the enemy's
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Holy shit my nightmares look like this. If you didn't catch them in the act the plant probably would've been gone... Though it's not that small anymore, they might have left some stems for you to chew on... Damn slugs!
the enemy's
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Can you just explain the vacuum cure?
Stoner rock band is it?
Buds just vacuum sealed on their own are very slow to cure compared to wrapping in the corn husks which only takes 2 to 3 weeks in the vac bag.
I believe you rap them up and tie the husk around the buds and then u vacuum seal. that is in tang Malawi thread. you can look at it and he has explained it with pic's
hope it helps
Hi Zach just re read your post, you can leave the GT buds in the vac bag no problem, or you can open it and use some for making a cob and put the cob in the same bag, or I would suggest in a different bag so you can see the difference it makes.
either way is fine. The vac cured unwrapped buds will be fine and in 3 months cured nicely.
The same buds cured in a cob will be ready in 2 to 3 weeks and taste different.
Try both methods so you can see the difference it will be a good experiment.