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2024 US Presidential Election

Who will become next President in U.S. what do you think?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 35 57.4%
  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 26 42.6%

  • Total voters

moose eater

Well-known member
im with you brother, but lets draw a firm line
most of the homeless people isee are not working poor because they dont work
/that would f' up their ssi or whatever payments they can mooch from the gov
or they just cant hold a job
this is what i call the hardcore homeless
there is no reason for you to sleep on the streets here in san diego
between father joes and the social programs the city offers anyone who is sober * and dosent cause problems* can find a bed and a hot meal for the night
they might even hook set you on a path to get off the streets, but thats not what the hardcore homeless want
like i said, focus less on the bottom 2% and more on those who are actually working to try and be a part of society, not a burden on society
i looked at your links but the sources are ...
im all for ending homelessness

also, here is an idea, move out of california! you know how expensive it is out here even for hard working people? why would you want to live here if you have no money or hopes
/thats right! we give all this free shit away and like rats...

/you know we are cool brother; i just dont like to see a once great state get pulled down into the shit catering to the lowest denominator

*key words here brother
Thanks pop.

Look at the stats in the reports re. what number or percentage of the homeless are indeed working poor.

The inequity that you're experiencing economically is the same beast that has already seen many of those homeless dislodged from their homes.

There's a common foe in this, and it's not the homeless.


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
Thanks pop.

Look at the stats in the reports re. what number or percentage of the homeless are indeed working poor.

The inequity that you're experiencing economically is the same beast that has already seen many of those homeless dislodged from their homes.

There's a common foe in this, and it's not the homeless.
so why dont they go where there are jobs? or homes they can afford
i know what its like to live in california, i live in san diego
i think baba posted a link once how its in the top-10 most expensive places in the WORLD! to live
/holly cow did i hit the lotto
so why would you come here if you cant afford the cost of living

we have homeless people sleeping the the beaches now, setting up tent shelters
i cant even do that and i pay taxes?
... or could i?!
but i also see a lot of people working their asses off and trying to get a foothold here
its a nice place to live if you can afford it
but we have such a generous social network funded by newsom! in california
they are giving away housing and all the free fentanyl to all the dope heads

like i said i have ideas but they are far too extreme for the over educated librulz i live amongst with their fancy cars and nice homes
lets just throw more money at the problem and it will all go away they say with a hand wave
/let them eat cake

homeless is as much a social issue as it is an economic issue
but you dont solve the problem by throwing good money down the drain
/oh wait, its california
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moose eater

Well-known member
so why dont they go where there are jobs? or homes they can afford
i know what its like to live in california, i live in san diego
i think baba posted a link once how its in the top-10 most expensive places in the WORLD! to live
/holly cow did i hit the lotto
so why would you come here if you cant afford the cost of living

we have homeless people sleeping the the beaches now, setting up tent shelters
i cant even do that and i pay taxes?
... or could i?!
but i also see a lot of people working their asses off and trying to get a foothold here
its a nice place to live if you can afford it
but we have such a generous social network funded by newsom! in california
they are giving away housing and all the free fentanyl to all the dope heads

like i said i have ideas but they are too extreme for the over educated librulz i live amongst with their fancy cars and nice homes
lets just throw more money at the problem and it will all go away they say and hand wave
/let them eat cake

homeless is as much a social issue as it is an economic issue
but you dont solve the problem by throwing good money down the drain
/oh wait, its california
Some/many of them are from there, and could no longer afford to live conventionally.

Some who were transients and have lost everything have gone to where the warmth outside is more tenable. Like California, Arizona, etc.

The economic pressures they suffer from are very similar to the same economic pressures plaguing you, me and others.

A surprising percentage of them DO have jobs, yet the income from those jobs is incapable of supporting a conventional lifestyle.

Many people in poor urban areas have never been outside of THAT urban area and the rest of the Country, let alone the world, is a giant question mark and an unknown.

There are lots of reasons that are very real.

And due to the reality of poverty in this Country, their numbers are growing, and will likely continue growing.

They are not the real foe perplexing you. They AND you have a common foe(s).
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Well-known member
how do you know about slurp guns? i've never run into anyone outside the marine tropical industry who knows what one is.
LOL I grew up in Homestead. I knew guys in high school who collected tropical fish and orchids. I was a park ranger at John Pennekamp and slurp guns were frowned upon.

You have some good stories. My father's sister was a nun who spent 20+ years in Haiti. She was special to be around.


Well-known member
california has unique problems and requires unique solutions. there is no other state quite like it. 30 million people, an economy larger than all of russia. massive infrastructure and about the most diverse population you could imagine.

they have gone overboard on safety issues, as if they are trying to protect the population from themselves.

for example, california started the idea that you must put warnings on ammo boxes that the product contains lead and may cause lead poisoning. no shit, thanks for protecting me!


Well-known member
LOL I grew up in Homestead. I knew guys in high school who collected tropical fish and orchids. I was a park ranger at John Pennekamp and slurp guns were frowned upon.

You have some good stories. My father's sister was a nun who spent 20+ years in Haiti. She was special to be around.
i started in the marine tropical business in key west. i was a member of the florida marine collectors assoc. which put out guidelines for ethical methods of collection. i lived there 5 years. i worked the keys and the nearer bahamas.

i never used a slurp gun because someone determined that the pressure differential damaged the fish internally. they would live for a while, long enough to be sold, but would die soon after in the aquarium.

so, not an ethical method.

fish don't perceive clear materials as a barrier. but they can sense the pressure waves from any movement near them via the lateral line system. the best method for most small reef fish is a clear cylindrical net about 8" in diameter and 16-20" long with a clear funnel extending into the net. we used stainless automotive antennas bent into a circle with the ends stuck into a short piece of 1/2" galvanized pipe which was then hammered shut. the net itself was made from clear upholstery vinyl. we would punch 1/4" holes in it with a hole punch so it could breathe.

you never swing the net because the fish will perceive the motion. the net is really a handheld trap that you place along one of the fish's escape pathways. then you chase them with a white or silver stick or rod. they will run from these colors, especially if the colors are moving.

reef fish will repetitively run in little patterns from one position to another as you chase them with the rod. so you chase them around a little with just the rod not using the trap to observe the pattern and then place the trap/net in a fixed position along their path and drive them around the pattern again. they will move into the trap using their own forward momentum.

there are some very beautiful orchids that only grow in the rain forest in puerto rico. they are unique to the island. people hike miles up into the mountains just to see them and take pictures. it's illegal to even touch one.

we live in a smaller world now and it's interesting to see the many ways that the paths of people cross. we are all codependent on one another.

have you noticed the recent losses suffered by the far right in the UK and France? the far right is the scariest group on the political spectrum. "you will obey me! you will live as we dictate or you will feel pain." i think they often resort to "forcible suppression of opponents" or threats because they don't or can't utilize logical persuasion to win an argument and convert people. with them it's all about their emotional response to ideas based on their belief systems.

trump, when asked about project 2025 the first time said he didn't know anything about it. the second time he said there were parts of it he didn't like. in an interview in the last few days he said, "i know nothing about it." i believe him when he says "i know nothing!"


Well-known member
have you noticed the recent losses suffered by the far right in the UK and France?
Yes, I have. I may have to check on @Roms to see if he is OK this mourning.

Interesting to learn about your fish collection technique.
The state of Florida recently announced the purchase of the last chunk of property that stood between the Fakahatchee Strand State Park and Big Cypress National Preserve. That is ghost orchid territory as I am sure you know. There is some controversy regarding 3000 gallons of creosote.

It's always something.


Well-known member
yeah the left won in france because centrists and moderates cannot beat fascists. a lesson Americans should learn.


Well-known member
and there is nothing wrong with being gay or transgender. just be honest barry

barabara bush is a man too


Well-known member
Yes, I have. I may have to check on @Roms to see if he is OK this mourning.

Interesting to learn about your fish collection technique.
The state of Florida recently announced the purchase of the last chunk of property that stood between the Fakahatchee Strand State Park and Big Cypress National Preserve. That is ghost orchid territory as I am sure you know. There is some controversy regarding 3000 gallons of creosote.

It's always something.
i'm sure ol romsy is in a state of apoplectic shock. he's probably trying to call putler to get him to invade france next.

being a park ranger at pennekamp must have been a great job. i never got in the water there.

i loved the keys, when i started diving there in '75 key west was a sleepy fishing village off season but turned into a mess as soon as the snow hit the ground up north. we called them snowbirds. but by 1980 when i left for puerto rico, key west had turned into a 24/7 party zone. this was before the four lane was built and there was only the narrow two-lane that had been built on flaglers railroad track. it got to the point where you couldn't easily trailer a boat around to the ramps up and down the keys without shooting half your day in the ass. also, the weather in the keys would only allow about 150-165 working days a year whereas in puerto rico you could average over 300 days per year.

it's a real shame what humans are doing to nature everywhere. when i first stated diving puerto rico i would frequently dive in a bay on the west coast. it clean, pristine, and beautiful. by the time i left puerto rico in 1995 it had raw sewage being pumped into it from what looked to tourist to be a small waterfall. it was actually a sewer pipe. i started getting otitis externa every time i dove there so i quit. it also had all kinds of trash and plastic floating around and on the bottom. used diapers, condoms, and poonton clampax floating by. just what you wanted to see underwater.


Well-known member
yeah the left won in france because centrists and moderates cannot beat fascists. a lesson Americans should learn.
yeah but, it took the combined votes of the centrists and the leftist to beat the righties. this is a graphic illustration of why we need more than two parties.


Well-known member
and there is nothing wrong with being gay or transgender. just be honest barry

barabara bush is a man too

do you really think this means something? you are so pathetically lame! you're displaying your lack of maturity and experience again.

do you not understand that you are embarrassing yourself every time you post?

there's an old saying that you might consider; "ignorant people cannot be embarrassed, you can only embarrass intelligent people."


Well-known member
yeah but, it took the combined votes of the centrists and the leftist to beat the righties. this is a graphic illustration of why we need more than two parties.
i don't disagree with more parties but the rest of what you said isn't true. Macron's party (RN) is the neoliberal right wing party that calls themselves the center/moderates. they are the closest equivalent to the us democratic establishment.

and they did not combine their votes with the leftists (NFP) against the fash (ENS).



Well-known member
While no evidence has been shown, just calling a left wing woman trans is hilarious. If trans women are real women, they shouldn’t be upset about being called a trans woman.
i like you buddy, i think you're a good man with good intentions. but, why is calling a left wing woman trans more hilarious than calling a right wing woman a trans? look at marjorie taylor greene, for example. i would say he/she/it is highly suspect.

another thing, i think that when people start attacking other's sexuality the attacker becomes suspect as well. do you think it's normal or healthy to think about other people's sexuality or perversions all the time?

i'm not saying that you, personally, are hung up on the subject. but it does indicate a strange fascination, don't you think?


Well-known member
i like you buddy, i think you're a good man with good intentions. but, why is calling a left wing woman trans more hilarious than calling a right wing woman a trans? look at marjorie taylor greene, for example. i would say he/she/it is highly suspect.

another thing, i think that when people start attacking other's sexuality the attacker becomes suspect as well. do you think it's normal or healthy to think about other people's sexuality or perversions all the time?

i'm not saying that you, personally, are hung up on the subject. but it does indicate a strange fascination, don't you think?
A right wing woman doesn’t believe a trans woman and a regular woman are the same thing. Being upset at being called a trans woman fits with their worldview.

The left wing woman says she believes trans woman are “real” women until she’s “confused” with a trans woman.


Well-known member
i don't disagree with more parties but the rest of what you said isn't true. Macron's party (RN) is the neoliberal right wing party that calls themselves the center/moderates. they are the closest equivalent to the us democratic establishment.

and they did not combine their votes with the leftists (NFP) against the fash (ENS).

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yes, i understand that and perhaps i worded that wrongly. what i meant is that the multiple choices of parties diverted enough votes from the righties to allow the lefties to win. when we only have two choices people can only go one way or the other, with many on both sides left unhappy with these limited choices. i like these multi-party democracies because they allow a more finite expression of the will of the people. we are not simply either one way or the other, most folks exhibit infinite combinations of political beliefs.


Well-known member
A right wing woman doesn’t believe a trans woman and a regular woman are the same thing. Being upset at being called a trans woman fits with their worldview.

The left wing woman says she believes trans woman are “real” women until she’s “confused” with a trans woman.
here i can agree with you. i believe that we are biologically born male or female, with a few rare exceptions, such as hermaphrodites.

if you become a trans woman you are still a trans woman. there is no escaping that fact. it doesn't bother me at all if adults do it. it's their life and they can make their own decisions and live with the consequences.

but i certainly don't believe that children under the age of majority should have any surgeries done until they become adult.

whether they're upset about being called something is not relevant, they can be upset or not, that's their choice.

moose eater

Well-known member
While no evidence has been shown, just calling a left wing woman trans is hilarious. If trans women are real women, they shouldn’t be upset about being called a trans woman.
Insulting anyone's or arguing identity in ways that contradict they are not who or what they say they are, when they likely have a far greater awareness of their own identity than the presumptuous and rude commenters, is boundary challenged to the max.. Period. No matter the status or condition referenced.

If your neighbor told you his name was Fred, and you made a point and habit of addressing him as Bob, for whatever reason, each time he visited you, would you be surprised if one day he eventually popped you in your jaw, or ceased wanting anything to do with you or listening to you?

Identities are unique, and each person has a right to have the one they feel comfortable with. Too bad that some are so hung up on another's way of being, eh?


Well-known member
Insulting anyone's or arguing identity in ways that contradict they are not who or what they say they are, when they likely have a far greater awareness of their own identity than the presumptuous and rude commenters, is boundary challenged to the max.. Period. No matter the status or condition referenced.

If your neighbor told you his name was Fred, and you made a point and habit of addressing him as Bob, for whatever reason, each time he visited you, would you be surprised if one day he eventually popped you in your jaw, or ceased wanting anything to do with you or listening to you?

Identities are unique, and each person has a right to have the one they feel comfortable with. Too bad that some are so hung up on another's way of being, eh?
it's about respecting others. i'll call somebody by any name they choose. no matter what it says on their birth certificate. if shaq says "i'm a trans woman", i would say yes, ma'am. i don't want some big old tranny whooping up on my ass.