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2024 US Presidential Election

Who will become next President in U.S. what do you think?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 35 57.4%
  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 26 42.6%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
The United States went to the other side of the world to invade Iraq. I don't see any reason why we can't go across our southern border a few hundred miles and annihilate the cartels. We know where they are. The Mexican government can't and won't do anything. It's more of a national security issue than sadaam hussein was.

No screwing around making friends. Send in the Marines and let them do their thing. Which is killing. The head of the snake needs to be cut off. No need to ask Mexico for permission.

Over 73,000 deaths in 2022 caused by fentanyl. I'd call that an act of war.



Well-known member
The United States went to the other side of the world to invade Iraq. I don't see any reason why we can't go across our southern border a few hundred miles and annihilate the cartels. We know where they are. The Mexican government can't and won't do anything. It's more of a national security issue than sadaam hussein was.

No screwing around making friends. Send in the Marines and let them do their thing. Which is killing. The head of the snake needs to be cut off. No need to ask Mexico for permission.

Over 73,000 deaths in 2022 caused by fentanyl. I'd call that an act of war.



Well-known member
What don't you understand? It's pretty simple. Do you need further clarification?

actually, I do.

China is subsidizing the precursors.

We should invade China, right?

Report: China continues to subsidize deadly fentanyl exports​

Specifically, researchers found companies making fentanyl precursors and analogues could apply for state tax rebates and other financial benefits after exporting the product.

"Rather than investigating drug traffickers, [Chinese] security services have not cooperated with U.S. law enforcement, and have even notified targets of U.S. investigations when they received requests for assistance," said the report.

"The fentanyl crisis has helped [Chinese Communist Party-linked] organized criminal groups become the world's premier money launderers, enriched the [Chinese] chemical industry, and has had a devastating impact on Americans," investigators concluded.

You really got it figured all out there

Blue MAGA!

moose eater

Well-known member
The addicts I know would never settle for anything less than being on the nod. Real life is very different than the BS people want you to think. The OD data would tell us this is true. Adicts use Opites for the high nothing more. 34 years ago is a long time.
If you're really interested, I can post research that links an overabundance of pain/opioid receptor sites in the brain with the excessive use of and vulnerability to opiates.

Having been very close to the operation of a well-regarded, ethical, harm reduction model methadone clinic for over 20 years, and an accompanying needle exchange, I can attest to errors in judgement and perceptions by many commenters here.

Yes, some addicts share some attributes, but the explanations given are simplifications and generalizations.

And the Liverpool Project was, indeed, successful. Right up until Uncle Sam leaned on the UK gov to shut it down.

edit: But the fact remains that addicts, as well as anyone else, will make changes based on THEIR reality, not someone else's schedule or expectations.
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moose eater

Well-known member
legalizing all drugs sounds a lot easier
Medicalization for dangerous substances (we are, after all, in a society that has to be reminded not to drink battery acid or eat Tide Pods), and legalization for everything else.

Hell, most of the people still aren't aware that the crack baby myth was indeed a myth (see the originator of that BS, Dr. Ira Chasnoff, and what he had to say about the abuse his initial observations were subjected to by politicized idjits in the medical and other related fields), and that stimulants and amphetamines aren't actually physically addictive.


Well-known member
so true! with free prescription opioids, you could have people coming into clinics to get their daily dose
last i heard, heroin addicts in Britain can register with the medical folks and do exactly that. lowered number of ODs, disease transmission from sharing sharps. cut down on street crime too.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
The United States went to the other side of the world to invade Iraq. I don't see any reason why we can't go across our southern border a few hundred miles and annihilate the cartels. We know where they are. The Mexican government can't and won't do anything. It's more of a national security issue than sadaam hussein was.

No screwing around making friends. Send in the Marines and let them do their thing. Which is killing. The head of the snake needs to be cut off. No need to ask Mexico for permission.

Over 73,000 deaths in 2022 caused by fentanyl. I'd call that an act of war.

View attachment 19072058
Lunatic. You have no idea what would happen doing that.


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
Lunatic. You have no idea what would happen doing that.
The United States went to the other side of the world to invade Iraq. I don't see any reason why we can't go across our southern border a few hundred miles and annihilate the cartels. We know where they are. The Mexican government can't and won't do anything. It's more of a national security issue than sadaam hussein was.

No screwing around making friends. Send in the Marines and let them do their thing. Which is killing. The head of the snake needs to be cut off. No need to ask Mexico for permission.

Over 73,000 deaths in 2022 caused by fentanyl. I'd call that an act of war.

View attachment 19072058
he is right man and you are que loco for saying we just need to take out the drug cartels
/we all saw what happened the last time that happened
the rot starts at the head ( have you any idea how corrupt mexico is?) sowe need to nip it in the bud, take mexico! not all of it, but some
we could have a "new" new mexico? and a southern southern california
fent is serious shit and not just a symptom of a deeper problem
but im still for invading mexico
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Well-known member
actually, I do.

China is subsidizing the precursors.

We should invade China, right?

Report: China continues to subsidize deadly fentanyl exports​

You really got it figured all out there

Blue MAGA!

Camp Pendleton California - Marines

Ft Hood Texas - Army

Park some guided missile cruisers off the coast in the Pacific.

Launch a barrage of cruise missiles aimed at strategic locations while the marines and Army storm across the border.

Who's going to stop us?

Desperate times
Desperate measures

International law might tell you exactly what is incorrect in your judgement.

Screw international law. Nobody follows it.

We spend $842 billion on our military for one year. Yet we let 70,000 people die in a single year from poison being manufactured within 500 miles of our southern border in a semi-failed state and just sit back and watch as these scumbags kill our citizens and rake in billions.

If there was ever a reason to use the might of our military this is it. We have a compromised government on our border that's complicit with an enemy that's causing the deaths of tens of thousands of our citizens.

People make silly statements about legalizing all drugs, providing better treatment options, etc... all things that don't stop the root cause. Time to stop playing defense and go on offense and eliminate the problem.

I know it won't happen but if I woke up and turned on the news to see US troops in Mexico taking out the cartels I would be filled with joy.


Well-known member
Lunatic. You have no idea what would happen doing that.

Lunacy is watching chaos continue when you have the ability to end it.

And what would happen? Mexico wouldn't do anything except cry about the bribes they won't be getting anymore.

If we made the decision to go in there is nobody that could stop us.

What would happen? Tell everyone. I will if you can't. What would happen is we would wiped out the cartels and that would be that.

moose eater

Well-known member
Pop quiz: Where do most of the firearms the cartels buy, including military weapons, come from?

Maybe Mexico should invade the US for permitting the number of firearms to cross the border into their country from the USA?

Or Bhutan and or Holland ought to launch a humanitarian invasion of the US to rescue our unduly persecuted pot growers and dealers from federal and state prisons?

The boundary challenged people in this Nation who are so full of toxic levels of "USA!! USA!! USA!!" have departed any semblance of rule of law and basic thoughtfulness and are so full of nationalism on steroids that it oozes.

It's often a lot like a fucking Trump rally.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Pop quiz: Where do most of the firearms the cartels buy, including military weapons, come from?

Maybe Mexico should invade the US for permitting the number of firearms to cross the border into their country from the USA?

Or Bhutan and or Holland ought to launch a humanitarian invasion of the US to rescue our unduly persecuted pot growers and dealers from federal and state prisons?

The boundary challenged people in this Nation who are so full of toxic levels of "USA!! USA!! USA!!" have departed any semblance of rule of law and basic thoughtfulness and are so full of nationalism on steroids that it oozes.

It's often a lot like a fucking Trump rally.
true dat.

moose eater

Well-known member
Camp Pendleton California - Marines

Ft Hood Texas - Army

Park some guided missile cruisers off the coast in the Pacific.

Launch a barrage of cruise missiles aimed at strategic locations while the marines and Army storm across the border.

Who's going to stop us?

Desperate times
Desperate measures

Screw international law. Nobody follows it.

We spend $842 billion on our military for one year. Yet we let 70,000 people die in a single year from poison being manufactured within 500 miles of our southern border in a semi-failed state and just sit back and watch as these scumbags kill our citizens and rake in billions.

If there was ever a reason to use the might of our military this is it. We have a compromised government on our border that's complicit with an enemy that's causing the deaths of tens of thousands of our citizens.

People make silly statements about legalizing all drugs, providing better treatment options, etc... all things that don't stop the root cause. Time to stop playing defense and go on offense and eliminate the problem.

I know it won't happen but if I woke up and turned on the news to see US troops in Mexico taking out the cartels I would be filled with joy.
Your entire summation of cause and effect, as well as how the outcomes would roll out, are removed from any logic or real experiences I'm familiar with.

The addicts are killing themselves, and proper dosing and use/maintenance of equipment/needles is ONE of the several factors responsible for the now-lowered death rates among addicts, as well as the lowered frequency of transmission of HIV/AIDS, which costs $millions, if not $billions in tax dollars for medications for what is often avoidable transmission.. Just as those factors contributed to more survivors and recovered addicts during the Liverpool Project.

The examples of decrim in Portland and elsewhere were a free-for-all with -no- real defined parameters to speak of. Should someone be shocked they failed? I'm not.

Again, why would someone engage in a model that is guaranteed to fail, unless highlighting an avoidable failure, but not addressing it as such, was their goal in the first place?


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
Lunacy is watching chaos continue when you have the ability to end it.

And what would happen? Mexico wouldn't do anything except cry about the bribes they won't be getting anymore.

If we made the decision to go in there is nobody that could stop us.

What would happen? Tell everyone. I will if you can't. What would happen is we would wiped out the cartels and that would be that.
if you just wipe out a cartel you create a void that other cartels will fill
we need to go to the top. the mexican gov are turds and its all out war!
or we can cut off a lot of the free money being given people and enforce the laws here in the us that fuels the whole drug trade

but im still all about invading mexico

moose eater

Well-known member
If "screw international law!" is a serious battle cry (and no, it's not true that no one follows it, though the US certainly doesn't), then what someone's saying is that "might makes right, your word on a contract or treaty amounts to nothing, and there's no honor remaining, and we can all just do as we please if we have a bigger gun or a stealthier strategy."

Doesn't -really- sound like the world someone really says the want. But it lets the testosterone loose in a Rambo-like (or similar movie) sorta' way. Unfortunately, in reality, as opposed to movies, there are consequences for cultivating such an approach to life.

But if we want to talk about the insurmountable untamable force that is the US military, I think there's some Taliban and some Viet Cong who'd like an opportunity to add some accurizing foot-notes to that nationalist fantasy stuff.


Well-known member
Pop quiz: Where do most of the firearms the cartels buy, including military weapons, come from?

Maybe Mexico should invade the US for permitting the number of firearms to cross the border into their country from the USA?

Or Bhutan and or Holland ought to launch a humanitarian invasion of the US to rescue our unduly persecuted pot growers and dealers from federal and state prisons?

The boundary challenged people in this Nation who are so full of toxic levels of "USA!! USA!! USA!!" have departed any semblance of rule of law and basic thoughtfulness and are so full of nationalism on steroids that it oozes.

It's often a lot like a fucking Trump rally.

The United States of America. Why? Because we share a border with Mexico and American weapons are easier to get than Russian made that have to come from the other side of the world.

I'm not chanting USA USA USA when I talk about something like this. It's not some slogan. People would die. But in the end more people would live.

I just don't understand why so many are not looking at this option. There are a bunch of so called experts that say it wouldn't work and point to Columbia. That was something entirely different. That was some black ops/CIA assisting the corrupt Columbians not a force of US soldiers determined to wipe out the enemy just a few hundred miles from our border.

Some people are happy that less people are dying from overdoses. Some people are not going to be happy until we reduce the out of control overdoses.

When you have a hose that's leaking at one of the fittings at the end you don't just keep wrapping tape around it. You cut the end off and put a new fitting on. That solves the problem.