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2024 US Presidential Election

Who will become next President in U.S. what do you think?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 35 57.4%
  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 26 42.6%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
interesting perspective because i don't agree whatsoever. it's cuck behavior to passively accept that your life is worth less than the people who own the country and that they can kill you with impunity and average people will literally defend this system.

Karen Lynch, the CEO of CVS, lobbies (bribes) the government with $10+ million a year to get the government to not support universal health care or cheaper drug prescriptions or generic drugs. She makes $20m a year and her CEO to employee pay ratio is 380:1


Well-known member
Vote harder!




Well-known member
Healthcare and health insurance is a very messed up situation. There is so much fraud and corruption. That said, I'm not sure you can force a private entity to insure someone -IE take on business risk, just because they have very profitable businesses.

I think the solution is stronger social safety nets and out of the box solutions - like public hospitals - that can treat the small percentage of sick uninsured people. Perhaps the govt. foots the bill for those doctors' tuition and in return they work for the public hospital for a number of years en gratis.

But I think its more a problem of the general public's mindset than a political one, we should take care of people in need. Somehow we have deviated away from the basic human condition of compassion for those in that situation.

But yeah, the cost of healthcare is in general absurd. There are 3rd party entities that just inject themselves into the equation that add no value. I get that drugs are difficult to develop and there is great risk and liability in trying to bring a product to market.

I don't claim to have the answer here. I think there is enough money in the fed tax pool though to care for the needy but we prefer to invest in gluttonous military spending and imperialistic campaigns to peddle influence and control the rest of the world.


Well-known member

a trolley car heads speeding towards 5 people who have been tied to the track. they represent the average person who is sick and has no health care with pre existing conditions & medical debt. the trolley can be diverted to the track of the billionaire who arbitrarily decided who gets coverage and who doesn't. do you let the trolley run over the 5 people or do you divert it and let it run over the person who created this situation in the first place?
well, if you remember, the first bill produced by the democrats included a publically funded insurance option with no limits on pre-existing conditions. it was shot down by the republicans because the insurance industry saw it as a threat to their profits. lobbying should be illegal.

and a trolley running down the tracks is not a good analogy as it presents another either/or scenario.

and this;

"the average person who is sick and has no health care with pre existing conditions & medical debt."

i was one of those people. i contracted hepatitis c from transfusions following a gunshot wound in 1975. i didn't know i had it until for 25 years when, at the age of 50, i began showing symptoms of a damaged liver.

i was self-employed (ahem, cough, cough) and didn't feel that i needed health insurance because i was in great overall physical health and had never been sick with anything other than common colds, flu, and a nasty bout of dengue fever.

after the diagnosis, i went downhill fast. i went through our savings of about 100k in less than 18 months.

because i had a pre-existing condition i could not get health insurance so i was forced to rely on state medicaid. i didn't apply for it. they came to me in the hospital and offered it telling me i qualified for it.

desperate, i took it. in 2004 i began having a series of encephalopathic episodes. 11 of them requiring hospitalization in a year.

what happens is that your liver doesn't filter the ammonium out of your bloodstream and it causes your brain to swell. the cranium does not swell and this causes pressure to build up on the brain. if left untreated you go into shock and then coma and death. they managed to get it under control each time but i had to spend the entire year of 2004 flat on my back with legs elevated to control swelling.

the bill for each of these episodes was over 30k. and i was broke but the state paid enough of it so that i got the treatment anyway.

sick livers recruit cancers and in 2005 they found a 4cm hepato cellular carcinoma in the upper lobe of the liver. i went through several procedures and they successfully stalled it until i received a transplant in 2009.

in 2007 the state of tennessee dropped all medicaid coverage to everyone except children and pregnant women.

i had been on the transplant list since 2005 but it depended on funding for me to get one. they don't do them for free. the costs of just the surgery alone was 500k.

the state program never covered transplants so i thought it was all over. but when obamacare was announced and still in the works but not yet law, i got with a large group of other terminally ill patients and sued the state of tennessee for dropping us.

the state lost and we made them open a state sponsored low cost insurance program that covered everything, including transplants and expensive surgeries.

but the hangup was we still had to pay the premiums. and i was not only broke but unemployable. thankfully i had a skillset and was able to pay the premiums.

i got the transplant but it and the associated costs were over 1.5 million.

the point of me telling you my story is to let you know that i fully understand about illness, being uninsurable due to illness, too poor to pay for it all myself, and the need for universal healthcare.

but i did not give up. i fought every step of the way, and i'm here now, enjoying life.

in 2015 i qualified for medicare and i need it to survive.

i fought while sick. if i can do that, healthy folks should be able to fight the system and achieve healthcare for all through legal and non-violent means.

it's not going to be easy, nothing worthwhile in life is.


Well-known member
congress is bought and controlled by the very same capitalists who control the economy. it's in their economic interest to not do what the public wants.
Again, you’re using that term wrong. Anyone who wants a monopoly, or government involvement with business isn’t a capitalist.


Well-known member
you're adhering to the textbook definition of capitalism that is taught to young impressionable economics students.

the free market has never existed. yet monopolies have existed in every era of capitalism since the beginning.


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
f capitalists and all they represent!
how about just dont buy their shit, thats how a free market works

health care in the usa is a whole different conversation
/it =sux for most of most americans but taxpayers still pick up the bill

but im sure trump has the "greatest ideas and the biggest team in place" to tackle the problem, i mean just look at that band-aid for his ear owwie
and harris will just laugh her way around the issue like everything else, just like she has for the last four years because she is the anointed one
hominus dominus big gov! well played


Well-known member
I refuse to pay for health insurance a quick checkup costs less than the damn insurance. Then if I really need something done, they have pretty good hospitals in Mexico for much cheaper, you can actually afford a top doctor down there your insurance isn't paying for the best.

Even the dentist around here is insane, they wanted to charge me over $3000 cause I broke two teeth and have 1 cavity, they also wanted to do some deep cleaning. I checked out Mexico, I should only have to spend a couple hundred dollars, plenty of extra money for tequila and burrito's maybe I can catch a bull fight. Lol


Well-known member
true, but, do you want to go out and take human lives for it. i don't think you are that kind of a person, capt dankness. i think you are a better man than that!
Yeah, not going to kill people over it, maybe if I was in a state that would still give you life for growing I might consider shooting it out if they caught me, but I'm legal now so not going to do that.

Now if we had a war against taxation and companies with a monopolies and we had a good force, I'd probably join them. Just can't be no damn socialists!! I want freedom, no more over regulation and no more taxation, probably a earnings cap, your company makes too much money it goes out as a Christmas bonus evenly. I hate making the rich richer while the tax man takes a good chunk of what little I make.


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
I refuse to pay for health insurance a quick checkup costs less than the damn insurance. Then if I really need something done, they have pretty good hospitals in Mexico for much cheaper, you can actually afford a top doctor down there your insurance isn't paying for the best.

Even the dentist around here is insane, they wanted to charge me over $3000 cause I broke two teeth and have 1 cavity, they also wanted to do some deep cleaning. I checked out Mexico, I should only have to spend a couple hundred dollars, plenty of extra money for tequila and burrito's maybe I can catch a bull fight. Lol
and thats the thing, why is health care so expensive in the us?
/im not going to get into the layers of BLOAT! but that shit adds up
how does the "greatest nation in the world with the brightest ideas and the biggest minds" not have some kind of public health care system?
/hint: $$$

unfortunately not everyone can go to mexico for simple procedures or access to cheaper medicine
/what was that movie about that?
dental and eye care are two overlooked issues as well
it all adds up to the publics well being


Well-known member
f capitalists and all they represent!
how about just dont buy their shit, thats how a free market works

health care in the usa is a whole different conversation
/it =sux for most of most americans but taxpayers still pick up the bill

but im sure trump has the "greatest ideas and the biggest team in place" to tackle the problem, i mean just look at that band-aid for his ear owwie
and harris will just laugh her way around the issue like everything else, just like she has for the last four years because she is the anointed one
hominus dominus big gov! well played
Give away all your private property if you hate capitalism.

I suspect you’re a totalitarian with your quickness to keep your property but decide the property of others needs to be socialized.


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
i love capitalism and all the hot water and soft beds it provides me
plus the nice home i own

socializing others property?! when did i say that
.nice try
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Well-known member
Pretty sure he was being sarcastic HJ
The joke is I’m so anti government involvement in the economy I’m against patents. Virtually everyone is to the left of me economically.

The two should never touch, and it makes sense why. Money ruins government, and governments ruin economies.

The argument that government can boost the economy is also ridiculous. That’s like saying an abusive husband is helping the wife by beating her less. Or helping out a store by spending a lot of money there, that you stole from them yesterday.


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
The joke is I’m so anti government involvement in the economy I’m against patents. Virtually everyone is to the left of me economically.

The two should never touch, and it makes sense why. Money ruins government, and governments ruin economies.

The argument that government can boost the economy is also ridiculous. That’s like saying an abusive husband is helping the wife by beating her less. Or helping out a store by spending a lot of money there, that you stole from them yesterday.
"Give away all your private property if you hate capitalism."
right, no incentive to excel, just be mediocre
/way to go
what fuels innovation again?
why should anyone have individual property, intellectual* or otherwise
if i work for something and earn it, its mine
thats how capitalism works

*it means through the brain
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