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A few things that I've learned about growing in coco with a drip systm DTW


Active member
yes 180 to 190 grams dried weight was my total yield :( I'm crying...the plus side is the weed was potent, thats all...so in a 120x120 how many plants do you advice to put there ??? in this new grow I just started I put 20 plants in a 6 liter pot...
how many do you advice to get maximum yield then?


Active member
IF .... You're cramming too many plants in, for a 1.2m2 tent 4 is the optimum IME

180 grms was your total yield?

My average is 200+ per plant, so 800 per run

The used feed is thrown away to avoid any possibility of spreading pathogens like root rot and also because the plants will have taken what they want out of the feed, so you're giving them what they already didn't want again if you feed them the waste

That could well be your problem as you're not feeding them properly, not so much a 'tweak' as a blunder

You don't give your pot size or any other details so can't comment further

More light is always an advantage but you have to have the system dialled in before you upgrade, changing the lamps every 6 months is the cheapest way to optimise your existing set up

WHAT? SIR YOU meam for a 120cm x 120 cm tent I should put only 4 PLANTS? did I read well? yes 180 grams dried weight was my total yield, may I ask how long do you veg? I veg 3-4 weeks maximum, but by 3 weeks the plants look very good in coco for flowering..my pot size was 9 liters but I'm doing a new grow of 20 plants in the same box with 6 liter pots like advised, i have another box so I'm going to reduce the number if you say 20 is far too much...
and you say you get 800 grams dried weight in a run? DRIED WEIGHT? ok...using only a 600 watt light or double? I really have my jaws on the ground by your freaking high numbers...getting to half of your number will be a success..may I ask which strain you grow please sir?
I will edit this my new grow asap ..waiting for your confirmations
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Bush Dr

Painting the picture of Dorian Gray
Yup 4 plants around a vertical 600W, fed DTW as per HGO's schedule we worked out for the thread

Plants ... Trainwreck x White Widow (clone only cut), Purple Bud from California and Sweetooth, I only grow clones and veg until they're about 1 metre tall, roots completely fill the 6.5 litre pots, usually less than 4 weeks

Fed daily from rooting, once they're well rooted twice a day until flower then 4 - 6 feeds every night, 10 - 20% run off, nutes are cheap

I've had several plants exceed 8oz in a grow, 8 weeks, as has HGO and Dansbuds

It's taken me 10yrs to hone the set up and I'm still learning, just added another 10% by adjusting a single factor ....

BTW I've gone over 1000gms with a cheap CO2 set up but it's too much work, well as far as I'm concerned

PS Read post #1 for more info
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Bush Dr

Painting the picture of Dorian Gray
I've just found an old grow diary from when I grew a bunch of seeds out to find a clone mom, 8 plants in 3.5 litre pots around a 600W, average yield was over 2 oz per plant, that was Big Buddah blue cheese, G Force, NL#5 and Sweetooth .....seems I liked Sweetooth then as well

So we're back to at least 16+ oz for the 600w


Éirinn go Brách
ICMag Donor
Impressive stuff there my man, looks like you're taking it really seriously, I'm still using an under bed tote boxes that's flat but holds 60 litres and an MJ500 as a 'temporary measures' ....:tiphat:

Hey Bushie

Lol man u dont know....u dont know... lol short story is i built it to supply my own medicine till i either die or decide i dont need it any longer. Lol I row my own lifeboat man no one else here pulling... lol


Well-known member
yes 180 to 190 grams dried weight was my total yield :( I'm crying...the plus side is the weed was potent, thats all...so in a 120x120 how many plants do you advice to put there ??? in this new grow I just started I put 20 plants in a 6 liter pot...
how many do you advice to get maximum yield then?

180gr with a 600w is a poor yield, but i don't think changing the lamp is your problem here...here with the same 600w hps i do 500gr min ;)

the number of the plants in a 120 box depend on the vegging time(18/6), you can do 4 big plants with a lot of 18/6 or 16plants with only a few weeks in 18/6.there is no rules here... :biggrin:


Active member
@IngFarmer , for me the problem isn't the number of plants, you can put 20 plant if you want, but you should go with soil, 16/20 plants in 6L pots sounds nice for me....

.....but......20 plants in 6L pots of coco in dtw under a 600W, xcuse me but you're totally wrong with that ;)

Ok 20x6=120L of coco :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

TRy again with 1/4 of this volume and let's see, you don't need as much coco

for example : 10pl in 3L pots or 4/5pl in 6L pots, or 2pl in 11L pots, 1 in 20 and why not 16/20pl in 2L pots (direct in bloom)? ^^

Good luck!


Active member
@IngFarmer...I think what you probably need to work on, among a few other things, is probably canopy management. 4 plants or 20 plants doesn't matter if your canopy is sparse and not full of tops. I have a feeling you may not be vegging long enough or training your plants efficiently enough to fill the canopy in before flipping to 12/12. You should read a few threads about topping and training. Also you might want to look into some Scrog grows. Training through a screen could also help in the yield department. Just a few suggestions, without seeing pics. Good luck:)


Active member
@IngFarmer...I think what you probably need to work on, among a few other things, is probably canopy management. 4 plants or 20 plants doesn't matter if your canopy is sparse and not full of tops. I have a feeling you may not be vegging long enough or training your plants efficiently enough to fill the canopy in before flipping to 12/12. You should read a few threads about topping and training. Also you might want to look into some Scrog grows. Training through a screen could also help in the yield department. Just a few suggestions, without seeing pics. Good luck:)

Sorry, but I top heavily, I suspect less veg time, in the grow I specified I started from seed, after two weeks the plants were already looking good so I go for my first topping, by a week time the plants already reacted with some more shoots where I topped , between 3/4 weeks I flip to flower...
so in the next grow that I will do, I will try 6-7 weeks of pure vegging...


Active member
@IngFarmer , for me the problem isn't the number of plants, you can put 20 plant if you want, but you should go with soil, 16/20 plants in 6L pots sounds nice for me....

.....but......20 plants in 6L pots of coco in dtw under a 600W, xcuse me but you're totally wrong with that ;)

Ok 20x6=120L of coco :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

TRy again with 1/4 of this volume and let's see, you don't need as much coco

for example : 10pl in 3L pots or 4/5pl in 6L pots, or 2pl in 11L pots, 1 in 20 and why not 16/20pl in 2L pots (direct in bloom)? ^^

Good luck!

Sorry but I'm in no way going back to very dirty soil!!! lol..coco is the way and I better master it!


Active member
@IngFarmer...I think what you probably need to work on, among a few other things, is probably canopy management. 4 plants or 20 plants doesn't matter if your canopy is sparse and not full of tops. I have a feeling you may not be vegging long enough or training your plants efficiently enough to fill the canopy in before flipping to 12/12. You should read a few threads about topping and training. Also you might want to look into some Scrog grows. Training through a screen could also help in the yield department. Just a few suggestions, without seeing pics. Good luck:)

this may be the problem, I must may be veg more, I did 3 weeks veg last time, next grow I'm gonna do 5-7 week veg depending on how big the plants get...


Active member
Yup 4 plants around a vertical 600W, fed DTW as per HGO's schedule we worked out for the thread

Plants ... Trainwreck x White Widow (clone only cut), Purple Bud from California and Sweetooth, I only grow clones and veg until they're about 1 metre tall, roots completely fill the 6.5 litre pots, usually less than 4 weeks

Fed daily from rooting, once they're well rooted twice a day until flower then 4 - 6 feeds every night, 10 - 20% run off, nutes are cheap

I've had several plants exceed 8oz in a grow, 8 weeks, as has HGO and Dansbuds

It's taken me 10yrs to hone the set up and I'm still learning, just added another 10% by adjusting a single factor ....

BTW I've gone over 1000gms with a cheap CO2 set up but it's too much work, well as far as I'm concerned

PS Read post #1 for more info

Master Bush Dr, in your vertical set up, do you apply any form of plant training? I have these plants I wanna put in a circle with the lamp hanging in the middle like HGO showed in the picture, but these plants are topped and their upper parts are like flat out, not the triangle christmas tree structure, you think they will still do good in a vertical set up ? do you lollipop in a vertical setup? I was thinking it will not be necessary since the lower parts too are all seeing the light at a short distance...
and one last thing Bush Dr..do you mind finding some free time in your schedule to explain your "cheap" CO2 setup? now is getting cold real fast where I live and I will be closing the windows often to not chill up the girls, I will like to supplement with some co2, may be cheap like you said...


Well-known member
No need of the co2 you will get more trouble, you have to dial your setup before going with co2 ^^

Your problem here was TO BIG container, i do 200gram with one plant in 3.5L(yes yu read right, more than you have done with 20plants in 6L)container with enough veg time, no need that big container in coco unless you grow 2 or 3 plants only with 2months veg...


Active member
No need of the co2 you will get more trouble, you have to dial your setup before going with co2 ^^

Your problem here was TO BIG container, i do 200gram with one plant in 3.5L(yes yu read right, more than you have done with 20plants in 6L)container with enough veg time, no need that big container in coco unless you grow 2 or 3 plants only with 2months veg...

how long do you veg? do you make use of any form of plant training?


Active member

180gr with a 600w is a poor yield, but i don't think changing the lamp is your problem here...here with the same 600w hps i do 500gr min ;)

the number of the plants in a 120 box depend on the vegging time(18/6), you can do 4 big plants with a lot of 18/6 or 16plants with only a few weeks in 18/6.there is no rules here... :biggrin:

Cox spoke about 200gr plants in 1gal pot, he got these results with 3 plants per m² under a 600w, nearly 2 month of veg i think, i think the volume of the pots is light but he had no problem with that with a multi feed per day of course.

For your question about training plants, yes he does, to get a nice canopy and optimize the surface.

You have the solutions here, think about that ;)
Your pots are too big for too many plants in da box, you said nopossibility to go with soil again but you are growing like you are with soil, that's the problem, the ultimate fact is that plants should have colonize the whole container before bloom period.


Active member

Cox spoke about 200gr plants in 1gal pot, he got these results with 3 plants per m² under a 600w, nearly 2 month of veg i think, i think the volume of the pots is light but he had no problem with that with a multi feed per day of course.

For your question about training plants, yes he does, to get a nice canopy and optimize the surface.

You have the solutions here, think about that ;)
Your pots are too big for too many plants in da box, you said nopossibility to go with soil again but you are growing like you are with soil, that's the problem, the ultimate fact is that plants should have colonize the whole container before bloom period.

I agree, plants should colonize the whole container..my veg time was only 3 weeks, so I have the solution..more veg time...on my next grow I will veg a lot...I think I'm doing everything nice only the vegging time is too short...


Active member
of course they have to colonize the whole container, but you have to understand that 120L of coco is far far too much, count something like 30L of coco per m², you can't be wrong with that.

Your set up is counter productive because of that fact too imo


Well-known member
I veg them as lon as they need too...depend on how many plant i want to fill in, and wich strain is it. I tell you there is no rules about that ^^

same answer for training, depend on the strain, veg time ....

If i were you, i would take clone from 1 mother plant that i know well how she grow, take 9 or 12 clone on her, make them roots and when enough big roots put them in 3L container, wait untill you can see the roots on the bottom of your container before you multi feed.

with 9 or 12 plants in 120x120 you don't need any training, just let the plants grow, in the end of the stretch prune all the little branching that will not support heavy bud.

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