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2024 US Presidential Election

Who will become next President in U.S. what do you think?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 35 57.4%
  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 26 42.6%

  • Total voters

moose eater

Well-known member
the money the govt kept tossing at them for "cooperation" in the "war on drugs" seems to have been pretty damn persuasive. grease enough palms, anything is possible.
In Colombia the right-wing juntas and government kept exporting cocaine while blaming the production on FARC and taking DEA/Justice Dept./State Dept. money (Clinton's $1.3 billion down-payment for 'Plan Colombia', for example), while FARC was largely on the run, mobile, and less likely to have consistently stable locations to produce refined cocaine.

Sound familiar? Afghanistan? Laos? Cambodia? Honduras/Costa Rica?
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moose eater

Well-known member
the money the govt kept tossing at them for "cooperation" in the "war on drugs" seems to have been pretty damn persuasive. grease enough palms, anything is possible.
The US has a history of buying off foreign leadership, when possible, with (uh hmmm) 'foreign aid', no matter how despicable they are, and when they can't be bought, they have sometimes/often been 'replaced'.

But we're big on 'liberation' and democracy. Just ask us.


Well-known member
yes, that's right! from you! you are parroting the russian propaganda line on maduro. the far-right supposedly christian nationalist propaganda line. which seems to support dictators, despots, and tyrants.

"with all kinds of international oversight." if you don't mind, please tell me exactly what kind of "international oversight" proves your point?

maduro's supporters, including their supreme court, refused to produce any individual district's vote tallies. they just issued a blanket statement that he had won by 51%. while the opposition produced 80% complete vote tallies from 30,000 voting locations showing that gonzalez received almost twice the votes that maduro did.

"In the month since Venezuelans went to the polls, Nicolás Maduro and his representatives have tampered with the results of that election, falsely claimed victory, and carried out wide-spread repression to maintain power. The United States applauds the courage and resilience of the millions of Venezuelans who voted and who continue to peacefully call for Maduro to acknowledge that Edmundo González Urrutia received the most votes. In spite of repeated calls from Venezuelans and the international community, the Maduro-controlled National Electoral Council (CNE) has failed to substantiate its announced results by producing original tally sheets, as it did following the 2013 and 2018 elections. The CNE’s ongoing refusal to uphold international and Venezuelan standards of transparency or to respect the will of the Venezuelan people as expressed at the polls is an unacceptable violation of Venezuela’s laws, as is the attempt by the Maduro-controlled Supreme Tribunal of Justice (TSJ) to silence the voices of the Venezuelan voters by ratifying the CNE’s unsubstantiated announcement of a Maduro victory. In contrast, earlier this week, one of Venezuela’s own CNE rectors confirmed that Maduro has provided no evidence that he won this election.

Instead of responding to the Venezuelan people’s demands for transparency and democracy, Maduro has ratcheted up repression through politically targeted threats, unjust and indiscriminate detentions, and censorship in a desperate attempt to hold onto power by force. Maduro’s actions have exacerbated the Venezuelan crisis and left him increasingly isolated from the international community. The United States and international partners have called out Maduro and his representatives for their actions since the election:

  • The Organization of American States adopted a resolution by consensus on August 16 calling for transparency, impartial review, and protection of electoral integrity, in line with the region’s commitment to uphold the Inter-American Democratic Charter.
  • The United States, EU, and more than 20 governments signed a joint statement August 16 in the Dominican Republic calling for electoral transparency in Venezuela.
  • The United States joined ten regional partners in issuing a joint statement on August 23 condemning the TSJ’s decision to certify the CNE’s claim Maduro won.
  • The United States joined with other nations August 28 to call a special session of the OAS Permanent Council to address the human rights impacts of the electoral crisis.
The United States repeats its call for a return to the respect of human rights and democratic norms in Venezuela, the release of all political prisoners, and an end to the arbitrary arrests and other acts of repression against members of the democratic opposition, media and civil society. Venezuelans have voted, the results are clear, and their will must be respected."

taken from;


moose eater

Well-known member
yes, that's right! from you! you are parroting the russian propaganda line on maduro. the far-right supposedly christian nationalist propaganda line. which seems to support dictators, despots, and tyrants.

"with all kinds of international oversight." if you don't mind, please tell me exactly what kind of "international oversight" proves your point?

maduro's supporters, including their supreme court, refused to produce any individual district's vote tallies. they just issued a blanket statement that he had won by 51%. while the opposition produced 80% complete vote tallies from 30,000 voting locations showing that gonzalez received almost twice the votes that maduro did.

"In the month since Venezuelans went to the polls, Nicolás Maduro and his representatives have tampered with the results of that election, falsely claimed victory, and carried out wide-spread repression to maintain power. The United States applauds the courage and resilience of the millions of Venezuelans who voted and who continue to peacefully call for Maduro to acknowledge that Edmundo González Urrutia received the most votes. In spite of repeated calls from Venezuelans and the international community, the Maduro-controlled National Electoral Council (CNE) has failed to substantiate its announced results by producing original tally sheets, as it did following the 2013 and 2018 elections. The CNE’s ongoing refusal to uphold international and Venezuelan standards of transparency or to respect the will of the Venezuelan people as expressed at the polls is an unacceptable violation of Venezuela’s laws, as is the attempt by the Maduro-controlled Supreme Tribunal of Justice (TSJ) to silence the voices of the Venezuelan voters by ratifying the CNE’s unsubstantiated announcement of a Maduro victory. In contrast, earlier this week, one of Venezuela’s own CNE rectors confirmed that Maduro has provided no evidence that he won this election.

Instead of responding to the Venezuelan people’s demands for transparency and democracy, Maduro has ratcheted up repression through politically targeted threats, unjust and indiscriminate detentions, and censorship in a desperate attempt to hold onto power by force. Maduro’s actions have exacerbated the Venezuelan crisis and left him increasingly isolated from the international community. The United States and international partners have called out Maduro and his representatives for their actions since the election:

  • The Organization of American States adopted a resolution by consensus on August 16 calling for transparency, impartial review, and protection of electoral integrity, in line with the region’s commitment to uphold the Inter-American Democratic Charter.
  • The United States, EU, and more than 20 governments signed a joint statement August 16 in the Dominican Republic calling for electoral transparency in Venezuela.
  • The United States joined ten regional partners in issuing a joint statement on August 23 condemning the TSJ’s decision to certify the CNE’s claim Maduro won.
  • The United States joined with other nations August 28 to call a special session of the OAS Permanent Council to address the human rights impacts of the electoral crisis.
The United States repeats its call for a return to the respect of human rights and democratic norms in Venezuela, the release of all political prisoners, and an end to the arbitrary arrests and other acts of repression against members of the democratic opposition, media and civil society. Venezuelans have voted, the results are clear, and their will must be respected."

taken from;

You realize that's a US State Dept. publication, right?


Well-known member
You realize that's a US State Dept. publication, right?
yes, i do, but i still think it's a pretty good description of the election. i'm well aware of US history in latin america but that still doesn't have much to do with maduro lying about the vote count with no evidence.

like trump, if he says it, it must be true!

one need look no further than russian propaganda outlets to see that maduro is being supported by russian media, which makes him automatically suspect, in my humble opinion.

it's really all about the oil!


Well-known member
yes, that's right! from you! you are parroting the russian propaganda line on maduro. the far-right supposedly christian nationalist propaganda line. which seems to support dictators, despots, and tyrants.

"with all kinds of international oversight." if you don't mind, please tell me exactly what kind of "international oversight" proves your point?

maduro's supporters, including their supreme court, refused to produce any individual district's vote tallies. they just issued a blanket statement that he had won by 51%. while the opposition produced 80% complete vote tallies from 30,000 voting locations showing that gonzalez received almost twice the votes that maduro did.

"In the month since Venezuelans went to the polls, Nicolás Maduro and his representatives have tampered with the results of that election, falsely claimed victory, and carried out wide-spread repression to maintain power. The United States applauds the courage and resilience of the millions of Venezuelans who voted and who continue to peacefully call for Maduro to acknowledge that Edmundo González Urrutia received the most votes. In spite of repeated calls from Venezuelans and the international community, the Maduro-controlled National Electoral Council (CNE) has failed to substantiate its announced results by producing original tally sheets, as it did following the 2013 and 2018 elections. The CNE’s ongoing refusal to uphold international and Venezuelan standards of transparency or to respect the will of the Venezuelan people as expressed at the polls is an unacceptable violation of Venezuela’s laws, as is the attempt by the Maduro-controlled Supreme Tribunal of Justice (TSJ) to silence the voices of the Venezuelan voters by ratifying the CNE’s unsubstantiated announcement of a Maduro victory. In contrast, earlier this week, one of Venezuela’s own CNE rectors confirmed that Maduro has provided no evidence that he won this election.

Instead of responding to the Venezuelan people’s demands for transparency and democracy, Maduro has ratcheted up repression through politically targeted threats, unjust and indiscriminate detentions, and censorship in a desperate attempt to hold onto power by force. Maduro’s actions have exacerbated the Venezuelan crisis and left him increasingly isolated from the international community. The United States and international partners have called out Maduro and his representatives for their actions since the election:

  • The Organization of American States adopted a resolution by consensus on August 16 calling for transparency, impartial review, and protection of electoral integrity, in line with the region’s commitment to uphold the Inter-American Democratic Charter.
  • The United States, EU, and more than 20 governments signed a joint statement August 16 in the Dominican Republic calling for electoral transparency in Venezuela.
  • The United States joined ten regional partners in issuing a joint statement on August 23 condemning the TSJ’s decision to certify the CNE’s claim Maduro won.
  • The United States joined with other nations August 28 to call a special session of the OAS Permanent Council to address the human rights impacts of the electoral crisis.
The United States repeats its call for a return to the respect of human rights and democratic norms in Venezuela, the release of all political prisoners, and an end to the arbitrary arrests and other acts of repression against members of the democratic opposition, media and civil society. Venezuelans have voted, the results are clear, and their will must be respected."

taken from;

We saw this tried already with Juan Guaido. Same playbook, all to try to overthrow Maduro. We want to control all the oil. It won't work this time either.

Are these far-right propagandists really supporting socialism these days? I was unaware.

moose eater

Well-known member
yes, i do, but i still think it's a pretty good description of the election. i'm well aware of US history in latin america but that still doesn't have much to do with maduro lying about the vote count with no evidence.

like trump, if he says it, it must be true!

one need look no further than russian propaganda outlets to see that maduro is being supported by russian media, which makes him automatically suspect, in my humble opinion.

it's really all about the oil!
The oil is a major factor, and just as was done with Vietnam, where Uncle Ho wasn't communist at the start, nor was he pushing that way (he merely wanted US assistance with ending French colonialism and asked but was refused), the US made horrific value judgements and decisions, and pushed Ho into China's, (et al's) laps. But hey, at least we didn't piss off the French colonizers, right?

Same-same or very similar if one looks at Nicaragua, and the later illegal mining of their harbor by the US (another unprosecuted war crime the US committed).

In the case of Venezuela, the US State Dept and then-Prez didn't like their direction, put pressure on them, tried to interfere in their internal stability (stereotypical State Dept./CIA feces), they drifted/ran toward their new aligned buddies, and our power-plays as an empire/wannabe colonial nation went to shit... yet again.

Now we allege fraud. Shock and AWE!!!

At some point, the boy crying wolf needs to be replaced with sane people who have decent boundaries (international and otherwise), a significantly lesser suffering of nationalism-itis, don't fuck up quite so regularly, and the boy crying wolf needs his ass whipped and sent home to early bed without dinner.

Or we'll be seeing this long-stale circular repetition of fuck-ups for years to come, or at least until we all glow in the dark. For which I hope to be at ground zero, if I'm still breathing.
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mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
We saw this tried already with Juan Guaido. Same playbook, all to try to overthrow Maduro. We want to control all the oil. It won't work this time either.

Are these far-right propagandists really supporting socialism these days? I was unaware.

What happened to "Hitler was a socialist!"??

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Hitler killed all of the remaining socialist supporters within the ranks of the Nazi party on The Night Of The Long Knives.

I said that too.


Brother Nature

Well-known member
lol someone says something against the prevailing US lead narrative and they’re automatically a right-wing commie. Strange days indeed…

moose eater

Well-known member
lol someone says something against the prevailing US lead narrative and they’re automatically a right-wing commie. Strange days indeed…
Wait?! What?! 'Right-wing commies'??!

I must be in a magnetic vortex, as my compass is spinning hard, Scottie!! :)
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