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2024 US Presidential Election

Who will become next President in U.S. what do you think?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 35 57.4%
  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 26 42.6%

  • Total voters

moose eater

Well-known member
they can't do math either..panicking like 50's housewives over 3 million immigrants and not realizing that's not even 1% of the us population...
somehow the right wing has become the pearl clutcher party
'Grand OLD Pearl-clutching Party'? Afraid of everything beyond their ability to conceptualize or understand, complete with far-fetched, bizarre conspiracy theories to accompany their obvious thought disorders and paranoia.


Well-known member
just wait until they find out joe is ditching kamala and running with tay-tay for vp!

moose eater

Well-known member
just wait until they find out joe is ditching kamala and running with tay-tay for vp!
I'd thought I was on the final list of top-5 candidates for VP, but I couldn't stomach Joe's past support (and Present) for illegal wars, private prisons, the drug war, Wall St., etc.

I guess they'll have to serenade me mo' betta' when they get honest about their actual performance, rather than hoping I succumb to their campaign season lip service.

In the interim, I guess it'll be yet another year of writing in 'Bozo the Clown' for Prez, for the sake of maintaining my conscience and moral stance on fascist psychopaths, versus fascist Wall Streeters.

moose eater

Well-known member
Like the flu, the scourge of right-leaning corporatist/fascist government on both sides of the Congressional aisle will probably have to get worse before it can get better.

Until then, many who questionably believe themselves to be informed and conscious, will continue willfully falling prey to the manipulative antics of the 2 main political parties' (bought-and-paid-for) national organizations, and believing that a choice between a dog shit sandwich and diarrhea over noodles is somehow a necessary set of choices.

It's not.

I gave up eating either, and feel much better for it.

Once the chicken soup has gone to spoil, you don't start deciding or debating what can be added to make it better. You simply toss it out. Compost or otherwise, depending upon the toxicity.


Well-known member
"White America" wasn't white until the Europeans came and murdered the native population. it wasn't all white to start with as slaves were arriving from 1619 until 1800, 181 years of slave importation.

By 1776, the US had 2.5 million residents and 700,000 of them or about 28% of the population were slaves.

why doesn't America belong to the descendants of slaves too? the ancestors of most modern black people living in the US right now were probably here before your ancestors.

you are still blaming the Democrats for the border problem but you don't want to talk about why the recent bipartisan bill was shot down by House Speaker MAGA Mike Johnson. the bill gave the Republican side most of what they've been asking for all along.

it was shot down because Trump asked or instructed Johnson to stop it so Biden got no credit for it before the election.

this is the John Coleman Trichy took the Quote from;

"Conspirators Hierarchy"
John Coleman
America West Publishers, 1992 - Biography & Autobiography - 288 pages
"Can you imagine an all powerful group, that knows no national boundaries, above the laws of all countries, one that controls every aspect of politics, religion, commerce and industry, banking, insurance, mining, the drug trade, the petroleum industry, a group answerable to no one but its members? To the vast majority of us, such a group would appear to be beyond the realms of possibilities and capabilities of any given organization. If that is what you believe, then you are in the majority. The conception of a secret, elite group exercising control of every aspect of our lives is beyond our comprehension. Americans are prone to say, "It can't happen here, our Constitution forbids it." That there is such a body, called "The committee of 300," is graphically told in this book. When most people attempt to address our problems, they speak or write about "they"; this book tells precisely who "they" are, and what "TheY" have planned for our future, how "they" have been at war with the American nation for 50 years, a war which we are on the brink of losing, what methods "They" use and exactly how "they" have brainwashed us. If you are Puzzled and perplexed as to why things are occurring that we as a nation don't like yet seem powerless to prevent, why it is that the United States always seems to back the wrong horse, Why the united states is in a depression from which it will not emerge, why our former social and moral values have been turned aside and seemingly buried; if you are confused by the many conspiracy theories, the conSPirators' hierarchy: the committee of 300 will clearly establish that these conditions have been deliberately created to bring us to our knees. Once you have read the applying truths contained in this book, understanding past and present political, economic, social and religious events will no longer be a problem. This powerful account of the forces ranged against the United States, and indeed the entire free world, cannot be ignored."


Well-known member
How do you square the fact that your guy is following Hitler’s fascist playbook?

Do ANY trump supporters know the meaning of the word fascism?
Is fascism really that bad? Hitler brought that country from the bottom of the barrel to the baddest fuckin country in the world. It was great, of course the wars and killing Jews was bad, but if they remained peaceful it would have been sick. America first!! As long as we don't kill Jews or fags or leftist douchebags. Lol

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