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A Guide to Fishsticks


hello campers,

have to say thank you, good vibes and best wishes,
bought this cheap pH meter, but it works well, also this is first day after maybe 8 years I am running ro water right now just set it to work so.... had some issues with sanlight evo 5 and overall

lot of work today.... also this is first day I am going to put my amazon system to work. I bought it year and half ago so.

plant looks good so far day 7 of flower



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Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:tumbleweed:mornin campers...back to work today,can you believe i have to work 3 whole days in a row? practically slavery! gotta water before i go,at least it's nice and cool this morning,still might get up to 90 by the end of the week,summer is giving a good fight...

Smokin Joe

Humpin to please
ICMag Donor
:tumbleweed: well hell...damn water pump in the flower room failed...i soaked the pads with the hose,should be good for tonight,it's gonna drop into the upper 50's...but i need the cooler for at least two more weeks i think...maybe 3...

got through another couple hundred pots today at work,and of course it got windy and many of them got little dirt spots since they were still wet...extra shift next week,think i'll order an expensive bike part with the extra $$$$
An aquarium pump would work in a pinch


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:tumbleweed:mornin campers...glad the pot washing is over for now...at least until some wisecracker buys all the clean ones...then the whole nightmare begins again...not really,if someone buys a crapload at one time they tend to be one size...

anyway,so looks like i'm getting bumped to 4 shifts a week,or back to that many...means more cash each week,and sales at home have picked up...i'm flat out,no harvest until friday...gonna need to do some cleaning in the led room,about time to fire that back up...and pop some seeds...picking up ssh x sour dubb today...


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:smoke: yeesh,what a day...slow as fuck all day then a late rush of people minutes before closing...and had some young dude try and bring a used light back because he needed money and refused to understand warranty doesn't mean get your money back because you need crack or whatever it was...took like a half hour to finally get him to leave...sorry bro,not my problem...

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