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220w pl-l coco scrog cupboard


Grow like nobody is watching
Thank you :) I have a deficiency going on for sure now. I'll post pics in a bit. I think it's sulfur and maybe potassium.


Grow like nobody is watching
Well here are those pics. Any thoughts?

This is the main sort of problem:


You can see on the left leaf (from another plant) the inter-veinal yellowing is reversed!


But it's the top photo symptom that I'm most worried about. I started feeding kelp and stopped with the fish emulsion (thought the yellowing was nitrogen for ages). So they've only really had fish emulsion, liquid P guano, kelp, molasses and a tiny bit of rock dust and EWC.

The yellowing starts at the base of the leaves generally, and sometimes it's just a yellow blotch on a random part of the leaf. Generally on the lower leaves but some mid-upper action too.

That's wutz up. :whistling: How long till they keel over dead?

The Pure is soooo couchlocky! Damn, I wanted couchlock but it's crazy. I've slept for more hours than I've been conscious. I stopped getting high as soon as I wake up because it's game over if I do that :)

Oh yeah! I recieved some femmed purple kush seeds :D So they will be the next grow. If I don't get this soil mix sorted out, it will probably be in hydroponics ;) Thanks to the original gangsta pimp daddy mack of the PK scene, Hydro - the mother can be seen in his great thread. Super stoked as it looks like the perfect plant for me.

Oh shit, I got over 3000 posts, I just realised :eek::

All my 36w bulbs turned up so now I just need wire and some time. Peace.
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Paranoid one

That looks like a problemo scrubs, I'd take it to the infirmary section as a second source.
Sorry but i have ZERO knowledge about yellowing or leaf decaying . :(

Congrats on hitting the 3000 mark!

EDIT:scrubs, have you ever smoked like super strong weed? I was over my Friends house and he has crazy shit, my whole body got numb...
i think that shit was laced or something... or maybe it was super strong.


Grow like nobody is watching
scrubs, have you ever smoked like super strong weed?

Does a bear crap in the woods? :D

The aussie blue I used to grow was extremely strong. One thing I've learnt, is that strains really do have their own highs etc. I was skeptical about all that but these days I'm a connissuer. The AB induced a paranoia "tripping" feeling in everyone. I kind of like weed like that. But I could understand if someone suspected it was laced. It was more like acid than pot.


I will post it elsewhere cheers. The plants are still doing great - buds growing well. The co2 died out and I can't be arsed to make more, lol.

Paranoid one

Hey i didn't mean to tell you "to post your Def. problems somewhere else or you will die"
I will post it elsewhere
sorry i didn't mean it in that way if you understood it like that.
This is your thread and im just a visitor.
I was just trying to give a little help.

And i was talking about like super weed to superman extent.

We smoked, i was up for a good hour, fell asleep for like 4 hours and woke up still baked as hell. Numb all around, you would of been able to beat the crap out of me and i wouldn't feel it...
I think there was cocaine lace or something because i went numb from nose to toes.


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Hey Scrubz, looks like it could be iron?? def not sure are a lot of plants leaves like that?? Have a look a this great thread for sick plants, actually you prob already know about, but I'll post the link anyways for everyone else playing along:-
The Complete Guide to Sick Plants etc.

Happy Gardening Bro.
PS Ordered a pack of Killer Queen Redux this week :dance013: I asked RezDog about chronic pain killing properties the KQ might have and this is what he answered me with:-
I'd say it has "chronic fuck-you-up-until-you-see-trails and drive into a stop sign" kind of properties.
On that note,I'd say it'd provide more than adequate distraction from the pains of life. KQ oozes fucking resin,like tree sap flows.

:whistling: Fucking Sold.
Hey i didn't mean to tell you "to post your Def. problems somewhere else or you will die"
sorry i didn't mean it in that way if you understood it like that.
This is your thread and im just a visitor.
I was just trying to give a little help.

And i was talking about like super weed to superman extent.

We smoked, i was up for a good hour, fell asleep for like 4 hours and woke up still baked as hell. Numb all around, you would of been able to beat the crap out of me and i wouldn't feel it...
I think there was cocaine lace or something because i went numb from nose to toes.
don't really think so dude, cocaine is expensive


Grow like nobody is watching
lol Para it's cool bro, I didn't mean it at all like that! I said cheers to convey that it was all good :) Anyone is welcome to tell me anything they like anyway, it's the interwebz! :cool: Happy 100 posts too!

Haha b00m, has rez ever said "well, it lacks a little potency but it's kind of decent I guess" ? :thinking: Just messin' with ya of course, that guy could breed hemp stronger than anything I could knock together :)

Yep I've been studying that link and this other one. (from OG?). It's not too many leaves with problems at any one time but they keep dying off. Mostly at the bottom. Sulfur and Potassium get my vote. I'll try epsom salts soon and see what happens. I think I mentioned I just started using kelp again now too. (Seasol)

Morose, they are NOT overwatered, lol. I know this because I'm too lazy to over water. Generally I've been watering every 2 days but very occasionally it's every day, or every 3 days. Didn't know I could speak Italian huh? Well, neither did I before I went to babelfish :D Oh yeah they don't show any droopy leaves btw, never have at any stage.

Thehappyguy: Cocaine is a hell of a drug :hide:


Well-known member
hey scrub, im getting the exact thing happening to my leaves. just the odd one or two at the bottom of the plant and the rest of the leaves stay healthy. i gave my plants a trace element feeding with fulvic acid and no leaves have gone bad in the last 4 days but its too soon to say i think. i tried epsom salts on my plants too but to no avail. PM me if you think you solved this one purrdey please :)

thanks bro


Grow like nobody is watching
Will do bro, I'm brewing up a kelp, molasses, bio-bugs tea right now. But I think you use kelp already, so maybe that's not gonna help me :dunno: That's about the most suitable fert I've got at the moment anyway.

Link to seasol pdf. It has sulfur, potash, trace elements...who knows, it may just work.

:sweat runs down face:


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
That's a cool link thanks bro, sulfur def maybe, potassium probably more likely, glad it's not a heap of leaves doing that, water ph?? is maybe another thing to bro. They are in soil right??

lol rezdog, ya right I haven't seen him say that yet about his strains, still can't wait to find out for myself, and I remember my mates :friends:when the killer crosses start, it shall be fun.



It simply looks like they need for more fertilizer to me, or perhaps just macro nutrients being moved from shade leafs to fresh growth if it's at the bottom. If your plants get a benefit from your co2 they grow more and will need more eat.
IMO If big changes has been made to a grow setup, fertilizer concentrations need to be decided only from the amount of growth between feedings, no other rule of thumb. The better it goes more needs to go in :)
It's the same reason many hydro growers would experience an EC level will always go up between water exchange, if the EC level is copied from an efficient high wattage system to a less efficient system. Nute burn happens in soil grows from buildups of excess nutrients for the same reasons. "This works for me" claims should only be a hint, not an advice.

Sorry, you probably know that already.. Just a stoned version of me who got lost at the keyboard.
Cheers mate.


Grow like nobody is watching
Hey I forgot to say, it does look similar to Iron, but "Parts affected by the Iron Deficiency are: Young leaves and Petioles." whereas "Parts affected by a Sulfur deficiency are: The whole plant can be affected as well as young leaves, leaf veins." and also "Parts affected by a Potassium Deficiency are: older leaves and leaf margins."

Bloody confusing innit :kos:

I refuse to check the ph. If I was gonna check the ph I'd just do hydro :D The mix is verrry approximately:

1/3rd coco
1/3rd potting mix I'd already mixed up and rested (very dry, sandy)
1/3rd Naked farmer soil activator

A cup or two per gal of shitty bagged compost
2 tbsp/gal Dolomite
3 tbsp/gal Blood and Bone
3 tbsp/gal GreenBio

and a good few handfuls of Katek

and probably something else I can't remember :biglaugh:

Thanks for lookin' out bro :yes:

Pedro! Yeah that sounds valid mate although I thought I should have a reasonably ok mix judging by the above, but it's seemed to be pretty weak all the way. I will just pump it up a little then - I have a habit of underfeeding sometimes although that EC thing caught me out when I moved from outdoors to fluoros, lol. Thanks man.


Organics - it depends on your definition of "easy" :whistling:


Grow like nobody is watching
Like, it's a pretty rare occassion that I give only water, very rare. It's always a mix of guano and/or fish emulsion and/or seasol and/or EWC slurry and now I even add soft rock in the mix once or twice. So I spent hundreds of bucks on this crap and I have to apply it more often than hydro nutes, and I still get deficiencies. Something seems not right imo.


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
So I spent hundreds of bucks on this crap and I have to apply it more often than hydro nutes, and I still get deficiencies. Something seems not right imo.

Shit bro wish I could help you more.



Grow like nobody is watching
Shit bro wish I could help you more.


It's all good bro. "Don't panic, it's organic" as they say :) It's not actually that bad. Like I say the plants as a whole are doing fine. I've had worse problems.

I always figured it was the fungus gnats causing a nitrogen def, but now it seems more defs are appearing (already had the early P def I dealt with).

Look, lets just see how the new tea goes. I love seasol, it's good shit, but I never used it in flower because I thought you weren't meant to but my friend said he uses it all the time, as does OB and probably everyone. I'll try to get some pics tonight.

Thanks for all the help guys, I appreciate it.



Agree on wrongful use of the word "easy" :)
I have loads of respect for the organic dudes, I consider it a sweet science. I see many having difficulties getting their indoor mix dialed in though. Not only do you need to know what the plants want, you need to know what the organics contain, how to maintain the breakdown process and how to speed it up. Add to that, the soil can become deadly by over watering.
If you get familiar with pure salts or something like the Lucas formula, it's as easy as feeding ducks in a pond. You can change anything at any time.