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2024 US Presidential Election

Who will become next President in U.S. what do you think?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 35 57.4%
  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 26 42.6%

  • Total voters


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
harris was a da in california where she put innocent people in jail
lets talk about her most recent role as vp? border czar
...huge win, the biggest
anything else, what was her gig other than showing up in the background laughing as vp?
/im talking about tangible results not party rhetoric
im not saying trump is any better, but seriously is she going to stand up to putin? china? the middle east!?
of course trump is selling us all out, because as president he owns america?
our only hope is for a democrat!?! right not like they sell us out too
i like more taxes and less services for the actual working class

i tend to vote in my best self interest and dgaf about partie lines
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Well-known member
I dont trust those polls at all.. Their poll sizes are so small that they are meaningless.

I don't put much value on them either but they are going in Harris's direction. trump used to go on and on about his poll numbers but he's not talking about them now.


Well-known member
harris was a da in california where she put innocent people in jail
lets talk about her most recent role as vp? border czar
...huge win, the biggest
anything else, what was her gig other than showing up in the background laughing as vp?
/im talking about tangible results not party rhetoric
im not saying trump is any better, but seriously is she going to stand up to putin? china? the middle east!?
of course trump is selling us all out, because as president he owns america?
our only hope is a democrat!?! right not like they seel us out
nothing like more taxes and less services for the actual working class

i tend to vote in my best self interest and dgaf about partie lines

That border czar nonsense is a dead end. She had no authority to do anything. It was more of a study group to offer suggestions.

Border policy starts with the President and is implemented by the Secretary of Homeland Security who is currently Alejandro Mayorkas.

And if Harris was responsible for the border then why did the GOP controlled House blame and then impeach Alejandro Mayorkas? Why didn't they go after Harris? I'll tell you. Harris had little to no input on actual border policy.

So many people just watch some talking head making claims and run with whatever nonsense they spouted off on cable news. But when you actually take the time to do your own research and avail yourself of the facts the real story is different than what's being pushed by operatives with an agenda.


Well-known member
They can't all be wrong.

A long-unpopular vice president has gotten a second look from voters now that the spotlight is trained on her. And at least for now, the polls suggest that Americans are both warming to her and liking her significantly more than they like Biden.

Multiple polls in recent days tell that tale.

An ABC News/Ipsos poll on Sunday showed Harris’s favorable rating at 43 percent. That’s eight points higher than her rating last month, and 11 points higher than Biden’s last month.

A Wall Street Journal poll Friday showed 46 percent of registered voters liked Harris — 11 points higher than her showing almost a month ago, and 12 points higher than Biden’s at that time.

And Fox News polls on Friday in four key Midwestern and Rust Belt states Michigan, Minnesota, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin — showed Harris’s favorable rating averaging 49 percent, which is eight points higher than Biden’s current number.

  • The ABC/Ipsos poll is the first quality poll in years to show more Americans viewing her positively (43 percent) than negatively (42 percent), though the difference is well within the margin of error.
  • That same poll showed Harris improving by 16 points with independents — from 28 percent favorable in mid-July to 44 percent favorable today.
  • The Wall Street Journal poll showed that the percentage who viewed her “very favorably” more than doubled from 15 percent about a month ago to 35 percent now.
  • The Fox polls showed Harris’s favorable rating improving on Biden’s by an average 11 points with independents, 11 points with women, 17 points among voters under 35 and 15 points among people of color (though that last number includes only Michigan and Pennsylvania).
  • The Times/Siena poll showed her improving on Biden’s early July numbers by six points with non-college Whites, nine points with Black voters, 11 percent with independents, 12 percent with women and 30 points with voters under 30.
  • The earlier CNN poll showed somewhat smaller increases vs. Biden in late June — but increases nonetheless. She gained five points with independents, eight points with women, and 12 points among people of color and voters under 35.
Perhaps most striking in the Times/Siena poll is how much Harris appears to have made the Democratic ticket more palatable to less-reliable voters who could defect from the Democrats or sit out the 2024 election.

While just 74 percent of Biden 2020 voters liked him, 88 percent of Biden 2020 voters liked Harris. And the poll showed her being viewed favorably by about twice as many people who didn’t vote in 2020 (46 percent vs. 24 percent) and who currently support a candidate besides her, Donald Trump or Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (33 percent vs. 17 percent).


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
right as vp she has no clout, just a grinning muppet in the background?
but now she is qualified to lead!!!
/is that what your cable news tells you?
what the country needs now is a true leader, not just for the sake of the us but the sake of the world

the dems policy on the border was a complete failure as seen by the huge influx of undocumented illegals these past few years, nice move shifting them to non border states, new we cal all share in the good times
but i get it and all the failures of the past four years are on someone elses shoulders
/blame it on ol joey, he wont remember a thing anyway?
but this time they will get it right


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
My father in law went to Mexico to “save” money on implants. He ended up spending 3x as much fixing their infections and other mistakes. There was a dental implant specialist at the end of the street he lived on in America that he drove past for “cheap” care. That didn’t work the way he thought.
That is why I emphasized 'quality'. One must research carefully no matter where they are. My friend in the US is also having to get fixed up from bad work and implant infections done there. As far as medical work, like surgery, Mexico has some of the finest surgeons in the world. Some teach techniques to US physicians.

I had an extremely complex hip replacement done in Mexico (due to congenital bone structure) at 1/3rd the US cost for the surgery and one overnight in hospital. The difference being 20 days in a private room nicer than many hotels I've stayed in, physio therapy twice per day, meals made to my directions. The surgeon himself got me out of bed the first time and gave me his private cell number. Oh and that 1/3rd cost included my return flight. I was so impressed, I moved here.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor

Harris rally at the Villages in Florida



Well-known member
Corporate money and polls instead of a nomination by voters. Harris will save democracy by bypassing it? Stay tuned....


Well-known member
right as vp she has no clout, just a grinning muppet in the background?
but now she is qualified to lead!!!
/is that what your cable news tells you?
what the country needs now is a true leader, not just for the sake of the us but the sake of the world

the dems policy on the border was a complete failure as seen by the huge influx of undocumented illegals these past few years, nice move shifting them to non border states, new we cal all share in the good times
but i get it and all the failures of the past four years are on someone elses shoulders
/blame it on ol joey, he wont remember a thing anyway?
but this time they will get it right

trump is not a leader. He would do more harm to not just America but the world. He'll abandon all our allies. They're already talking about not defending Taiwan. Had putin gone into Ukraine while trump was President they'd be flying the Russian flag in Kiev right now. trump will sell out anyone, any country, and worse of all America.

The right likes to talk about inflation. Inflation rose globally after the pandemic. It wasn't just an American thing caused by Joe Bidens policies. The target inflation rate is 2%. It's currently at 3% which is pretty much in line with other major economies.

The DOW which trump always like to spout about breaking records because of him continues to keep going up breaking records with Biden as President. The President doesn't have much control over the stock market. I just bring that up as it was one of the metrics used by trump supporters to say how great the economy was during his Presidency.

With Biden's foreign policy we have two more countries in NATO under Biden. trump wanted to destroy NATO. Harris foreign policy will be similar to Bidens and Obama's. That was a time when we were respected in the world. Not despised and laughed at because of trump.

Trump embraced dictators like kim jong un. Even meeting with him and doing a photo op with the American flag sharing the same stage as the North Korean flag legitimizing that despicable man.

Are there better choices than Harris? Of course there are but these are the choices we have and I fail to understand how anyone that cares about America would choose trump over Harris. Many are going to vote for trump but it won't be enough for him to win. Outside of the declining maga movement everyone is sick of trump.

It will be quite a show after he loses and him going on another crying and lying stolen election tour. But nobody except the diehards will give a damn and America will keep moving forward instead of going backwards with trump and the maga.





Well-known member
Corporate money and polls instead of a nomination by voters. Harris will save democracy by bypassing it? Stay tuned....

66% of the money Harris has raised since becoming the defacto nominee is from new donors.

And trump used every trick in the book to bypass any checks and balances that have been in place for years. He tried to stop mail in voting and when he couldn't do that he appointed a postmaster General to gut the post office.

And Harris has a higher favorability rating by Democrats than Biden did so if the Democrats are fine with their candidate who are those on the right to complain. I think the complaining is coming from the fact that they thought they had a sure win with Old Joe. Now their chances of winning in November with Old trump are looking less and less likely.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
right! who cares about history or past performance? harris is the shit and lets just call her the winner today!
/pushes old man out of chair
what is her agenda again? i mean other than orange man bad and fighting for our freedoms?! to get more abortions and house more of the homeless/ illegals? at taxpayers expense?
hillary had a who lot of support running up to the elections too, if you recall only to be thwarted in the elections
but its harris winning smile and the perpetual smirk im voting for

if you arent afraid of something its no longer scarry, but the dems are running on a platform of fear
or do they have some feathers in their cap (socially,domestically, globally) im missing

ive said it before, i would love to see a legit woman be elected president one of these days
harris is not that person
Yah, you know it and after trump wins...no more pesky voting, he says...hooray on that!


Well-known member
That is why I emphasized 'quality'. One must research carefully no matter where they are. My friend in the US is also having to get fixed up from bad work and implant infections done there. As far as medical work, like surgery, Mexico has some of the finest surgeons in the world. Some teach techniques to US physicians.

I had an extremely complex hip replacement done in Mexico (due to congenital bone structure) at 1/3rd the US cost for the surgery and one overnight in hospital. The difference being 20 days in a private room nicer than many hotels I've stayed in, physio therapy twice per day, meals made to my directions. The surgeon himself got me out of bed the first time and gave me his private cell number. Oh and that 1/3rd cost included my return flight. I was so impressed, I moved here.
Is it a multi-tier system based on pay? I’ve heard of a few countries with dirt cheap care that’s so-so and more expensive but still affordable care that’s high quality.

This seems like the more choices are better philosophy I like personally.

Brother Nature

Well-known member
Corporate money and polls instead of a nomination by voters. Harris will save democracy by bypassing it? Stay tuned....
Yeah, if you follow the money, you can see that aside from 2016, the vast majority of presidents won because they raised the most corporate funding, not because the people voted for them. That is much more of a threat to democracy than a fat, old, racist landlord with a shitty toupe. But, we the people, love our reality show elections that stroke our egos to make us believe we really matter...



Well-known member
Yeah, if you follow the money, you can see that aside from 2016, the vast majority of presidents won because they raised the most corporate funding, not because the people voted for them. That is much more of a threat to democracy than a fat, old, racist landlord with a shitty toupe. But, we the people, love our reality show elections that stroke our egos to make us believe we really matter...

They can raise all the corporate money they want but it still comes down to people casting votes. Corporate money only goes so far. It helps with paying for the campaign, media ads, rallies, payroll, etc... But in the end it comes down to the voters. If a billionaire donates a billion dollars to a candidate they still only have one vote.

I think we should have a 100% federally funded election where each candidate gets the same amount. I also think that the amount of corporate money a candidate receives does little to move the needle in a Presidential election as candidates today have so much money in their war chests another couple hundred million is just money corporations are throwing away.

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