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A Guide to Fishsticks


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:tumbleweed:mornin campers...back to work today,almost a relief after the busy days off...less heavy lifting at home,but more sitting around time at work most days,been getting some good reading time in at work,especially sundays...hot again today,no surprise...some chance of rain,it is monsoon season i guess


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
🚴‍♂️ i'm sure you guys already knew this,but the tour de france starts today! who are y'all rooting for? primoz,tadej,jonas,or remco?
hard stages right off the start this year,should be a good race...maybe...lots of early season crashes so who knows if the main contenders are in form...tadej won the giro,tough to do that then race the tour...


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
⛈️ had an insane little rain storm at work...50-60mph wind gust then it rained like a mofo for like 5 minutes and then all over with...knocked the power out so i got to go home early...i have power though...or rather

i have the power!



Well-known member
Finished the ride across lower michigan. 6 days, 265 miles, 5800 ft elevation gain. Had daughter and her bike on back of the big dummy for most of it. 54 lb bike, 60 lb kid, 25 lb kids bike plus some gear. Had a lot of fun and made a bunch of new biking friends. I will definitely do more rides like this.


Well-known member
Little bit. I expected it to hurt more than it did. Definitely kicked my butt. Got home Friday evening and started a ride Saturday morning and quickly realized it was not going to be much fun. Might load up the mountain bike and try again today. I work all week so might as well squeeze in a few more miles before reality kicks back in.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
mornin campers...sunday reading rainbow day again...hopefully without the power knocking out intense storm like yesterday,that was nutty...just a nice calm sunday...but there is a 60% chance of rain so it could be another crazy one...

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