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2024 US Presidential Election

Who will become next President in U.S. what do you think?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 35 57.4%
  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 26 42.6%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
As I keep saying alternatives aren't there and have to be transitioned into gradually.
We can not lurch into them at the expense of human lives.
I just moved from California. The solar power is a falier it does not support the power grid.
Perhaps nuclear energy

moose eater

Well-known member
As I keep saying alternatives aren't there and have to be transitioned into gradually.
We can not lurch into them at the expense of human lives.
I just moved from California. The solar power is a falier it does not support the power grid.
Perhaps nuclear energy
Then why not let them be developed, instead of launching into the negativity of why they can't work whenever you see someone post about them, and turning it into a partisan issue, whether it is or not?

You continue missing the point, as though your awareness of your own patterns here is oblivious to you.


Well-known member
I never said that alternatives can't work. They can't be employed at this moment and can't be achieved at the expense of human lives.
Green energy is more about $$$$ .
The tar that biden was importing from Venezuela is just about as dirty as it gets .

You will only see the solution when the dems stop making this partisan, and stop cashing in


Well-known member
I'm taking time for personal family issues. As for ranch hand business I'm my own boss and I make my own schedule.
I'm all tied up responding to posts .hahaha

moose eater

Well-known member
I never said that alternatives can't work. They can't be employed at this moment and can't be achieved at the expense of human lives.
Green energy is more about $$$$ .
The tar that biden was importing from Venezuela is just about as dirty as it gets .

You will only see the solution when the dems stop making this partisan, and stop cashing in
The Dems are the only ones making this partisan??

Christ almighty!!

A cure for obtuseness can begin with opening one's eyes.


Well-known member
The money that dems are making off of green energy has nothing to do with the environment.
Nuclear energy demonized by the nuclear disarming movement may be the answer.
People need to think outside the box.
Solar panels have heavy metals that are to expensive to recycle. The same goes for electric car batteries. If this becomes a bipartisan issue then mabey one day there may be resolve.
Now a hybrid is super environmental. What ever happened to them ?
Joe's war on fossil fuel has created the inflation, and at the expense of human lives.
I remember rfk Jr. was praising the ccp for jailing and organ harvesting in order to reduce carbon footprints .
How about sound environmental ideas?

moose eater

Well-known member
The money that dems are making off of green energy has nothing to do with the environment.
Nuclear energy demonized by the nuclear disarming movement may be the answer.
People need to think outside the box.
Solar panels have heavy metals that are to expensive to recycle. The same goes for electric car batteries. If this becomes a bipartisan issue then mabey one day there may be resolve.
Now a hybrid is super environmental. What ever happened to them ?
Joe's war on fossil fuel has created the inflation, and at the expense of human lives.
I remember rfk Jr. was praising the ccp for jailing and organ harvesting in order to reduce carbon footprints .
How about sound environmental ideas?
You're familiar with oil production?

Are you aware that anything offshore beyond point X delivers zero revenue to Alaska, and that the oil producers are and have been building artificial islands from which to drill diagonally, back under Alaska mainland?

Are you aware that the sea ice pack areas off the NW and N coasts of Alaska experience up to and beyond 100 mph winds in open areas at times with no topography to break those winds, and that the oil companies were unable to properly clean up or contain their spills in the Gulf of Mexico as well as Prince William Sound in FAR more timid waters?

Now imagine sea pack ice bobbing up and down, over 4 ft thick, broken, in the sea, with 100 mph winds.

What's your clean-up plan for that area?

There is none. There is ZERO ability to clean up a spill in conditions like that. And I can guarantee you there'll be spills.

But hey, "Drill Baby Drill!!", and if you're a local living in that area, at least partly if not mostly reliant upon subsistence, fuck ya'. And if you're a dwindling population of polar bears, seals and other marine life in that area, well, fuck ya' too.

When the Christian Right brags about doing what we please because God left us as stewards of this place, exactly what kind of stewardship involves such folly as drilling in such areas?

And me and mine get a revenue proceeds check from the State each year, because Alaska's resources are owned, in theory, jointly, by all of its residents. (In part, see the State of Alaska Constitution, Article 8, Sections 1 & 2). I'm not opposed to oil drilling. I'm opposed to thieves in silk suits, corruption, and people who fail to engage in their industry responsibly and thoughtfully, who don't take responsibility for their fuck ups without having to be forced to.
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Well-known member
Human life is more important than polar bears.
The alternatives are not environmental either.
The solution to the environmental problem is to war with China and stop them from using fossil fuel ( madness)

moose eater

Well-known member
Human life is more important than polar bears.
The alternatives are not environmental either.
The solution to the environmental problem is to war with China and stop them from using fossil fuel ( madness)
You don't think there are humans up there? Or that we're not responsible for our damages?

Maybe you'll be born next time around, if there is one, as an Inupiaq or Gwitchin hunter/fisherperson, or as a polar bear... or a seal.. or an arctic fish species.

In which case your SOMEWHAT arbitrary value statement might gain reassessment status... I'd put a couple thousand bucks on that roulette wheel.


Well-known member
cumulatively from the start of the industrial revolution, china doesn't come close.

china is also the global leader in attempts to reduce emissions while the so called liberal nominee for US president won't even ban fracking lmfao.


Well-known member
You don't think there are humans up there? Or that we're not responsible for our damages?

Maybe you'll be born next time around, if there is one, as an Inupiaq or Gwitchin hunter/fisherperson, or as a polar bear... or a seal.. or an arctic fish species.

In which case your SOMEWHAT arbitrary value statement might gain reassessment status... I'd put a couple thousand bucks on that roulette wheel.
Now this is actually what carma is supposed to be, rather than a line from a Beatles song.
There is no easy answer.
Alternatives aren't there . The idea that any politician is going to implement an energy plan that will end human life is a pipe dream


Well-known member



moose eater

Well-known member
Now this is actually what carma is supposed to be, rather than a line from a Beatles song.
There is no easy answer.
Alternatives aren't there . The idea that any politician is going to implement an energy plan that will end human life is a pipe dream
The alternative is to stop catering to corporatist greed and accept that we currently have enough fuel.

Best to get those alternatives you continue slamming into gear in the R&D departments while the fuel we have is sufficient..

moose eater

Well-known member
Are you better off if Russia drills for the same oil and spills it?
Aside from the fact that I'm well enough boundaried to know whose government I'm responsible for and whose I'm not, Russia isn't coming to drill 6 miles off the coast of Alaska, let alone on Alaska's mainland or shores, nor are those oil basins/wells shared by each other with Russia's basins/reserves.