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2024 US Presidential Election

Who will become next President in U.S. what do you think?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 35 57.4%
  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 26 42.6%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
While his record in California, among other things, could be called into question, Newsom does speak well. I don't think Harris is a good fit. Regardless they are all clowns but the crossing over into totalitarianism is too scary to ignore in the present moment.
i saw newsom on bill maher a month or two ago on the opening where he has a discussion for 20 odd mins ... after viewing it and listening to him, i came away that he is the best thing since sliced white bread.. its scary how well he presents himself... SCARY


Well-known member
i saw newsom on bill maher a month or two ago on the opening where he has a discussion for 20 odd mins ... after viewing it and listening to him, i came away that he is the best thing since sliced white bread.. its scary how well he presents himself... SCARY

Id never vote for him but hes far and away the best and brightest alternative. The big issue is that hes a Californian and many people wouldn't vote for him based on that fact alone. Ive been to many different states and its single-handedly who they blame for all of their problems, republican and democrat alike. Now I personally dont hold that animosity and never have, but most folks do and its nationwide from what ive observed


Well-known member
I'm not sure there is really a physical button for someone to press and launch nukes at random. Aren't there codes and keys and such.

But all in all I agree, two terrible candidates at this point. Hopefully the dems and Biden swallow their pride and at least put forth someone electable, with that they have a fighting chance to beat Trump who probably would implode over the pressure of a well spoken candidate.

While his record in California, among other things, could be called into question, Newsom does speak well. I don't think Harris is a good fit. Regardless they are all clowns but the crossing over into totalitarianism is too scary to ignore in the present moment.
i wasn't being literal on nuke button statement. i'm sure some folks think there's a box with a big red button in it and all someone has to do is push it for the world to end.

the project 2025 is some scary shit. trump, like all politicians, is a puppet. and the heritage foundation is the puppet master. i'm sure most intelligent republicans can't stand him personally but they'll vote along party lines anyway.

i am not a member of either party. i'm more of an independent who is, basically, at this point in life, a middle of the road conservative but with a social conscience. i'm a strong believer in the constitution and the bill of rights, all of them. i believe racism and discrimination to be constructs of an evil mind. i do not have to be religiously motivated to know the difference between right and wrong.

i have voted for candidates from both parties based on what i think of the person. about the quality of that person, the contents of their mind and heart. are they kind or mean, rude or polite, etc. all the policy stuff that's being thrown out by the party mouthpieces is bullshit. most of the time they either can't or won't fulfill the promises made to the people. it's all theater to ensnare the gullible.


Well-known member
i saw newsom on bill maher a month or two ago on the opening where he has a discussion for 20 odd mins ... after viewing it and listening to him, i came away that he is the best thing since sliced white bread.. its scary how well he presents himself... SCARY
smooth criminal! no doubt he's a smart mother******. he may actually have some altruistic motivation too. although he has committed some errors and/or omissions.


Well-known member
Id never vote for him but hes far and away the best and brightest alternative. The big issue is that hes a Californian and many people wouldn't vote for him based on that fact alone. Ive been to many different states and its single-handedly who they blame for all of their problems, republican and democrat alike. Now I personally dont hold that animosity and never have, but most folks do and its nationwide from what ive observed
i wouldn't either, but slick willie move over....


Well-known member
no president in history has held any genuine power . the left and right invention keeps everyone divided and conquered , ignoring the top always ruling the bottom


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
smooth criminal! no doubt he's a smart mother******. he may actually have some altruistic motivation too. although he has committed some errors and/or omissions.
yeah hes slick, and look at all the good he has done for California
f newsom
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Well-known member
no president in history has held any genuine power . the left and right invention keeps everyone divided and conquered , ignoring the top always ruling the bottom
congratulations! you are correct! now would you please answer my question about media literacy? you told us what media literacy is not, now could you please tell us what you think media literacy is?


Well-known member
yeah hes slick, and look at all the good he has done for California
f newsome
california has unique problems and requires unique solutions. there is no other state quite like it. 30 million people, an economy larger than all of russia. massive infrastructure and about the most diverse population you could imagine.

they have gone overboard on safety issues, as if they are trying to protect the population from themselves.

for example, california started the idea that you must put warnings on ammo boxes that the product contains lead and may cause lead poisoning. no shit, thanks for protecting me!


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
california has unique problems and requires unique solutions. there is no other state quite like it. 30 million people, an economy larger than all of russia. massive infrastructure and about the most diverse population you could imagine.

they have gone overboard on safety issues, as if they are trying to protect the population from themselves.

for example, california started the idea that you must put warnings on ammo boxes that the product contains lead and may cause lead poisoning. no shit, thanks for protecting me!
i see you understand the problem!

i grew up here and saw it go from the best schools in the nation to the worst
/but we spend billions on education?! why arent all the kids smarter
infrastructure is a joke, but we can just raise taxes to pay for that on top of the taxes we already pay to fix that, but whos keeping track
and lets not get into quality of life of life for the average working family
but i hear the homeless and illegals are getting all the free weed and ebt cards!
so its all cool man

point towards enemy is next and you can only have a single shot
make it count

/cant like your post here @greyfader but thumbs up


Well-known member
i see you understand the problem!

i grew up here and saw it go from the best schools in the nation to the worst
/but we spend billions on education?! why arent all the kids smarter
infrastructure is a joke, but we can just raise taxes to pay for that on top of the taxes we already pay to fix that, but whos keeping track
and lets not get into quality of life of life for the average working family
but i hear the homeless and illegals are getting all the free weed and ebt cards!
so its all cool man

point towards enemy is next and you can only have a single shot
make it count

/cant like your post here @greyfader but thumbs up
yep, the 10 round magazine limit is ridiculous because the thugs that want to carjack you, break into your home and harm your family do not obey the law. i'm sure when they are planning a crime one of them says "hey guys, we can only use 10 round mags."

i lived in cali as a child 3rd and 4th grades, orange county, garden grove to be precise.

in 1964 my family moved to the bay area, east bay, fremont. i left home at 15 and became one of the street people on haight st in the city. i was there during the peace and love scene, the vietnam protests, fillmore concerts, and drugs. i made my living selling weed and acid to anybody who showed up.

it was a beautiful scene up until about late 1967-early 68. that's when meth hit the street and things turned ugly. by late 68 going into 69 heroin became the drug de jour.

if you want to see a completely failed far left progressive social experiment just go to oregon. it's a chaotic mess. all you have to do is show up, no id or anything, and ask for food assistance. they give them a credit card. not a bad thing on the face of it, but it attracts homeless and sponges and bums like flies. did i mention free medical care? which is also not a bad thing until it becomes abused and guess who is paying for it all?

i lived in oregon from 2013 to 2018, in eugene. i set up a medical cannabis facility and did my best to comply with all the red tape.

i was there when the first medical dispensaries opened. then they passed the recreational bill and again i tried my best to comply but there was no end to the governmental bullshit. random inspections without notification, they would suddenly show up without any warning or appointment and demand that you stop whatever you were doing and follow them around while they inspected everything.

you couldn't find a hedge or bush in town that didn't have someone living in it. no shit! tarp life! they would throw a tarp over a couple of bushes and crawl underneath to sleep and stay out of the weather. not that they slept all that much because of the meth.

the meth freaks were everywhere. they hide from the light of day, like zombies, and as soon as the sun went down you saw groups of them on stolen bicycles, wearing black hoodies, peddling furiously at top speed as they tried to steal everything that wasn't nailed down.

i got tired of it all and left in 2018, never to go back.
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Well-known member
Its a beautiful place and the beaches are fantastic, especially the San Diego area. Id probably move there myself if it wasn't so damn expensive. Eurekas my favorite town. Lots of old growth forest


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
oregon has become a joke of a state with their policies re: the homeless/ drug addicts
hahha but noone cares, ive been to portland back in the day, it was nice; i have no reason to visit ever again
but i guess its the west coast thing, if you cant solve a problem by throwing money at it what are we to do?! raise taxes!
i have ideas, but i live in the land of over educated liberals and they say my methods are too... extreme
yeah man, the meth is out of control all over and now they have f.n fent all over the place too

if you took all the money they spent on the lowest 1~2% (i would actually go higher) and put that money helping the working poor, how much could that help
lets start with education, child care or even simple programs that help the working poor not the mooches

f gavin newsom


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
There's less of a line between homelessness and the working poor than some media would have you believe.
im with you brother, but lets draw a firm line
most of the homeless people isee are not working poor because they dont work
/that would f' up their ssi or whatever payments they can mooch from the gov
or they just cant hold a job
this is what i call the hardcore homeless
there is no reason for you to sleep on the streets here in san diego
between father joes and the social programs the city offers anyone who is sober * and dosent cause problems* can find a bed and a hot meal for the night
they might even hook set you on a path to get off the streets, but thats not what the hardcore homeless want
like i said, focus less on the bottom 2% and more on those who are actually working to try and be a part of society, not a burden on society
i looked at your links but the sources are ...
im all for ending homelessness

also, here is an idea, move out of california! you know how expensive it is out here even for hard working people? why would you want to live here if you have no money or hopes
/thats right! we give all this free shit away and like rats...

/you know we are cool brother; i just dont like to see a once great state get pulled down into the shit catering to the lowest denominator

*key words here brother

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