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2024 US Presidential Election

Who will become next President in U.S. what do you think?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 35 57.4%
  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 26 42.6%

  • Total voters


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
Does trumps family being corrupt some how make joe Bidens family not corrupt?

Do you have 10 for the big guy yourself?
I'd say the 4 years of congressional hearings that have turned up :checksnotes: a caring father kind of wrecks the little narrative of Biden being corrupt.

Did Hunter use his family name to enrich himself? Yes. Now find me one person who hasn't done the exact same fucking thing. Hell, my first job I got because my dad talked to a guy. According to your little purity test, me and my father are corrupt.

"My idiot son needs a job" there's your corruption. Bask in it's glory.


Kiss My Ring
Mike Benz is a self-confirmed nazi.
Why so many nazi sources in your posts, tric?

your opinion ((doesn't matter)) how's that feel?
you socialists see naz1s behind every tree.
check your pulse because not enough blood is reaching the brain.


Kiss My Ring

Our Immoral Monsters – Victor Davis Hanson’s Latest Piece – on X​

Our Immoral Monsters. Students at UCLA, some of them perhaps on foreign-student visas and others on some sort of taxpayer-funded support, are now marching with a new controversial and disputed chant: “Israel, Israel you cannot hide, we charge you with genocide”. But how strange that the same crowd that charges Israel with “genocide”, for replying to the mass murdering of its citizens on October 7, has a signature English-rhyming chant “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free”. That jingle is tailor-made for Western-residents eager to parrot the Hamas charter. Despite the usual denials, that mantra is a euphemism for destroying the state of Israel and those within it.

They are then to be replaced by a nation of Palestinian Arabs from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean—in other words, requiring a genocide, or what happened on October 7 expanded to encompass all of Israel. When professors faced little in the way of consequences for calling for Jews to be separated from their classmates, or advocating that the children of “Zionist propagandists” should be singled out, or claiming Israelis were “pigs” and “excrement,” what do we expect would follow? Something like what just happened at the Cooper Union campus in New York? There, some 50 Jews were locked in the library to protect them from raving pro-Hamas protestors pounding on the windows, zombie-like in their hatred, as if they were hired extras for The Walking Dead. Why was Biden press-secretary Karine Jean-Pierre matter-of-factly denying the anti-Semitism was a problem (50% of hate crimes victims are Jews [2% of the population]), and why appoint Robert Malley to anything—unless the hatred of Israel is deeply engrained among the Left?

It is, after all, the effective goal of the new DEI/Middle East/Jacobin nexus to demand the mass killing of Jews and the extinction of Israel. That agenda is randomly evident in the BLM glider posters, or the “river to the sea’ chants, or the August 1988 charter of the now idolized Hamas— ″Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam invalidates it, just as it invalidated others before it″ / “There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad. Initiatives, proposals, and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors.” Is the current war in Gaza City, thus, the “Jihad” that Hamas had always promised—or did they mean just the one-sided surprise murdering of unarmed women, children, infants, and the elderly? We are reversing the Nazi sequence of the 1930s. Then cadres of thugs physically attacked Jews in gruesome efforts to shock all Germans into supporting their anti-Semitic agendas. In today’s America, leftist intellectuals and their useful idiots on campuses are at the forefront as shock troops.
They are seeking to acculturate the nation to widespread, commonplace hatred of Jews in hopes of birthing brownshirt street violence of the sort we are already beginning to see at Cooper Union and elsewhere. We have not yet reached depths of tabloid Jew-hatred of the Der Stürmer sort. But the New York Times and The Washington Post, along with other major news outlets, as tensions rose, ran with the incendiary Big Lie that the IDF had intentionally bombed a hospital “killing 500 Palestinians”. That lie was compounded when our addled President weirdly seemed to lament that Islamic Jihad could not shoot straight: “It’s that old thing: Gotta learn how to shoot straight.” The logical subtext to Biden’s remonstrations is that if Islamic Jihad had just hit their target—civilian Jews in Tel-Aviv—then the ensuring global fury and protests, and his cancelled meetings with Arab leaders (all recipients of massive US aid) would not have occurred.
I suppose as well Biden would not have sent $100 million in fungible money to the Hamas-run Gaza Strip—had the terrorists just learned “how to shoot straight” and not hit their own hospital parking lot. The war in the Middle East will not end soon. It is not easy to root out the Hamas death squads from their subterranean tunnels and cities and their human-shielded mosques, hospitals, and schools. It will be tricky to deter Iran and Hezbollah from entering the fray. Meanwhile each day expect the campuses and streets to get a little bolder, a little closer to reifying their “river to the sea” chanting—as all the more Hamas erodes. After all, there are no consequences to death chants. Even when the protestors incite violence, they correctly understand no college president will call them out. Even when Rep. Tlaib incites mobs at the Capitol by shouting the lie that IDF leveled a Gazan hospital, she knows she is a protected “victim”—and her lies mere competing narratives.
When will they stop? Not until the Democratic hierarchy disowns the growing Hamas wing of its own party. Not until universities become more afraid of the donor class than they are of the DEI/pro-Hamas bunch and their protected hatred. And not until a sane administration stops inviting to America those who despise their generous host. None of that will happen soon—if ever. So for now we Americans are like Diogenes the Cynic, stumbling around in broad daylight with a torch looking for just one honest college president, one truthful US president—all in vain.


Well-known member
your opinion ((doesn't matter)) how's that feel?
you socialists see naz1s behind every tree.
check your pulse because not enough blood is reaching the brain.
It's not a matter of opinion. It's a fact: you post nazi shit on the regular.

My question for you is: why? I want to know what you think. Are you a nazi?


Kiss My Ring
It's not a matter of opinion. It's a fact: you post nazi shit on the regular.

My question for you is: why? I want to know what you think. Are you a nazi?
your idea of a naz1 is just an opinion. you wouldn't know one from joe biden'. oh wait!
ol joe sending monies and weapons to the Azov Battalion in Ukraine sure looks like he supports naz1s. do you support Ukraine? do you support that war effort?
Are YOU a NAZ1??


Well-known member
your idea of a naz1 is just an opinion. you wouldn't know one from joe biden'. oh wait!
ol joe sending monies and weapons to the Azov Battalion in Ukraine sure looks like he supports naz1s. do you support Ukraine? do you support that war effort?
Are YOU a NAZ1??
Did you even bother to peek at any of the other videos from the channel you posted earlier?

I invite you to scroll through.




Kiss My Ring
no why would I?

Do you support hamas?
how about hezbollah?
do you mind potatohead sending billion$$ to iran?

looks to me like you are the one obsessed with naz1s.:gaga:

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
no why would I?

Because you post things that you expect others to check out. It's kind of like doing your part in a conversation.

That way you can discuss further after further development.

I don't even have a communications degree but it's pretty straightforward.

Do you support hamas?
how about hezbollah?
do you mind potatohead sending billion$$ to iran?

looks to me like you are the one obsessed with naz1s.:gaga:

Maybe it's coming down to semantics, but that's doubtful considering your spelling abilities...

Many people draw correlation between racist nationalism and the Nazis due to their similarities.

I have called a couple MAGA fanatics a Nazi.

Autocratic authoritarian assholes, the Munich Putsch and J6, the antiwoke brigade and the brownshirts....

I can see where the term Nazi is easily used as appropriate... but not necessarily precisely accurate.

What would you like to be called?


Kiss My Ring
there may not be any election in '24...war in the middle east could force martial law here and the resident could cancel them.

ENDLESS WAR: US Shells Eastern Syria with Hellfire Missiles as Hostilities Worsen in Middle East​

Shane Trejo |
Oct 28, 2023


The U.S. is bombing eastern Syria as Middle East hostilities worsen following the successful Hamas terror attacks against Israel earlier this month.

According to the Biden regime, the missile strike hit two locations that were being “used by Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and affiliated groups” to promote terrorism.

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin stated that the bombings were retaliatory over recent rocket and drone strikes against U.S. bases occupying Iraq and Syria. The U.S. is blaming “Iranian-backed militias” for fomenting these attacks.

“These precision self-defense strikes are a response to a series of ongoing and mostly unsuccessful attacks against US personnel in Iraq and Syria by Iranian-backed militia groups that began on October 17,” Austin said.

Despite the alleged good intentions of the U.S. military by initiating these bombing campaigns, they may engender blowback over innocent Syrians who are collateral damage in the strikes. Also, the Pentagon is not completely sure that Iran is ordering the attacks, even though they strongly suspect the Islamic theocracy to be behind them.

“We see a prospect for much more significant escalation against U.S. forces and personnel in the near term,” a senior Pentagon official told CNN. “And let’s be clear about it. The road leads back to Iran. Iran funds, arms, equips and trains militias and proxy forces all across the region. … We are preparing for this escalation, both in terms of defending our forces and being prepared to respond decisively.”

Another senior State Department official told CNN that the U.S. and their allies are “all on the same page that sending a clear message to Iran – that it should not seek to take advantage of the situation and groups that are under its control or influence should not seek to take advantage of this either.”

The State Department official said that if Iran retaliates, it “could have very escalatory and dire consequences.” adding that “it’s not just a US message; it’s a shared message.” This may be good news for the military-industrial complex, but could spell the beginning of World War 3 as the U.S. and their partners become more belligerent in escalating conflicts. U.S. military personnel is already paying the price.

Recent reports have determined that 19 U.S. troops have suffered from traumatic brain injuries over recent attacks at the Al Tanf garrison base in Syria and four at Al Asad air base in Iraq. As long as U.S. troops remain in the region, they will inevitably be attacked, hurt and killed – and then those attacks will be used as an excuse to justify more intervention. It is an endless cycle, and it will end with the bankruptcy and ruination of America.


Kiss My Ring
Because you post things that you expect others to check out. It's kind of like doing your part in a conversation.

That way you can discuss further after further development.

I don't even have a communications degree but it's pretty straightforward.

Maybe it's coming down to semantics, but that's doubtful considering your spelling abilities...

Many people draw correlation between racist nationalism and the Nazis due to their similarities.

I have called a couple MAGA fanatics a Nazi.

Autocratic authoritarian assholes, the Munich Putsch and J6, the antiwoke brigade and the brownshirts....

I can see where the term Nazi is easily used as appropriate... but not necessarily precisely accurate.

What would you like to be called?
don't you have a bratwurst to slather?

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