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Ace Purple Satellite


Well-known member
Good morning to all.
My Purple satellites are 6 weeks in bloom.
What do I smell from them? # 2 has a rotten organic scent, but the general smell you get from all is pine/sweet (cherry?).
Some pics from #1.


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Well-known member
Grow and smoke report

Plants were grown outdoors in Northern California, at 38.5
Date Planted: April 11, 2019
Soil Medium: Peat with 10% worm castings, 3/4 cup bat guano per 7 liters of soil.
Feeding: Only de-chlorinated tap water, no nutrients until the 4th week, then top dressed with EWC. First feeding came at 6 weeks with 600 ppm of organic liquid grow formula at 6.8 pH. Nutrients gradually increased to 1250 ppm per week of organic bloom formula during flower.
Harvest day: September 13, 2019
Plant height: 8-9 foot tall average
Average yield: 12 oz. per plant
Comments: Seeds were soaked in tap water for 24 hours, then placed in their permanent medium, then out to the greenhouse.
The plants grow very tall and initially, very lanky. I removed the lower set of branches early from all 6 purple satellite, as they were very under-developed compared to the second node and above. I also topped mine after 3 nodes to 4 main stalks.
Roots grow directly down and don’t spread out much. Deeper containers are preferred over wider containers, IMHO. However, they tip over easily unless supported. Directly in the ground is the best way to go.
On 5-28-2019, 4 of the 6 plants had shown sex at 14 hrs. 26 minutes of daylight.
All clones rooted within 10 days.
Clones reversed easily with homemade colloidal silver. Pollen was viable.
Our longest daylight at summer solstice was 15 hrs. 50 minutes.
Plants harvested on Sept. 13, at 12.5 hours daylight

Overall, Purple Satellite was easy to grow. If put directly into the ground, top dressing with ewc and guano would probably be enough.
Smoke report:
Taste: Juicy fruit, wood in the inhale, sweet, fruity, wood incense on the exhale
First, I have to say that I give Purple Satellite a very high score. On a scale of 1-10, I would say 8.5-8.8 for effects and that is really saying a lot. I’ve been seeking the quality of the high I enjoyed in the 70-80’s and have rarely seen since. Purple Satellite is very close to what I am looking for. Having said that, this stuff HAS to have a good cure. At 2 months, she is ok and 3 months pretty good. I’m at 5 months and the difference from a 3 month cure is like night and day. She is REALLY potent! As many of you know, I have a high tolerance; however, this girl truly does not have a ceiling. Great example of an old school Mexican high.
She has a creeper effect about 7-8 minutes after finishing a joint with a few friends. Initially, a relaxing, euphoric feeling, then it builds starting in the chest/body area with a lot of pulsating energy, while quickly building up behind the eyes. All of your senses are greatly enhanced, both outer and inner senses.
Inwardly, very thought provoking and a clearer awareness of reality. The beauty of everything is greater and a great day is even greater. I suspect though, if a person had problems on their mind, they could also seem greater or even exaggerated, so bear that in mind, everything is enhanced. Time is distorted. Outwardly, the usual spacial distortions and vibrant colors are the norm with PS. She has enough intensity and overall trippy feeling to certainly make you respect her; I can see overdoing it on PS edibles would be a bad idea, or not, depending on environment, hehe. The effects last a good 3.5 hours but there is still a residual feeling after that. Comedown is very nice, and the overall experience is a great classic, old school sativa high. Causes cotton mouth and red eyes, no other negative effects noted.
I dropped off samples to my friends working at the dispensary. Half of them, the one’s who only know indica hybrids, said it was way too strong and they did not enjoy it at all. The others that did like it, raved about it and wanted more.

I crossed my purple haze and my green OTH with PS reversed. I will post that grow when it happens.
I can't thank you enough Vermontman and Dubi for sharing this gem, as well as your expert guidance and support during this grow. :huggg:
Peace, God bless

gorilla ganja

Well-known member
Wow, what a great smoke report SolarLogos. Appreciate all the detail and the notes about daylight hrs and latitude. Most do not include that info.
I can't wait to try the PS this summer.
The first pic is one plant that you topped?

Peace GG


Well-known member
Wow, what a great smoke report SolarLogos. Appreciate all the detail and the notes about daylight hrs and latitude. Most do not include that info.
I can't wait to try the PS this summer.
The first pic is one plant that you topped?

Peace GG
Thank you kindly GG. The first pic are the two plants side by side. I removed the bottom branches very early on (about week 6 of veg) and topped her leaving 3 nodes. The top two nodes (4 branches) became leads and the bottom two branches were half as large as the leads. Without topping, I think they would have the classic Christmas tree shape. Colas do get heavy and need support and the flowers dry a little more airy. Trichomes are small, but blankets the buds nicely. She will make you cough, that is for sure. I'm going to have another joint now after talking about it:tiphat:
Peace, God bless


Well-known member
Wow...that report does make this sound very interesting...especially the part about indica hybrid smokers saying its too strong...I like the sound of that...im off to see if I can get hold of some....thanks SolarLogos


Well-known member
Nice report indeed, can’t wait to grow her next year. It’s a little late for this season and my mother/cloning/pre grow room is totally overcrowded with clones for next indoor/outdoor and friends,as well as peppers and aubergines started, tomatoes, basil and potatoes tubers soon to be sowed/sprouted. Feel like I need more grow space sometime...


How much phenotypical differences are you guys seeing in a pack of P.S.?

When I grew them outside I only noticed differences in yield.
Inside I'm limited in space, so haven't flowered most yet.

I accidentally killed my number 6. :cuss: I cut her back too hard, and now I want to :puke:

My buddy made seeds. So I do have access to more, but really wanted the decision to cull to be my doing. Lol

He also crossed a male to my PurpAl cut. I'm interested to see what's in there. Should be a great hybrid of opposites. I have the STS to reverse the PurpAl and Purple Satellite is going to be my first project.


Well-known member
Thank you everyone, I'm glad you found it helpful. I have several more ace reports to get to, just waiting on the proper cure for each one.
Good luck on this years PS Texas Tea, you will do a great job with these. Look forward to following your grow.
Consolidated, your plants look amazing, lots and lots of resin stacking up. I've been busy but have enjoyed immensely popping in to see your updates,you have a green thumb for sure. :tiphat:Your question re: various phenos. All of mine were fairly consistent Oaxaca phenos, but slight differences that made each unique. I've seen other grows that all looked like the Bunglung Nepalese. If you're looking for something special, being you received F-1 seeds, open pollinate and search through the F2's, you should find what you are looking for. However, I'm sure you will love all the phenos you find.

Best of luck all and thanks again Dubi and Vermontman!


Well-known member
Hi all.
Thanks Solar for your kind words, I am not looking for something special (pheno),but we always looking for something special (smoke/vape).
About the plants, the #1 and #2 are identical, like clones...
#1, #2.
The first (2) are #1 and then #2.


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Well-known member
And the #3
Close 8 weeks in flowering.


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Well-known member
Hi there, the smell isn't like pine... seems to me like bitter syrup of blueberries/blackberries...
Looks almost ready to my eyes, at 8 weeks from flip.
My plan is to start flush asap.
What do you think?
Photos are coming...


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Well-known member
Hi there, the smell isn't like pine... seems to me like bitter syrup of blueberries/blackberries...
Looks almost ready to my eyes, at 8 weeks from flip.
My plan is to start flush asap.
What do you think?
Photos are coming...

The #2 seems to be a nice balanced mix between the Oax and Nepali from look, pretty resinous for sure. :)


Well-known member
@Consolidated, could you maybe show a full plant picture? Would like to see them in their full glory, looks very well grown. :)


Well-known member
Hi there, the smell isn't like pine... seems to me like bitter syrup of blueberries/blackberries...
Looks almost ready to my eyes, at 8 weeks from flip.
My plan is to start flush asap.
What do you think?
Photos are coming...
Those look really nice. Is she developing evenly or top to bottom? My indoor clones finished pretty evenly, some finishing on the bottom first. Check the trichomes. They won't turn dark amber like most, but a light translucent gold. I didn't go by pistils changing because mine all had orange hairs from practically the beginning of flower. Also, mine looked almost finished but reflowered and shot out 2-3 inch longer foxtails everywhere.
Looks frosty and lovely. Best of luck and very well done!
Peace, God bless


Has everyone been slowly increasing night cycle like has been suggested?

Anyone just flipping straight to 12/12? Any problems?

I've seen a few male flowers, but they don't seem to be good at self pollination. I think I may have found two seeds.