, multiply the target Mg saturation % by 0.31 to get the % of K saturation. In your case that would be 4.1%. I see albretch called for 0.27 x Mg % = K % since he called for 15% Mg and 4% K


I tell people all the time growing isn't math on paper

Nope, it is surely not.
Math on paper is... homework? Ugh. :puke:

I hate math. OK, hate might be too strong, but we don't really speak to each other much (often requiring a translator).
The only way I passed my calculus reqs in college was by getting baked after cramming, and having a lucid dream that had some of the final exam qs on it. I don't think in math; it's pictures and stories that get rearranged & connected in my own idiosyncratic spider web.

But, if spreading things out across spreadsheet tabs helps anyone grasp what they spread out across their garden/field, so be it...

Backyard Farmer

Active member
No equation can factor a living thing and the events that can occur to a grow no crops ever guaranteed. I do believe in the quantitative analysis of the variables involved in growing like soil testing and plant tissue testing in the field


No equation can factor a living thing and the events that can occur to a grow no crops ever guaranteed. I do believe in the quantitative analysis of the variables involved in growing like soil testing and plant tissue testing in the field

Truer words were ne'er spoke...
The classic problem of modeling: tractability vs. realism.


Senior Member
True, but the math and theoretical calculations are sure better than flying blind folded

For sure. I wanna see them. And if all you need to do is add minerals they are easy to follow. When you get too much of something is when it is a challenge. Getting it out is required to let the other things work.

Then it gets about tending the microbe herd and getting them to cycle goldilocks style.

Anyways I am pretty happy where I am
I'm not looking for an equation to tell me how to grow a plant.

I'm simply doing what I can to quantify what I'm adding to the soil without the hand work and have quick reference to a lot of data.

With all that data, you find correlations, wether that is with math or some qualitative or experimental method, then build off of that.

Mainly I want to monitor what I add and how that amount relates to what is measured, and all the data provide you with some of the variables/parameters.

I firmly believe having a balanced soil is step one, then you really focus on building the soil life. Not saying I take the soil life second to soil mineral balance, but I feel it's more effective once the soil is balanced.


Active member
Anyone catch that nova crop control plant sap webinar on 4/20? I got the video and the notes from it if anyone is interested in it...

Just got these results back from a soil mix company following my recipe with their amendments. If I drop the Kmag and then substitute MgO for the lost mg I could probably hit the k levels I need. The Iron is high ...not too worried about the low numbers but I will bump up the Ca..




Senior Member
I would be interested.

You should be able to calculate the K contribution from kmag...I doubt it is that high. Compost is a double edged sword. Yea, some good shit but always too fucking much P and K.

Lets be honest..if you want humus a plant with excess energy that exudes fatty acids into an active fungal network which then gnaws on it til it concentrates the fat to around 40% is the absolute best way to get it. And until you got it foliars are the only way.

There are negative consequences to simply trying to import it...period.


Active member
Didn't catch it but I'd be interested as well. Good point on importing milky, only so much you can squeeze in before you start gaining this and losing that. Have any of you ever read this guy's posts. He was waaaay ahead of the curve, almost 15 years ago and it's not necessarily in regards to just organics but the science behind it is sound. I'm half way through and it's very enlightening on many levels. I've been dabbling in raw salts and the possibility of creating organics via.


It's not for a seed company either, it's a long text format.