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220w pl-l coco scrog cupboard


Magnificent pull Scrub...though I dont post much I follow your threads every day. Thanks for sharing.

About PL-Ls, would you say any brand of 55w in the proper temperature are okay? There's a 13 USD gap between Philips PL-Ls and "Plusrite" bulbs, despite sharing the same specs.

I bought the Plusrite 3000 and 4100K bulbs (had to save money somewhere) and so far so good. I could not find spectral documentation but just could not pass up the savings.



Grow like nobody is watching
It says the same for me too, Disco. :)

Thanks for reading and inputting Oldone, very good info to know, and personally I trust grower feedback more than any chart ;):yes:

I don't think I mentioned on this thread but my clones all flopped out :mad: Some of the girls have lower branches I can use for more cuts when they develop more, but it looks like I'll be heavily dependant on revegging these TWxPDs :puppydoge


Grow like nobody is watching
I might try air layering perhaps? One plant in particular seems like it would be good for that.

I think I'll put the diatomaceous earth on them tonight. I can't stand these gnats any more. The mosquito dunks couldn't be imported so I lost my cash on those. Can't find any oz source of the same active critters. Wtf. :smokeit:


Well-known member
ooo wee they r looken really good.
yah gants suck ass. wish I knew of a good way to get rid of em for good.

the mosquito dunks couldn't be imported thats gotta suck. and u lost money on it too damm that sucks.

ooo wee they r looken really good.
yah gants suck ass. wish I knew of a good way to get rid of em for good.

the mosquito dunks couldn't be imported thats gotta suck. and u lost money on it too damm that sucks.


Gnatrol works well, I don't like using pesticides, etc. but I've used it a few times and it really works.

Great job ScrubNinja, this is my first time stopping in. Lovely looking plants :)



Active member
gnatrol is a biological control. just like ladybugs for aphids.

i wouldn't feel bad at all!

i once knocked them out using tobacco tea. id say that's worse.


Active member
hey scrub ol' buddy. Nice to see you still rockin'.

Just a tip. I handle gnats with about a 1" layer of perlite on top of the soil. It stops the life cycle because the adults cant get in and the larva cant get out. It takes about a week till I don't see them anymore.

A half full cup of something they might find tasty like juice, soda or milk will also trap the adults.

Good to see ya! +k


Grow like nobody is watching
Apples! Likewise ol' buddy. I'll be trying these tricks too, when I get some perlite. Yeah the problem with Gnatrol is that it's the same species as the dunks and not available in oz that I can find. At first I was like, oh great, f*cking dumbass aussies banning safe biological controls while the stores are full of chemicals for mozzie control....but then I figured hey, it could kill more than mozzies, and something like this could have the potential to massively alter a food chain in nature, so I let it go.

I still haven't applied DE to the 'erb plants but I just did the outside plants again with a heavier layer this time. The problem with the DE is that the pots are air-potted, and it didn't help, despite dusting the bottom holes. Plus it seems like a blanket microbicide, which is why I was hanging for the dunks to turn up.

Someone gave me some coleus cuttings the other day. I planted them in my soil mix in clear air-potted beer cups. The next day I checked for roots because these things root quick, and I could see tiny fibers which I figured was micorhizza or just fine roots it was throwing out. It looked as if I had mixed a grey haired dudes whiskers into the soil.

Anyway I looked closer this morning and the hairs were larvae...fuckers! :biglaugh: No wonder my cuttings didn't take.
gotta love mcchris...did you send him a picture of your plant right before you chopped it? :p

incredible results, love the ingenuity. i'm trying to get something going myself..


Active member
that sucks scrub.

what do you root in? something sealed?

I use 50/50 perlite and vermiculite, and I've never seen them in there despite having an infestation (every spring).

The gnatrol bacterium probably already lives in your backyard soil... Interestingly, GMO crops that are worm resistant carry a spliced gene from Bt (different variation).


Active member
you know scrub, I didn't want to say it... but if you steep some tobacco in water, then boil it to kill any mosaic virus, the tea will zap those suckers instantly. Used to use it on my starts. If I get annoyed enough, I will again.

If you get tobacciana seeds, you can have a nice ornamental that doubles as a broad spectrum pesticide that does not persist in soil for long.

last resort, ok?
gotta love mcchris...did you send him a picture of your plant right before you chopped it? :p

incredible results, love the ingenuity. i'm trying to get something going myself..

I second this statement.. haha. Hes very active on facebook if you have that... i bet he'd love to see it.

As for my strain question though, you say the nirvana varieties will have keepers? Does this mean that the higher costing ones will have more uniform dankosity? that would be more ideal i think, which companies have that?


Grow like nobody is watching
Hehe yeah it's clear he likes a smoke I reckon ;) I found an email addy on his site so I might go that route. He also has a forum but I have to join up before I can read.

Marijuanasaur, well, I've mostly had access to different strains thru cuttings from a good friend. I've not grown that many from seed although the friend has.

There is no real solid answer to your question though. There are simply too many seeds and too many breeders for any uniformity to occur across the whole board. I've never grown Blueberry for example, but I hear you get a lot of mongers, some hermie issues, etc. Obviously that's not desireable stuff, but could we call Blueberry a bad strain? No way! Would I pay a lot of money for those seeds? Well...kind of, I guess.

So there's different ways to look at it. From what I believe, with Nirvana seeds they sell you F2s. Hope I'm not breaking any rules or anything but that basically means they bought some packs of StrainX (F1) aka the expensive version and then grew them, chose the best parents, and made seed with them and then sell you that seed - F2.

Again, this is just my understanding based on a lot of reading and not very much practical hands-on (meaning, correct me if I'm wrong), but F2s are where you start seeing a hybrid express the parent genes more, uh, expressively. It's where the freaks come out, and this is where you find the best keepers often. StrainX is made up of StrainY and StrainZ so as you go down the line they will revert if the strain isn't stable (most strains are not very stable apparently). So in that respect, if I grew some nirvana seeds tomorrow, I would expect (generally) a lot of variation from good to bad, but at least some will be good and should net a reasonable keeper, especially considering the low cost.

The high priced seeds? Well, simply, I'd run a search and get some first hand knowledge from people growing it. Something like the Pure is an IBL I believe and my friend said he only got 3 or so phenos from several packs of seed. But a lot of high priced strains seem to be just a mix of two popular recent strains, thus no time for it to be stabilized or anywhere near the amount of expert breeding as something like The Pure, or Skunk#1 or any of those classic old strains has had. Pay attention to the term Pheno or Phenotypes when you research as these are the variations. If there was NO variation, there would be one phenotype.

(Small confusing note: I heard this is incorrect usage of the term phenotype, but regardless, it's how growers refer to it)

In the end it comes down to each individual strain and the selection of it's parents. But you really only need one keeper, so Nirvana is fine imo for a new grower or whatever. Hope that clears it up a little for you.

MJ, I'm all over the shop. I rooted my first clones in perlite/vermiculite mix and got 100%. Then I moved onto coco and got 100% more or less, then moved house and not had any luck with cuts since :petting: With these coleus I just used my standard most recent potting concoction which is obviously infested with gnats from the get-go. They're clear beer cups with holes on the sides. Quite good for observing them actually! I might mix some DE into a cup of soil and observe.

Yeah I heard some bad stuff about tobacco drenches although I guess it's fine at such an early age. I read a vague post that trade name Dipel (ingredient: bt) will kill the gnats, but it's not the Israelensis (sub species or whatever) as recommended. It is available here though. I'll be trying a whole range of things out as I get supplies :)

Thanks for reading everybody, and thanks Happyguy for reminding me of that! Hope you all have a great new year. :smokeit:

Edit: My post wasn't long enough so I'll add that I dumped out one of the coleus, mixed about 2 teaspoons of DE into the 500ml of wet soil as well as I could, repotted it in the same air-pot style beer cup, and sprinkled DE on top. *observes*
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Grow like nobody is watching
Heheh god, what a load of crap, Scrub.

There is a lot of fighting on IC lately. Thanks for all getting along in here :eggnog: I finally caved and built a diy co2 bottle. I put it in when the lights come on, and have an alarm set so I take it out just before the lights go out. It releases right next to the fan so presumably gets driven across and through the canopy.


That last one shows where I took a cut not that long ago. I'll put an extra bulb in later and get an external shot. I've nearly finished water curing the stuff for the canna pills, and also have an oz of the next lowest grade stuff water curing since yesterday or so. That will go to the glycerin tincture, then I want to do more for an oil or butter or similar.

The Pure's couchlock is becoming more apparent as the weed cures/ages but still not overbearing. Peace out.


Active member
Scrub, your plants are overwatered!

lol just kidding.

So you really think those little holes make overwatering impossible? Want to do an experiment involving dunking them in water? I say epinasty may occur later than normal, but would occur nonetheless. To give me an advantage, pick something that hasn't completely filled out the container.

Also could you try the toothpick trick? After watering and draining, stick a toothpick into a bottom hole and see if water comes out. If it does, it is proof of a perched water table, the enemy of many container growers whose plants are more sensitive than ours. I'm betting cohesion keeps more water in there than you think. I'm either right about that, or about to drill a whole lotta holes.

Right now my strategy is the plant nannies, which never flood, and when I do water from the top I try to never have runoff. Things in small containers I keep in a tray, and water from the bottom 9 times out of 10.


Grow like nobody is watching
Haha! Well, keep in mind I never said "impossible", just that I've had no problem. I would think it's much the same as coco - I'm sure you would have heard the old chestnut "you can't overwater coco" (in a hydro sense). But this is just not true when you have a small plant (re: not filled out the container). But on the other hand I was majorly overwatering in the beginning from as soon as they went into those pots. It wasn't till the gnats struck and I tried letting the soil dry out that I realised how overwatered they were....but not showing any negative effects that I could see.

I don't have any toothpicks...I'll try with wire? I couldn't picture that any water would come out but lets wait and see before I embarrass myself. I can't do dunking due to the intricate nature of the training...They're all woven through each other. I didn't like the dunk method when I tried anyway - the coco floated away.

If it's any indication of how well I like air pots, I could easily tape over my holes, sprinkle DE on the top, and be done with the gnats by all accounts AND watering would be simpler, but the holes really do work as people say. It's a common sentiment on the air-pot threads that it becomes very hard to overwater a plant in one. Try one for yourself and toothpick it, it's cheap enough and no chance of crossed wires :) My pots are approx half gallon or less btw. And if I didn't mention it, when I checked out the roots of the now dead males it was exactly like any photo you see of any air stylee pot - zero root circling and basically no roots visible, just "fimmed" thick bushy roots. YOU GOTTA BELIEVE ME MANNN! :xmasnut: I haven't used a regular pot since.

Anyone used Azamax before? I'm thinking of trying that for the gnats if I can't get anything else working. Stupid friggin' airpot holes. Perhaps I could wrap frost mat around the sides? :chin:


Grow like nobody is watching
Oh yeah and that test I did of mixing the DE into the soil? It seemed to work! Although I may have killed them manually by the action of trying to mix the DE in thoroughly to wet soil. What do you think of this action mj? Would it be horticultural suicide? Some say it loses it's effectiveness when wet/mixed into soil. Others say no. I'm so confused and conflicted.


Active member
mixing DE in the soil - why not? Good source of silicon, and it may even work! DE is just crushed up sea creatures. It works by tearing them up, not by being toxic. Microbes probably like it!

Airpots - I am feeling seduced... Pretty sure they still get PWC, but my latest transplants were terribly rootbound. I need more intermediate sizes. But if I buy any more pots this place is going to look like a potting shed, so why not just drill holes in the ones I have?


Looking really good there!

CO2 bottle? :) Now thats the fertilizer if you want fast plants. Hope to meet you on the dark side mr. scrubs!!! :D

No reason people should fight about how to grow or fertilize their canna anyway. Making all the necessary nutrients available is key, but once that has been achieved the only yield difference can be found in light, CO2 level, temperature, humidity and oxygen.
Once you know how to use it, any type of fertilizer with a proper nutrient ratio will grow amazing buds anyway. :)


Active member
I've never fought over MJ, pedro, but when someone I am trying to help calls me a retard and means it, I get mad.

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