-23 f. on the front porch at the moment. S'posed to go down to -29 f tonight and back up to about -15 f. tomorrow. Tried top pull start the smaller snowmobile this evening, and not having started it in the Fall, it is going to take come extra effort tomorrow.
Expecting winds of about 15 mph, gusting up to 25 mph tonight and 15 mph winds over the next 2 days, with wind chill warnings down -50 f to -60 f. Maybe too windy for the bon fire on Sunday, but we'll see.
Expecting winds of about 15 mph, gusting up to 25 mph tonight and 15 mph winds over the next 2 days, with wind chill warnings down -50 f to -60 f. Maybe too windy for the bon fire on Sunday, but we'll see.