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2024 US Presidential Election

Who will become next President in U.S. what do you think?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 26 54.2%
  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 22 45.8%

  • Total voters

moose eater

Well-known member
if he was 'pro-drug-war, he would shove some fentanyl up the chinese mother-fuker xi's ass.... fuck biden , and all the politician's ...
I'm guessing that you haven't spent a lot of time reviewing either Biden's -lengthy- record in the US Senate, nor possess a solid grasp on the barriers involved in international law enforcement.

But look on the 'bright side' of the fentanyl 'crisis.' The manufacturers have managed to produce and distribute an effective and cheap narcotic WAY below the price point of the overpriced corporate vulture-like pharmaceutical companies' willingness in all of their fake altruism, and the Darrel and his other brother Darryl crowd that's willing to buy shit from strange dealers previously unknown to them and ingest products that are untested or unknown, are thinning themselves out for lack of self-discipline or avoidance of the fabled Darwin trap. Meaning fewer ignorant motherfuckers on the highway and in voting booths.... or residing next door to some poor bastard who otherwise has to tolerate their brain-deadness.

I'd think that for true utilitarian, non-compassionate types, this would be a win-win.

Too bad they simultaneously fucked up the already negatively impacted acetone-refined coca trade with that shit, though. I guess there's bound to be some sort of double-edged sword to damned near anything anymore.

"Know your dealer, know your drugs, and don't put anything in your body that you don't know what it is." Words to live by... or to be ignored and maybe die for...

Oh well...
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Well-known member
Oh well...


So it goes.

moose eater

Well-known member

So it goes.
I suspect I've already blown right past eligibility for that particular epitaph, buzz.. Shame, too...I hope someone qualifies for it, though. Though I've not known too many who could qualify while holding true to a dedication to any higher degree of honesty.

I have re-discovered recently, however, a high degree of correlation to being crass and short of tolerance toward some aspects of idiocy, and a heightened degree of blunt honesty on my part. Tends to go over a lot like the proverbial turd in the punch bowl at an up-tight party, but in the spirit of primacy of individualism, I tend to feel much better afterward, even if few to no others do...

I may need to give myself a time-out with some Soul Mate... Though the current funk toward life and humanity might require something far more substantive, like John Allen-strain psilocybin, or perhaps 400 mcg of good stout LSD. It's that kind of world and life, anymore.

Maybe I'll add an extended middle digit sticker to the back of my truck, and pass a lot of people on the highway. Sounds doable...

Hope you're well, and rolling with the punches...

Now, where'd I leave those nicely sharpened machetes????


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
The way to prosecute a president is already clear, impeachment. The president can only be tried In the senate. Otherwise ho hum county prosecutors could insert themselves into national politics……..
I don't see how that relates to sending seal team 6 to kill Trump.


Well-known member
The way to prosecute a president is already clear, impeachment. The president can only be tried In the senate. Otherwise ho hum county prosecutors could insert themselves into national politics……..
the way to prosecute a SITTING president is by impeachment. when they become ordinary citizens, the gloves come off. and prosecutors are not "inserting themselves into national politics", they are prosecuting crimes which grand juries have passed true bills on. like what is happening to The Chump. :ROFLMAO:


Well-known member
Maybe I'll add an extended middle digit sticker to the back of my truck, and pass a lot of people on the highway. Sounds doable...

Hope you're well, and rolling with the punches...
I chose to display my sentiments differently.


I got a new pair of shades and sensible shoes for the summer too.

I'ma rollin'

There is just one thing about that rollin'...

@moose eater


Well-known member
I'm guessing that you haven't spent a lot of time reviewing either Biden's -lengthy- record in the US Senate, nor possess a solid grasp on the barriers involved in international law enforcement.
i know biden's record, and i know that china can't live without the US (and yes i know neither can the US live without those motherfuckers) - HOWEVER... biden could have told that MOTHERFUCKER xi to stop the fentanyl .... that MOTHERFUCKER knows everyone involved and could stop it in a heartbeat... BUT when large sums of $$$ are involved.....


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
Everything im reading indicates a Big Mike offensive will take place in August. A pity since Newsom would run laps around Trump

Still holding onto that one for dear life, ain't ya?

Where's 3berries with his "Wisconsin is going to get flipped back to Trump any day now! Just you watch!"?


Well-known member
Still holding onto that one for dear life, ain't ya?

Where's 3berries with his "Wisconsin is going to get flipped back to Trump any day now! Just you watch!"?

Lol If you think they'll keep that trilobite in the race you're as delusional as he is.

Nobody wants a president that laughs at school buses either 😅✌️


Well-known member
Still holding onto that one for dear life, ain't ya?

Where's 3berries with his "Wisconsin is going to get flipped back to Trump any day now! Just you watch!"?
remember your post #4010? the one that shiva82 responded to by calling you an "evil c*nt" in post #4011?

well, shiva's post is no longer there. i did that!
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Well-known member
remember your post #4010? the one that shiva82 responded to by calling you an "evil c*nt" in post #4011?

well, shiva's post is no longer there. i did that!
have you always been a tyrant with a fragile ego ?

your posts are amusing how off base they always are .

get back in the war thread with your cnn links, youtube general jingoism, insincerity and general knobend aura


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
Big Mike as the kamel running mate, and the kamel quits before inaguration. Hitlery as the kamel running mate, and arkancide adds another notch.

When they look back at America as they have looked back at Rome, history rhymes.

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