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2015 A5HazeBX and LTD's Project Thread.


Well-known member
#7, one of the less interesting for me, too high, too slow, not really good yielder, but seems to be close to the A5, I hope the smoke will be good :

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Except the #2, all have impressive A5 aromas, I really look forward to smoke them and remind me of good memories of the 90s... respect for the work KG mate... :)

See you in two weeks for the next update and the last for some of them probably... :tiphat:

nice update...
we need i-net with smell-connection:biggrin:

looking forward to the next up^^


Karma G

Well-known member
Looking great Crosaire

Have a dab.

mack 10

Well-known member
Spaceship hash woohoo

@Corsaire. What medium and feeds did you use?

I want to use soil but the old A5 growers alwayswent hydro so they
Could control the nutes better.
Ie, dropping N and higher P &K. In late flower.
I've heard the N stops them ripening and pushes the harvest date out.
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Well-known member
@mack10 => I grow only in full organic, and for this session I've tried a super soil recipe... but as said before, I had an overfeeding due to wrong amount when I made the mix : I unfortunately doubled the powders (100g bonemeal, 100g potach and 200g lava for 50L of soil), they were blocked during 2 weeks with a big excess nitrogen... :(

Then I made a thorough rinsing to try to repair my mistake, but that did an overwatering... for now it seems to be better, it was time... :D

If you made a (good) super soil, I think you'll must fertilize from week 7th or 8th, perhaps a little earlier for the most demanding... ;)

EDIT : I'm in 3,6L pots, it must be really better in big pots.

Alpen rock

Active member
Awesome job Corsaire, thks for sharing!!

Except the #2, all have impressive A5 aromas, I really look forward to smoke them and remind me of good memories of the 90s... respect for the work KG mate...

For those that never had the chance to sample the legend, how is suposed to smell a proper A5 ??



Well-known member
It's difficult to say for me because I haven't smoked it for many years, it's more like a memory, but if I had try to describe the aromas, I'll say it's like a mix between rotten mango / "city gas" / leather, with a hint of citrus... this is the famous "hazy aroma" IMHO, but it's because this is the first "haze" I smoked, for a long time... :)


Well-known member
Here's the #1 pheno @ 12/12 +87, I'll cut it tomorrow :




Very compact and big trichs production... :woohoo:


Well-known member
Here's the #4 pheno, the monster :




It's a keeper for sure, I really like it, nice A5 Haze aromas with an impressive structure and big production... :bow:


Well-known member
As little as possible bro... :D

Here I had a problem of place, so 4-5 weeks if I remember correctly, but 2-3 weeks are largely sufficient I think... it mostly depends on your setup and desired size of your plants... :)