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2024 US Presidential Election

Who will become next President in U.S. what do you think?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 35 57.4%
  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 26 42.6%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
Hitler unified a bankrupted Germany via Nationalism/Fascism, the likes of which you now support.

And when he offed himself, Germany was even more bankrupt, but with a new lesser endearing reputation.
Because of war he failed, if he did it peacefully, without the war and Holocaust, Germany would be the shit.


ICMag Donor
I think you may have misinterpreted what I trying to say. I would easily admit that I understand little of "real patriotism" but I was not trying at all to equate classic patriotism to fascism. I am younger and would be the 1st to admit that I am not patriotic. What I am claiming has happened is that fascist trump patriots have hijacked patriotism in the present day. If there was that much true patriotism left than many, other than "antifa", would be calling these bozos out in person.
I agree with you here.
What I do know, is the early American leaders were not as "for the people" as they claimed. Washington wanted huge swaths of land for himself. Thomas Paine and others would shine a light on some of the hypocrisy and paid the price in doing so.
Some are better at it than others. Being wealthy in a normal sense is capitalism.
Being forced to recite the pledge of allegiance kind of kills it, to me it's just conscription and brainwashing propaganda, and by the time I was forced to recite it in the 80's any of the true meaning was long...long....gone.
We definitely got away from that. I could put the concept in with loyalty and real patriotism.
The black and white newsreels they used to show before movies were in essence, to me, just a different shade of propaganda than the ones being used by our "enemies" With television and radio the population was "programmed" and very few common people really knew what was going on. We all know how truthful reefer madness is.
Refer Madness. 😂 Maybe you've heard Frank Zappa "The Slime". It was propaganda.
I know about some of the economic fuckery of WWII and how close some in the US were to siding with Hitler. How many fascists were leaders of US corporations?
This is true, at least in the beginning. IBM was one who cooperated. Corporate greed is pretty much unrestrained here..

Good post. Thanks
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moose eater

Well-known member
Because of war he failed, if he did it peacefully, without the war and Holocaust, Germany would be the shit.
The war was a huge part of his unifying method. Create an enemy, real or not, and circle the wagons. A cheap and short-lived failure of a template for policy still used today by many countries, especially this one.

moose eater

Well-known member
Humans who want to be superior, to us peasants, arguing over which scumbag rules the world.
And through partisanism, by weighing team jersey color more so than real persons (not the dishonest bullshit written by speech writers, the substance of which is harvested from the most recent polling paid for by the Nat'l Org of Choice) the People thereby join those same scumbags.

Make that amazing wonderful, fully capable decision to commit to "No more joining scumbags." They've got $Millions in campaign donations and Party Org contributions, to boot. They're totally capable of being scumbags on their own.


Well-known member
Do you see that there are degrees of fascism, just as there are degrees of democracy, socialism, etc.? And that they are often hybridized and intertwined? That 'pure' ideological systems have never really existed? (Not for long, anyway).
of course! no one is "pure" anything. we use labels to put people into little boxes. as if, by labeling them, we make them permanently or irrevocably fit the label.

but, in general, if the shoe fits there is not a lot of wiggle room on this one!



fas·cism ˈfa-ˌshi-zəm
also ˈfa-ˌsi-

Synonyms of fascism
often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

: a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control


ICMag Donor
With the US's checkered history, while I appreciate the deep thinking and intellectualism that founded the ideals of freedom and liberty, I cannot think to a time where I thought America was worth being proud of. What is a time period where you believe American exceptionalism really shined? The closest I can think of was the invention of the telephone, electricity, and the automobile.
Putting a man on the moon might be one of those times. That was when we had the best school system in the world and the rich paid taxes.

For work, I travelled allot. Really allot and seen many places where the regular people got areal shitty deal. Also seen places where people got a much better deal. People are probably more proud when they did something to preserve or improve it. I think more people would be happier with a bigger and better piece of the pie if rich people were not allowed to take advantage of the system and paid real taxes as they once did. Inclusivity is what some people want us to loose.


Well-known member
My limited understanding was that Hitler was embarrassed at Germany's position post WWI and wanted to instill pride and superiority back to his nation. In some ways that sounds innocent enough and someone could potentially admire that ambition. That all said, the Brownshirt thugs roughed up and violently beat anyone suspected of opposing the fascist rule, as you said, never peaceful and never cool.
I think you made some good points about our past. All societies are inhabited by humans and we must therefore accept the fact that human nature’s less elegant qualities will have some impact on a society’s government.

I think it’s worthwhile for any society to re-examine what happened in Germany after WW1. The rise of nationalism fuelled by grievance politics looks eerily familiar. I see a lot of similarities with our situation to that of the situation in Germany back then. I hope and pray that Jan 6 wasn’t our beer hall putsch and that there isn’t worse come.

It’s beyond repugnant to hear an American extoll the virtues of fascism after so many Americans have died fighting it. Unfortunately this means nothing to trump or his mindless followers.

moose eater

Well-known member
of course! no one is "pure" anything. we use labels to put people into little boxes. as if, by labeling them, we make them permanently or irrevocably fit the label.

but, in general, if the shoe fits there is not a lot of wiggle room on this one!



fas·cism ˈfa-ˌshi-zəm
also ˈfa-ˌsi-

Synonyms of fascism
often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

: a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control
I might be incorrect, but you might check the context of your reply to ECG that I'd replied to.

Each group in a political 2-dimensional paradigm tends to claim, "but yeah, not in this case." when often that perspective is a matter of personal convictions.

I'm well aware of the textbook definition of fascism, as per Mussolini; Nationalism consisting of the marriage of corporatism to the government. Which both sides of the aisle currently subscribe to in the USA, based on the visits they receive daily from lobbyists; even many/most of the 'good' ones in Congress..
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Well-known member
I might be incorrect, but you might check the context of your reply to ECG that I'd replied to.

Each group in a political 2-dimensional paradigm tends to claim, "but yeah, not in this case." when often that perspective is a matter of personal convictions.

I'm well aware of the textbook definition of fascism, as per Mussolini; Nationalism consisting of the marriage of corporatism to the government. Which both sides of the aisle currently subscribe to in the USA, based on the visits they receive daily from lobbyists; even many/most of the 'good' ones in Congress..
sorry, but i have not replied to EastCoastGambit.
Ask, what does -this- system do with people who disagree to the extent of acting in defiance?
acting in defiance or committing violence?

moose eater

Well-known member
sorry, but i have not replied to EastCoastGambit.

acting in defiance or committing violence?
I may have misidentified who it was you were replying to, but I didn't think my reply was based solely on one narrow firm definition of fascism. It was likely Captn Dankness you were replying to.

And the disagreement doesn't have to be violent.

Most of our laws, however miniscule the issue being governed, can be included in "how does this Country act when some disagree to the extent of defiance" inquiry.

Someone robs a pedestrian and receives sentence of 'x', while the same perpetrator robs a bank, and the penalties rise exponentially.

Protestors blocking traffic or even simply stepping off the sidewalk, and being hauled away (if in NYC, maybe receiving the added benefit of being moved from holding cell to holding cell in order to not be readily 'findable' when bail is posted, such as NYC/NYPD is infamous for doing as a matter of added penalty for daring to make a presence of oneself at such events).

Violence can also take on a whole new definition when dignitaries are involved. I fondly remember Pat Paulsen's(?) 'pieing' of choice politicos. A felony assault charge in some places now.

Edit: Stepping outside of the free-speech zones that GW made so famous, as another example.
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moose eater

Well-known member
I recall Paulsen as having been somehow involved in 'pieing', but he may not have been the major figure I was trying to remember.



moose eater

Well-known member
OK, a supposed history of pieing; again, now a felony in some venues.

And Tom Forcade, original dude at High Times Magazine, is apparently credited herein with the 'original' politically motivated pie offense. (*Though I'm skeptical that he was actually the first. And I -do- fondly remember the shoe thrown by a reporter at GW in Iraq, and a well-deserved shoe it was...).

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Well-known member
Is fascism really that bad? Hitler brought that country from the bottom of the barrel to the baddest fuckin country in the world. It was great, of course the wars and killing Jews was bad, but if they remained peaceful it would have been sick. America first!! As long as we don't kill Jews or fags or leftist douchebags. Lol

Germany was hit with reparations and astronomical interest rates for same from signing the Treaty of Versailles peace treaty in 1919. .. Jewish bankers wrote the contract

If not Hitler it would have been some other that rose to prominence due to the boot on the neck technique Germany was experiencing ..

Also, the year before , In Russia 1918 the Romanov family were shot and bayoneted to death by Jewish led Bolshevik revolutionaries under Yakov Yurovsky a Russian congressman ..

Every major media outlet in America is Jewish owned, much like our Senators and Congressmen.

Funny how 19 million people can control a world of 7 Billion



Well-known member
Is fascism really that bad? Hitler brought that country from the bottom of the barrel to the baddest fuckin country in the world. It was great, of course the wars and killing Jews was bad, but if they remained peaceful it would have been sick. America first!! As long as we don't kill Jews or fags or leftist douchebags. Lol
Cool uniforms too, @CaptainDankness .