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2024 US Presidential Election

Who will become next President in U.S. what do you think?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 35 57.4%
  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 26 42.6%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
Happens regularly after republicans screw things up. Bush2 caused a recession that dropped your house value by 40%.
Weird, I thought it made it more affordable when I bought.

I own a house and don’t care for the value to increase. Thanks to Covid housing bubble pricing, my property taxes went up $1,000 a year. I plan on living there until I die.


ICMag Donor
Weird, I thought it made it more affordable when I bought.

I own a house and don’t care for the value to increase. Thanks to Covid housing bubble pricing, my property taxes went up $1,000 a year. I plan on living there until I die.
It worked that way for me too. Sellers took a big hit. It's worth 5x now. Taxes and death - unavoidable.


Kiss My Ring

Strategist James Carville Claims Top Democrats Are Telling Him to Shut Up About Biden’s Dismal Polling Numbers​

by Mike LaChance Oct. 28, 2023 10:40 pm


Democrat strategist James Carville, also known as the Ragin’ Cajun, was part of the team that helped Bill Clinton win the presidency twice.

You may not agree with his politics, but he definitely knows the business of elections and how to win.

Carville is trying to sound the alarm to members of his party about Joe Biden’s awful poll numbers but claims he is being told by top Dems to shut up about it.

Breitbart News reports:

Democrat Leaders Pressure Strategist to Shut Up About Joe Biden’s Low Polling Numbers
A prominent Democrat strategist claims that “leading” party members are pressuring him to shut up about President Joe Biden’s low polling numbers in the lead-up to the 2024 election.
James Carville, a long-time political consultant who worked on both Bill and Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaigns, told the Atlantic that Biden’s numbers are “not good” and that Democrats are trying to get him to stop talking about it.
In a Friday article about Rep. Dean Phillips’ (D-MN) newly announced bid to primary Biden, Carville said that his own party members are telling him to hush up about the difficulty the president is facing in his reelection attempt, but not because he’s wrong — his words are just upsetting them.
“Nobody is saying, ‘James, you’re wrong,’” he said. “They’re saying, ‘James, you can’t say that.’”
“I’m looking at polling data, and I’m looking at all of it. The president’s numbers are just not good—and they’re not getting any better,” he argued.

Are Democrats in complete denial or do they know something that the rest of us don’t?

“James Carville says top Democrats are telling him to shut up about Biden’s 2024 weaknesses” https://t.co/WyEGyWA0t2
— Jason Miller (@JasonMillerinDC) October 28, 2023

Everyone knows Biden can’t do the job. Democrats just aren’t allowed to say it.https://t.co/qfWDClHxPC
— Tommy Evans (@tlynno) October 28, 2023

Carville is certainly right about Biden’s poll numbers. They’re historically awful.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
It's not that his supporters are thinking he's the best guy for the job...

It's the simple fact that Biden is not Trump.

If you guys had your shit together you would nominate anyone but Mango Mussolini...

That's very obviously a pretty yuge "if".


Kiss My Ring

Democrats Panic as More Black Voters Ditch Biden for Trump​

Democrats Panic as More Black Voters Ditch Biden for Trump

Democrats are in panic mode as they scramble to keep black voters, who are waking up in droves to the party’s profound brainwashing.

Black voters are trending away from the Democratic Party, a sign that spells doom for next year’s US presidential election.
“After a lot of hand-wringing in recent years, elections next month in Mississippi and Virginia — two Southern states with large Black populations — will offer one final, robust read going into 2024 on the extent of the slippage among Democrats’ most reliable bloc of voters,” Politico noted, adding: “The warning signs have been flashing.”
As Conservative Brief Reports:
Black voters have supported Democrats, and in overwhelming numbers, for decades. But Biden’s approval rating has been declining among the voting bloc compared to white voters, contributing to a steep decline in support.

Meanwhile, last week, a Republican was elected governor of Louisiana — sitting Attorney General Jeff Landry — for the first time in eight years, suggesting “diminished voter enthusiasm in the areas with the largest black populations,” Politico noted.
“And just this week, a prominent Democratic data firm published a report outlining declining support for Democrats in last year’s midterm elections among younger black voters, black men and black voters without college degrees,” said Politico.
The outlet added:

There’s no one simple answer for why Democrats are losing Black support at the margins. Some conservative Black voters are aligning with the GOP as the parties become more ideologically homogenous. And inflation and other economic struggles in recent years — which have driven much of the widespread dissatisfaction with Biden — have hit communities of color harder.
What’s clear is that Biden can’t safely assume he’ll be able to reassemble the coalition that he rode to victory three years ago. Black support for Democrats has been slipping slightly for the better part of a decade, since Barack Obama, the country’s first Black president, was last on the ballot in 2012.
There are signs Republicans may have continued since 2020 to pull some Black voters away from Democrats. That is bad news for Biden.
In a Quinnipiac University poll released earlier in the week, about 65 percent of black voters said they approved of the way Biden is handling his job compared to an overall average approval rating of around 39 percent.
Former President Donald Trump has shot past Biden in a major new poll that also shows the current commander-in-chief’s approval rating hitting basement levels.
CNBC’s All-America Economic Survey found that Trump is up 4 points over Biden while also giving the current Oval Office occupant an approval rating of just 37 percent, the outlet reported.
“Meanwhile, 74% of the public believe it is either somewhat or very important for the US government to fund military aid to Israel,” CNBC reported on Wednesday.

“That compares with 72% who say it’s important to fund securing the border with Mexico and foreign humanitarian aid. A smaller, but still solid 61% majority respond that it’s important to fund military aid to Ukraine compared with 52% who support military and economic aid to Taiwan.”
On all the major issues that most concern Americans, Biden is deeply underwater. While his overall approval sits at 37 percent, his disapproval rating is 58 percent, or “the highest disapproval and the second-lowest approval rating of” his presidency.
“Biden’s 32% approval rating on the economy is the lowest of his presidency, while the 63% economic disapproval rating is the second lowest,” CNBC reported.
“Even while Biden moved quickly to publicly support Israel and provide additional aid, the public is giving the president poor marks for this handling of foreign policy. Just 31% approve and 60% disapprove.”
Micah Roberts, partner at Public Opinion Strategies, the Republican pollster for the survey, said of the results: “You don’t get sub 40 approval ratings without losing large chunks of your base. And that’s what’s happening here.”
He went on to describe the results as “distressing numbers for a president facing reelection.”


mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Trump never broke fifty percent.

Ask any black people what they think about Trump.

You might begin to distrust your sources, but then again you might want to hide behind them.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
TDS will do that.
makes you lie, cheat, steal, fornicate animals, and resort to maleficium.
47 is the therapeutic!

If you have yet to understand that people are disliking Trump for a variety of valid reasons, then you should stick with the TDS drum.

The rest of us would love to keep what's left of our country and don't want him finishing what he started.

You never really responded to offers to praise Trump's finest points and platform.

Were you planning on getting around to that?


Kiss My Ring
If you have yet to understand that people are disliking Trump for a variety of valid reasons, then you should stick with the TDS drum.

The rest of us would love to keep what's left of our country and don't want him finishing what he started.

You never really responded to offers to praise Trump's finest points and platform.

Were you planning on getting around to that?
I cannot vote for Trump.
after what the deep-state did and continues to do to the former President, he would be ineffective at best.
do you not recognize the hatred seething from your responses? the thing is, your hatred of Trump is just hatred for more than half the population of these United States. Trump represented us, I guess you felt left out.
the vile left have destroyed the country that you think remains. there is no return to or revival of it, not even if Trump gains re-election.

Trump Derangement Syndrome is real, several of your ilk whine about it continuously here and in other threads...maybe some ivermectin can clear it up.

Until then I will continue to point out the hypocrisy of your argument.
