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2024 US Presidential Election

Who will become next President in U.S. what do you think?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 36 57.1%
  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 27 42.9%

  • Total voters

Brother Nature

Well-known member
Jesus this is one of the stupidest fucking things I’ve ever read in these political thread, including the retarded shit hempy mc doodle used to post…

Fuck anyone who locks up pot smokers, regardless of if it’s their jobs or not. What a retarded defence… Homosexuality used to be against the law too, do you commend the cops for rounding up the homos and beating them, cause they were just doing their damn jobs. Next you’ll be defending the cops enforcing Jim Crow, cause they were just doing their damn jobs.

Jesus Christ partisan politics has truely fucked the logic out of the vast majority of Americans.

Brother Nature

Well-known member
Oh no doubt, you guys have the two worst choices for candidates I’ve seen in my life.

You also have the loudest and most illogical cheerleaders for both the shit choices I’ve ever seen, weird times indeed.

moose eater

Well-known member
When you say "Reagan Rednecks" I can only assume, from your past posts, that you're describing Californians that vote republican aka "the bubbas". I don't have to be educated about California to see that.
The typical rights for me but not for thee that has swept the country

To each their own. Marijuana shouldnt be a crime for anybody, including the outdated rednecks of Californ-I-A
I was specifically referring to the politics and demographics of Orange County, though you seem to have, once again, a fertile imagination where others' beliefs and statements are concerned, which contributes heavily to the glaring presence of your often-overgeneralized statements that seem to have little reflection or relationship to the more fine details that reality offers those anchored in it.

moose eater

Well-known member
I agree that marijuana should not be a crime for personal use. But my opinion has nothing to do with California law at the time Harris was prosecuting cannabis related cases. She was doing the damn job that the people of California elected her to do. Her job was to uphold the laws on the books. She did a good job of that and it propelled her to becoming Senator, VP, and soon to be President of the United States.

If you don't like Harris or her policies then don't vote for her. But to attack her for doing the job that she was hired to do is ridiculous. That would be like attacking a McDonalds worker for deciding that they didn't want to put pickles on a hamburger so they just leave those off. They would rightfully be fired for not doing the job they were hired to do.

The laws are like the ingredients. You enforce them just like you put on all of the ingredients when flipping burgers. A DA enforces the laws the State Legislature and sometimes the voters vote on. A burger flipper flips burgers they don't create the recipe or choose which ingredients to use.

It's a pretty simple concept that doesn't require any significant debate. When a DA enforces the laws on the books they're not setting policy they're doing their damn job.
Prosecutors typically have the authority to prioritize or dismiss cases before reaching the courts.

And the echoing claims of 'limited resources', especially in places like California, says this was more than simply, "Doing her job."

But it does provide a point of contention when people in such positions choose to prosecute pot cases, rather than unresolved serious victim-generating felonies, crying, "BUT I HAVE LIMITED RESOURCES!!"

"It was my job. I was simply following orders! It wasn't my idea!" Where have I read or heard those feeble excuses before? Oh yes, Nuremberg, where the very premise was shot to shit, and rightly so. And if any of those individuals had refused orders it would've meant something far more serious than a pink slip in their office snail mail in-box.

I guess free-will parks at the curb for our more favorite hacks. And Kamala had no real choice but to take and maintain that job??

I had no idea the compassion I was supposed to feel for mercenary drug war zealots once they become a preferred candidate! I'll re-calibrate my sense of justice immediately! Or maybe not.


Well-known member
I was specifically referring to the politics and demographics of Orange County, though you seem to have, once again, a fertile imagination where others' beliefs and statements are concerned, which contributes heavily to the glaring presence of your often-overgeneralized statements that seem to have little reflection or relationship to the more fine details that reality offers those anchored in it.
Well I dont think the folks in Orange County deserve to be charged with weed crimes, or the folks from the "more broad pool" that you mentioned either. But maybe im just speaking from experience with two marijuana charges on my record

moose eater

Well-known member
Well I dont think the folks in Orange County deserve to be charged with weed crimes, or the folks from the "more broad pool" that you mentioned either. But maybe im just speaking from experience with two marijuana charges on my record
If you want to quote where I stated anyone should be charged with cannabis offenses, I'll give you $100.

What I was saying, even though it might interrupt your premature and unnecessary righteous indignation on parade today, was that significant numbers of cannabis prosecutions in OC are far more typical than significant prosecutions from a California-state-wide position.

I'll try to conjure an even more clear way to state this a 4th time, though I'm not certain why...

Brother Nature

Well-known member
Yeah man, destroying peoples lives to get a promotion is such an admirable trait in our leaders…

After he was framed by police for the 2007 murder of an acquaintance, Trulove was convicted by current presidential candidate Kamala Harris in 2010, sentenced to 50 years to life, and imprisoned for six years. Kamala Harris intentionally withholding evidence proving Jamal's innocence . It was not until after Kamala was out of office that Jamal was able to have his appeal which he won and then successfully sued the city of San Francisco [1][2]

A California appeals court overturned his conviction in 2014 and he was retried in 2015 and acquitted. In 2016 he sued the city of San Francisco. In April 2018 a jury found the two officers accused of framing him guilty of fabricating evidence and failing to disclose exculpatory evidence. In 2019 the San Francisco Board of Supervisors voted to approve a settlement of $13.1 million.[1]



Well-known member
Im glad you're giddy over her....but some of us don't like our options

Get ready for the lowest voter turnout in history

Nobody is giddy about anything. And it actually looks like voter turnout is going to be similar to past elections. Voter registration and early voting have been setting records in some states.

Jesus this is one of the stupidest fucking things I’ve ever read in these political thread, including the retarded shit hempy mc doodle used to post…

Fuck anyone who locks up pot smokers, regardless of if it’s their jobs or not. What a retarded defence… Homosexuality used to be against the law too, do you commend the cops for rounding up the homos and beating them, cause they were just doing their damn jobs. Next you’ll be defending the cops enforcing Jim Crow, cause they were just doing their damn jobs.

Jesus Christ partisan politics has truely fucked the logic out of the vast majority of Americans.

It's only stupid if you don't look at the overall picture and are incapable of understanding that some people have goals and they'll do what they need to achieve them. Some people have tunnel vision. Some people have a broad vision and are capable of looking at things from different aspects and viewpoints without getting emotional like some apparently are unable to do. It's called critical thinking.

Harris focused on her career as a DA with larger goals for the future. She did what she needed to do to achieve her goals. She would have been stupid not to get as many convictions as possible. Those convictions took her from being an assistant DA to DA of San Francisco and then Attorney General of the most populous state in the nation. She then used those qualifications to become a Senator and then was picked for VP.

I said I don't agree with locking people up for personal use of cannabis. But what I think doesn't really matter. Harris was smart to build a resume full of convictions. It would have been stupid for her not to considering that she had her eyes on higher political office.

Some of you obviously don't use critical thinking skills. Just because you don't like it doesn't make it stupid. The fact is that Harris has skillfully maneuvered herself to become President of the United States of America.

Brining up homosexuals and jim crow is 100% fail and is for lack of a better word just plain silly and a distraction that serves no purpose other than to rant.

It has nothing to do with partisan politics. She was elected to enforce the law and she did a good job at it. She prosecuted cases she knew she could get convictions for and I can guarantee she didn't give a damn what some poster on a cannabis website thought when she was prosecuting people that had broken the law.

You can disagree all you want but Harris is a very successful woman who's achievements are impressive. I doubt she gives a damn what you or I think regarding her time as a prosecutor.

Stupid is failing to understand that you're not the only person on the planet and that millions of others don't agree with your way of thinking. Harris is one of them. She doesn't even know your name but you know who she is. When she's sitting in the Oval office as the most powerful person on earth those cannabis prosecutions that helped propel her to the highest office in the land are going to have been well worth it and what you or I think means absolutely nothing.

moose eater

Well-known member
Some of us are mercenary automatons lacking any soul, and some of us aren't. I'm glad to be a part of the 'aren't' camp. And my critical thinking skills are just fine, thanks.

Brother Nature

Well-known member
Nice rant but you need to work on your straw man anrguements and personal insults, you’re not quite zealot level yet. I don’t like trump or his cult, but ignoring your hero’s faults and elevating them to god level sounds awfully familiar doesn’t it? I also don’t see tramping all over human rights as something to be admired, even if it makes you successful, actually especially if it makes you successful. You should read my second post..

Keep on drinking that blue cool aide homie, I am sure it will make your life substantially better in the long run.

Brother Nature

Well-known member
I, like many others on this very website, have spent time inside for cultivation of this plant we all signed up to this site for. So there is never any way in hell I would be ok with or condone the persecution of cannabis users or growers, even if it serves my own egotistical purposes.


Well-known member
Nobody is giddy about anything. And it actually looks like voter turnout is going to be similar to past elections. Voter registration and early voting have been setting records in some states.

It's only stupid if you don't look at the overall picture and are incapable of understanding that some people have goals and they'll do what they need to achieve them. Some people have tunnel vision. Some people have a broad vision and are capable of looking at things from different aspects and viewpoints without getting emotional like some apparently are unable to do. It's called critical thinking.

Harris focused on her career as a DA with larger goals for the future. She did what she needed to do to achieve her goals. She would have been stupid not to get as many convictions as possible. Those convictions took her from being an assistant DA to DA of San Francisco and then Attorney General of the most populous state in the nation. She then used those qualifications to become a Senator and then was picked for VP.

I said I don't agree with locking people up for personal use of cannabis. But what I think doesn't really matter. Harris was smart to build a resume full of convictions. It would have been stupid for her not to considering that she had her eyes on higher political office.

Some of you obviously don't use critical thinking skills. Just because you don't like it doesn't make it stupid. The fact is that Harris has skillfully maneuvered herself to become President of the United States of America.

Brining up homosexuals and jim crow is 100% fail and is for lack of a better word just plain silly and a distraction that serves no purpose other than to rant.

It has nothing to do with partisan politics. She was elected to enforce the law and she did a good job at it. She prosecuted cases she knew she could get convictions for and I can guarantee she didn't give a damn what some poster on a cannabis website thought when she was prosecuting people that had broken the law.

You can disagree all you want but Harris is a very successful woman who's achievements are impressive. I doubt she gives a damn what you or I think regarding her time as a prosecutor.

Stupid is failing to understand that you're not the only person on the planet and that millions of others don't agree with your way of thinking. Harris is one of them. She doesn't even know your name but you know who she is. When she's sitting in the Oval office as the most powerful person on earth those cannabis prosecutions that helped propel her to the highest office in the land are going to have been well worth it and what you or I think means absolutely nothing.
Somebody defending a prosecutor prosecuting weed cases on a weed forum.

The nazis in the death camps were just following orders and wanted to save their careers too.


Well-known member

It's too bad that was like six years ago and he's friends with trump now

From "fuck him he's racist" to "nothing but love and respect"

“Donald Trump?” Snoop Dogg said. “He ain’t done nothing wrong to me. He has done only great things for me. He pardoned Michael Harris.”
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