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2024 State of the genepool discussion.


Well-known member
I think there are a lot of outlandish claims right now like "blueberry" lost something or "skunk" is gone forever. I've seen this type of discussion in the past only to see the Dbag breeders with flat billed hats suddenly pop up to save the day with their "lost genetics" suddenly rediscovered with (insert outlandish story here).

You mean like the guy on this forum who releases roadkill skunk every few years and makes terrible rap videos ? 🤣🤣🤦🏻‍♂️


The Mad Monk
That's an unanswerable question, to know if there a real loss of genetics we would have needed a DNA analysis of the global gene pool 100 years ago and the same thing today, this will never happen so it's open to speculations only, no provable answer.
Do you think the cannabis gene pool is more diverse today than it was 100 years ago?

Not really cuz there's always 23 chromosomes...the make up the plant just changes.
With all due respect, it’s ok to say “I don’t know.”

Cannabis has 20 chromosomes but in any case I'm talking about individual alleles - they will be lost if they are not passed on to the next generation right?
That is correct. This is one of the primary issues that many in this thread are either ignoring or glossing over as if it isn’t a big deal simply because they themselves now have access to seeds that grow plants they like. This mentality is at the root of the issue. People just focus on what they want. Fuck everyone else. Modern cannabis “breeding” encapsulates this well.

To illustrate the above point, consider the process of making F2 seeds of a given line. Let’s assume it is a proper F1 hybrid. Any selection of the F1 gen will reduce the gene pool of the F2 gen.

It is one of the primary reasons why, if preserving the line and maximum genetic material is a concern, you shouldn’t reduce the population prior to making F2s unless there is a clear and obvious reason to remove an individual.

And yet how many of us have seen someone make F2s using only 2 plants, the “keeper” female and whichever male survived or they “selected” for the task. Even using 4-6 plants is insufficient.

Is there a magic number? Not exactly. But this is one instance where less isn’t more. More is more, and we don’t have nearly as much as many of the optimists in this thread appear to assume. That is a problem, and one without any apparent solution.

The war on drugs has been effective in this regard. It has altered the cannabis gene pool forever, and not in an entirely positive manner despite however strongly one may feel about the current offerings at seed banks and shared on forums.

We are the last line of defense, and as this thread illustrates, we are fucked because of that.


Chasing The Present
Do you think the cannabis gene pool is more diverse today than it was 100 years ago?

With all due respect, it’s ok to say “I don’t know.”

That is correct. This is one of the primary issues that many in this thread are either ignoring or glossing over as if it isn’t a big deal simply because they themselves now have access to seeds that grow plants they like. This mentality is at the root of the issue. People just focus on what they want. Fuck everyone else. Modern cannabis “breeding” encapsulates this well.

To illustrate the above point, consider the process of making F2 seeds of a given line. Let’s assume it is a proper F1 hybrid. Any selection of the F1 gen will reduce the gene pool of the F2 gen.

It is one of the primary reasons why, if preserving the line and maximum genetic material is a concern, you shouldn’t reduce the population prior to making F2s unless there is a clear and obvious reason to remove an individual.

And yet how many of us have seen someone make F2s using only 2 plants, the “keeper” female and whichever male survived or they “selected” for the task. Even using 4-6 plants is insufficient.

Is there a magic number? Not exactly. But this is one instance where less isn’t more. More is more, and we don’t have nearly as much as many of the optimists in this thread appear to assume. That is a problem, and one without any apparent solution.

The war on drugs has been effective in this regard. It has altered the cannabis gene pool forever, and not in an entirely positive manner despite however strongly one may feel about the current offerings at seed banks and shared on forums.

We are the last line of defense, and as this thread illustrates, we are fucked because of that.
I like it ^

To play devils advocate…


If we (humans) can do above (in relatively short order I’ll add) we can squeeze everything there once was out of cannabis again, it’s just a lot of hard work…

How did people make heirlooms to begin with? Anything made can be unmade & vice versa, it has to be possible, think where everything began….

But proper numbers absolutely is required for proper selection, no doubts

I breed a lot of species of plants, my best work is selecting favorites overall, year after year from large numbers grown outside, same as it’s ever been done… But that takes years of hard work, no doubt!

PS: Nostalgia RUNS RAMPANT in cannabis forums & the older you get the worse it is….! We used to walk uphill both ways to school as a kid level shit, hahaha
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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
A good way to look at things

1980...Out of 10 plants, 1 would! have the traits you love.

2024...Out of 50+ plants, 1 might! have the traits you love

The Further you breed away the likelihood you find something is diminished. In my lifetime of growing 5 would be called lifetime keepers. All had less worked old genetics in them. As a kid, we always had quality at certain times of the year whether it was homegrown or imported. It is hard to compare that to today with it being legal in most states. Is the weed they sell at a dispo what you call quality?. The world is huge, no way to know what everyone holds. I try to get a cut or flower of what others call quality to test for myself. If you were lucky to have sampled high quality weed from the '70s that knowledge is priceless. Try to pass that on so it's not lost.


Well-known member
Do you think the cannabis gene pool is more diverse today than it was 100 years ago?

With all due respect, it’s ok to say “I don’t know.”

That is correct. This is one of the primary issues that many in this thread are either ignoring or glossing over as if it isn’t a big deal simply because they themselves now have access to seeds that grow plants they like. This mentality is at the root of the issue. People just focus on what they want. Fuck everyone else. Modern cannabis “breeding” encapsulates this well.

To illustrate the above point, consider the process of making F2 seeds of a given line. Let’s assume it is a proper F1 hybrid. Any selection of the F1 gen will reduce the gene pool of the F2 gen.

It is one of the primary reasons why, if preserving the line and maximum genetic material is a concern, you shouldn’t reduce the population prior to making F2s unless there is a clear and obvious reason to remove an individual.

And yet how many of us have seen someone make F2s using only 2 plants, the “keeper” female and whichever male survived or they “selected” for the task. Even using 4-6 plants is insufficient.

Is there a magic number? Not exactly. But this is one instance where less isn’t more. More is more, and we don’t have nearly as much as many of the optimists in this thread appear to assume. That is a problem, and one without any apparent solution.

The war on drugs has been effective in this regard. It has altered the cannabis gene pool forever, and not in an entirely positive manner despite however strongly one may feel about the current offerings at seed banks and shared on forums.

We are the last line of defense, and as this thread illustrates, we are fucked because of that.
I fkn answered him with correct foundational material...you fkn didn't...so fkn what if it's 23 or 20 chromosomes or human or plant, the governing faculties are the same from meoisis to zygote...it's ok to pretend to be smart by going after me, just don't get fkn pissy when i fkn swing back


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
The oldest Skunk thread on the site


Well-known member
That's called 'foundational material' for you wannabes..you dont operate with that at your core logic, dont fkn @ me

CharlesU Farley

Well-known member
The oldest Skunk thread on the site
Don't have a dog in the Skunk fight, just like with Haze, it's not my thing.

But after reading the second post in the thread you linked to, I know there's no reason to continue on 😂 :

It is just Smoke and Mirrors, the post above is just made up shit.
It did not happen.
Skunk #1 was bred by me not some made up collective.
I was not busted, did not go back and save clones. Never served a day. Never lost a single seed or plant in the USA. All just made up lies.
NdF is full of shit."

I absolutely love blunt, direct fucking people who don't beat around the bush. (y)


"Aint no love in the heart of the city"
I could be wrong but some people are taking the gene pool thinking too literal I took his question as why are certain strains that were abundant 15-10 years ago now no longer available and the ones used the most are strains made in the last 12 years or so .. The originals have changed so much they are not the same ( bust / pest / disease) even if there seeds from the originals they lost some spark .. u would have to do major research and look for stuff like akbb nl5 haze or swami cause grabbing a pack from Sensi is shakey at best

I think the piff one is the one that gets me bc theres people growing super exotic sativas that are superior to the haze we received in nyc so haze is alive I just think the Dutch incense (cedar) is what we always associated with good haze and that paranoia inducing high is hard to find on the streets Although they do sell haze still it has no incense smell or it’s super faint doesn’t stick to your clothes like before and the high is heavy

With strains like Runtz or lemon cherry gelato that will sell faster grow faster command a higher price no dealer in his right mind or grower on a mass scale will choose haze over that and that’s the game .. the streets might miss haze but from a dollar stand point it don’t make sense it made sense to grow haze when a half gram was 20 dollars fluffy too win/win .. now major companies are tuning over grams for pennies on the dollar so besides home growers like me no one is really after old school haze


Active member
It’s mind blowing to me that that dude has a sub forum here. You can’t tell me that gypsy needs the sponsorship money that bad LMAO. My best guess is he was invited back here for the entertainment value. He is a perfect example of genepool contamination

I'm not going to hate on him because it takes huge balls to put yourself out there like that. I will say not my choice in music though.


Well-known member
I think there are a lot of outlandish claims right now like "blueberry" lost something or "skunk" is gone forever. I've seen this type of discussion in the past only to see the Dbag breeders with flat billed hats suddenly pop up to save the day with their "lost genetics" suddenly rediscovered with (insert outlandish story here).
I have said things like genes for minute compounds vanishing for lack of specific precursor nutrients, an allele frequency but I do not know if that's true like I don't know anything about allele frequency.

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