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1st Annual High Times Colorado Caregivers Cup!!!


The tradition of farmrs comparing the results of their efforts is a long standing one. I recall entering tomatoes at the county fair as a young man in 4H.

Idealy an event such as this would be a place where growers could share mutual respect and garden tips to improve our whole scene. I think we can compare meds, funk, weed, ganja, whatever you choose to call, it w/o it having to be a dick measuring contest. Iron sharpen iron

I agree that the event was poorly planned and could have been much better in many ways. Maybe one of you guys will step up and organize a 'real' event the way you see fit. When you do i'll be at that one too.


Well-known member
If I were the organizer of this event I'd be embarrassed. It's not about 'well at least these guys stepped up and organized an event'. It's about getting smart and successful people together and make things happen. Have you ever worked with smart and successful folks before? The kind of folks that hit it out of the park every time they endeavour something? Well this is the world I live in and when you get the right peeps behind something, it gets done right and others leave happy and satisfied.

Seriously so many commented/viewed this thread; and you and COMidnightRider (event organizer) are the only ones that were satisfied by this event. Incidentaly, CoMidnightRider banned me from his meetup group because of my opinions on this thread. Seems like he's threatened by me and folks finding out the real truth.


Active member
If I were the organizer of this event I'd be embarrassed. It's not about 'well at least these guys stepped up and organized an event'. It's about getting smart and successful people together and make things happen. Have you ever worked with smart and successful folks before? The kind of folks that hit it out of the park every time they endeavour something? Well this is the world I live in and when you get the right peeps behind something, it gets done right and others leave happy and satisfied.

Seriously so many commented/viewed this thread; and you and COMidnightRider (event organizer) are the only ones that were satisfied by this event. Incidentaly, CoMidnightRider banned me from his meetup group because of my opinions on this thread. Seems like he's threatened by me and folks finding out the real truth.

All great points. Most people arent use to working with other successful people. They are few and far between.

If you can take some criticism to help better yourself or your projects then you need to step back and take a long hard look at your true self.


people people

there is a better event !!!!

2nd. Annual Colorado Medical Marijuana Harvest Cup®

Presented by
Colorado Medical Marijuana Harvest Cup/Mishawaka
Event Rules and Information
Determination of the 2nd. Annual Colorado Medical Marijuana Harvest Cup winners shall be
by analysis of the scoring submitted by Judges on the Official Voting Website.
Trophies for 1st through 3rd places, ribbons through 5th, for Overall Score.
Judge's Choice Ribbons to highest scoring non-trophy-winning entries in
each of the following special categories:
Appearance – Aroma – Taste – Smoothness – Potency
In the event of a tie in the special categories, tie is to be broken by highest
overall score.
All Entrants must be patients and/or caregivers currently registered with the Colorado
Medical Marijuana Program (CMMP).
All Entrants shall be 18 years old or older.
Cannabis submitted by Entrant must be grown by Entrant personally, within the State of
Entrant’s sample(s) must be submitted, in the manner described herein, to Committee no
later than 5 PM, October 15th, 2009.
All Entrants must pay a non-refundable Registration Fee of Fifty Dollars ($50.00).
Entrants shall submit one (1) strain of medical cannabis, and the Entrant shall submit one (1)
ounce [28 grams] of that medical strain.
Registration fee shall be returned to Entrant only under specific conditions:
● Denial of CMMP Registry ID Card by the CMMP office;
● Withdrawal from event before October 16th, 2009.
Cannabis submitted by Entrant shall not be returned under any circumstance.
2nd. Annual Colorado Medical Marijuana Harvest Cup – Rules and Regulations Page 1 of 6
Entrants must sign an Entrant's Contract and agree to abide by the Event rules.
A legible photocopy of Entrant’s Colorado State Identification Card or State Drivers License
and entrant’s CMMP Patient or Caregiver Registry Identification Card must accompany
Entrant’s application.
● In lieu of a photocopy of the Entrant’s CMMP Registry ID Card, a photocopy of the
acknowledgment letter from the CMMP offices, on CMMP letterhead, shall suffice and
serve as proof of Colorado Medical Marijuana Act coverage, --or--
● The dated receipt issued when personally delivering an CMMP application to the State
offices shall suffice and serve as proof of Colorado Medical Marijuana Act coverage.
Send photocopies only. Documents will not be returned to applicant. Documents used to
support Participant’s eligibility become the property of the Colorado Medical Marijuana
Harvest Cup Organizing Committee (Organizing Committee).
Applications will be available online at colommjharvestcup.com, or by calling Gregory
at (720) 224-4529.
Applications postmarked before August 1st, 2009 will not be accepted and will be returned.
Organizing Committee must receive Entrant application, Registration Fee, and proofs of
identity no later than 5 PM, October 15th, 2009.
The Organizing Committee will notify Entrants when accepted, and arrangements will then be
made for Entrant to submit samples for judging.
Samples must be submitted, in the manner described herein, to the Organizing Committee no
later than 5 PM, October 15th, 2009.
The Committee shall furnish to the Entrant standardized packaging marked “for medical use
Entrant shall place into each package no less than one (1) gram of personally grown medicinal
Entrant shall fill 28 standardized packages, for a total of 28 grams, or one ounce.
Entrant shall make no marks of any type on the packages supplied.
Following receipt of Entrant’s submission, the Committee will sample no fewer than 4
packages of the strain submitted for required weight.
● A tolerance of no more than ±100 milligrams will be allowed per package.
● In the event that an Entrant’s submission is underweight, that submission will be
2nd. Annual Colorado Medical Marijuana Harvest Cup – Rules and Regulations Page 2 of 6
● Each strain submitted shall receive a unique identification number, which will be
marked on each 1-gram sample package.
● The Organizing Committee shall record the unique identification number for each
strain submitted, and shall insure complete confidentiality of the roster containing all
identification numbers.
All Judges must be patients currently registered with the Colorado Medical Marijuana
Program (CMMP).
The maximum number of Judge’s positions to be filled for this event shall be 28.
Judging positions shall be filled by order of receipt of completed application packages.
Organizing Committee members may not participate in the 2nd. Annual Colorado Medical
Marijuana Harvest Cup as Judges.
Entrants will not be allowed to judge their own samples.
All Judges shall be 18 years of age or older.
Judges must sign a Judge's Contract, agree to abide by the contest rules, and pay a
nonrefundable Registration Fee of $200.00.
Application packages that are incomplete, incorrectly or improperly completed, without
Registration Fee, or irregular in any particular shall, at the Organizing Committee’s
discretion, be disqualified.
Applications will be available online at colommjharvestcup.com, or by calling Gregory
at (720) 224-4529.
Applications postmarked before August 1st, 2009 shall not be accepted and will be returned.
A legible photocopy of Entrant’s Colorado State Identification Card or State Drivers License
and entrant’s CMMP Patient or Caregiver Registry Identification Card must accompany
Entrant’s application.
● In lieu of a photocopy of the Entrant’s CMMP Registry ID Card, a photocopy of the
acknowledgment letter from the CMMP offices, on OMMP letterhead, shall suffice and
serve as proof of Colorado Medical Marijuana Act coverage, --or --
2nd. Annual Colorado Medical Marijuana Harvest Cup – Rules and Regulations Page 3 of 6
● The dated receipt issued when personally delivering a CMMP application to the State
offices shall suffice and serve as proof of Colorado Medical Marijuana Act coverage.
Send photocopies only. Documents will not be returned to applicant. Documents used to
support Participant’s eligibility become the property of the Organizing Committee. Organizing
Committee must receive Judge’s Application, Registration Fee, and acceptable proofs of
identity no earlier than August 1st, 2009 and no later than October 15, 2009. Judges are solely
responsible for any and all consequences, civil or legal, physical or mental, resulting from
participation in the 2nd. Annual Colorado Medical Marijuana Harvest Cup.
The Organizing Committee will present Judges with samples and their official voting website
user name and password no later than October 20th, 2009. Arrangements for delivery of
samples shall be arranged individually between Judge & Organizing Committee.
Judges will endeavor to be strictly fair and objective when evaluating each sample.
Judges will not discuss or disclose to any other person or persons their findings until after the
Awards Banquet.
Judges shall vote by accessing the Official Voting Website. The Official Voting Website shall
contain a form wherein Judges may vote on each of the specimens and criteria listed below.
Upon assigning a score for each criteria on a given specimen, the Judge will then submit their
vote by clicking on the Submit button on the form. Judges may change their vote at any time
up to 5:00 PM, November 17th. 2009. If a Judge changes their vote on a specimen, their
previous vote will be overwritten. Judges will only have one vote per specimen active at any
given time.
Ballots will have each strain to be sampled listed by its identification code as assigned by the
Each specimen should be evaluated on its own merits; judges shall not compare one against
Each specimen will be graded according to these criteria:
● Appearance: “how good does it look?”
● Aroma: “how good does it smell?”
● Taste: “how good does it taste?”
● Smoothness: “is it easy on your lungs?”
● Potency: Different than Medicinal Effect; this criterion asks “how strong is the
2nd. Annual Colorado Medical Marijuana Harvest Cup – Rules and Regulations Page 4 of 6
● Medicinal Effect: How well does this strain sample work for your individual medical
conditions? During the Tally, the Medicinal Effect criterion shall be given twice the
weighting as the other criteria (score for this criterion only will be doubled).
● Length until Onset of Symptom Relief (time in minutes)
● Duration of Symptom Relief (time in minutes)
● Amount of sample used per dose (in 0.1 gram [1/10th gram] measurements)
Each criterion shall be scored on a scale of 10 (best) to 1 (worst).
Judges will note their findings on the Official Ballot and in the Journal, and return both to the
Organizing Committee not later than 5:00 PM, November 17th., 2009.
Judges will note their findings on the official web site by entering their user name, password
and vote on the form provided. Voting on all strains must be entered into the online database
by 5:00 PM, November 17th., 2009. Failure to comply with this rule will result in
disqualification of the Judge and forfeiture of all rights and privileges attaining thereto (loss
of Judge’s Gift package, banquet attendance, etc.)
Judges may choose method of ingestion, but are instructed to be consistent throughout the
judging process on all specimens. If you use a vaporizer, use only a vaporizer for all
specimens, if using a pipe, use only a pipe for all specimens, etc.
Judges are instructed to, as far as is practical, limit the number of specimens judged per day.
The Committee has provided sufficient time for judging to be done over a period of days;
please make use of the time wisely.
The 2nd. Annual Colorado Medical Marijuana Harvest Cup Organizing Committee shall consist
of the Gregory Stinson, Bo Schaffer, and Robin Jones.
Appointees shall not be Entrants or Judges in this event, to prevent any conflict of interest.
All tallying shall be done via software on the 2009 Colorado Medical Marijuana Harvest Cup
website using generally approved statistical methods.
The Tally Committee shall be responsible for tallying the Colorado Medical Marijuana Harvest
Cup ballots, determining order of place by numerical results, entering this information onto
the Official Tally Result Form, sealing the Form into an obscured envelope, and presenting the
sealed envelope to the Event Organizer.
The Event Organizer shall not disclose any information obtained in the performance of their
duties until Awards have been announced and presented. At that point, the database shall be
2nd. Annual Colorado Medical Marijuana Harvest Cup – Rules and Regulations Page 5 of 6
opened to the public.
The Committee shall retain voting information on their database for no less than 90 days.
The Judge’s Journals shall be retained by the Committee indefinitely.
All decisions made by the Organizing Committee are final.
The Committee reserves the right to review and grant special exemption(s) to Judges or
Entrants providing, in the Committee’s judgment, said exemption(s) do not adversely affect
the integrity of the Event.
The Committee reserves the right to make such changes to the Event Rules, Registrant
Application, unsigned Participant’s Contracts, or any other aspect of the Event, as are deemed
necessary by the Committee.
Any Applicant, Entrant, or Judge, who is disqualified at any time, shall immediately forfeit
his/her Registration Fee, Participant Gifts, Banquet Ticket(s), and/or other Event-related
2nd. Annual Colorado Medical Marijuana Harvest Cup – Rules and Regulations Page 6 of 6

maybe this will turn out more like what you all want. 28 judges with 28 strains in 30 days judging time.
Should be pretty badass.

I hope to enter

Owl Mirror

Active member
28 strains = 28 ounces
Amount of sample used per dose (in 0.1 gram [1/10th gram] measurements)

I am curious as to what happens to all the left over samples ?
Also, how is it legal to have possession of so many ounces when not the individual patients caregiver?

(4) (a) A patient may engage in the medical use of marijuana, with no more marijuana than is medically necessary to address a debilitating medical condition. A patient’s medical use of marijuana, within the following limits, is lawful:

(I) No more than two ounces of a usable form of marijuana; and

(II) No more than six marijuana plants, with three or fewer being mature, flowering plants that are producing a usable form of marijuana.

I would check local law to see if the judges might be found in violation so they might protect their rights under Colorado Law and not lose their right to hold a valid MM ID card.


"Be shapeless, formless, like water..."
i know huh, there is a cup here in nor cal the first weekend of oct. Its like hello!!! dont you know none of the outdoor is really cured and ready till dec or jan

To be real honest, I don't consider outdoor grown to be all that great quality wise, and I sure wouldn't take an outdoor sample to a caregivers cup, it's just not med-grade IMHO, unless you like dirt-tasting buds. To each their own I guess...

Owl Mirror

Active member
To be real honest, I don't consider outdoor grown to be all that great quality wise, and I sure wouldn't take an outdoor sample to a caregivers cup, it's just not med-grade IMHO, unless you like dirt-tasting buds. To each their own I guess...

I believe you have earned the Gear Snob award


I am curious as to what happens to all the left over samples ?
Also, how is it legal to have possession of so many ounces when not the individual patients caregiver?

I would check local law to see if the judges might be found in violation so they might protect their rights under Colorado Law and not lose their right to hold a valid MM ID card.

dude it .1 for dosage each judge recieves 1 gram of each strain
Amount of sample used per dose

so many ounces thats actually not that much. 28 oz only requires 14 patients to be on site.

its all good think what you want


"Be shapeless, formless, like water..."
WHY would I or anyone else want to go to his event and pay fees to brag about our funk (as you call it). Everybody that has gotten some of my MEDICINE has never complained and were quite complimentary about it.
His events are only about the money. Since when do you have a contest on how good a medicine is? Next you'll be wanting to compare anti-depressants, dick hardening pills and pain pills. That sounds to "Big Pharma" mentality.

Thanks but no thanks,


Well said pp69!

Seriously so many commented/viewed this thread; and you and COMidnightRider (event organizer) are the only ones that were satisfied by this event. Incidentaly, CoMidnightRider banned me from his meetup group because of my opinions on this thread. Seems like he's threatened by me and folks finding out the real truth.

Seems everyone I talk to thinks that Tim T****n/COMidnightRider is a douche. I'm not surprised that he banned you from his meetup group, that sounds like his regular tactics. Hell, I read a story about him assaulting someone who didn't agree with him! Add on the fact that he and Michael Lee of Cannabis Therapeutics used to be in cahoots together, and the picture starts to become even clearer. AVOID that guy at all costs, you'll be glad you did.

So the caregivers cup was a bust, huh?


bragging on craigslist.>

2262 S. Broadway - Denver, CO


*••• BRUCE BANNER WINS 1ST PLACE AT COLORADO CAREGIVERS CUP 09 •••* ( 1st place aroma , 2nd place in people's choice)

- Delta 9 is the creator of the Bruce Banner. - It was Hard Work and Very Time Consuming.... We dont sell our clone.. don't be fooled elsewhere!
- Delta 9 would like to congratulate Grand County Co-Op, and thank them for showcasing our genetics. THANK YOU
We look forward to the Photos In Jan High Times!


"Be shapeless, formless, like water..."
Good looking stuff...interesting to see how available the strain becomes around here.

It's not, now that he got a bit of notariety, he turned stash with it, not selling the clone. No biggie, there's tons of others. TBH, that kind of blatant greed makes me sick to my stomach, I for one won't be bothering with Bruce Banner. :fsu:


It's not, now that he got a bit of notariety, he turned stash with it, not selling the clone. No biggie, there's tons of others. TBH, that kind of blatant greed makes me sick to my stomach, I for one won't be bothering with Bruce Banner. :fsu:
what i been saying from the start!!!!!!1 :yeahthats glad to see everybody is still here i think i was missed alittle. is this delta9 guy the guy who came up with the davidbanner strain......? they said they would have clones of this strain and now i talked with them and now that they won the CO medcup they are not selling the clones. anybody got info on delta9????
mtnkush now banned again just was saying this..funny you mention it. i dont get it you take one cross and cross it to another plant and grow it out and now you have elite topnotch shit that you cant sell clone from now? better yet you win a cup with brucebanner that had little to no compitition to begin with.. please its good but aint that good! bbanner was up against caregiver grown weed not up against world know breeders .. you dont cross one plant to another and say yea its the shit, it take alot more then that to be world known


Well-known member
there weren't that many entries, so winning the caregiver's cup is not something to be REAL proud of. But, High Times will put these guys and their Bruce Banner on the radar in their January issue cause one of their photogs happened to be there. Of course this will increase delta's demand and thus, they will for sure raise prices. I'm sure that Bruce Banner is great, but against 25 buds is one thing, but against 300 buds is another.


there weren't that many entries, so winning the caregiver's cup is not something to be REAL proud of. But, High Times will put these guys and their Bruce Banner on the radar in their January issue cause one of their photogs happened to be there. Of course this will increase delta's demand and thus, they will for sure raise prices. I'm sure that Bruce Banner is great, but against 25 buds is one thing, but against 300 buds is another.

mtnkush now banned again just was saying this..funny you mention it. i dont get it you take one cross and cross it to another plant and grow it out and now you have elite topnotch shit that you cant sell clone from now? better yet you win a cup with brucebanner that had little to no compitition to begin with.. please its good but aint that good! bbanner was up against caregiver grown weed not up against world know breeders .. you dont cross one plant to another and say yea its the shit, it take alot more then that to be world known
i just got done saying that..lol your last few post are so much like mine they may think you are mtnkush.. lol


Well-known member
From a bizniss sense, it'd be foolish for Delta to give up (sell clones of) the strain that's about to take them into major cashland. If I were them, I'd start thinking about the next Caregivers cup right fricken now. They have the opportunity to make it way big by winning next year, too, and then they can begin selling clones of BruceBanner for whatever they want to charge. Folks will buy them up like they do Mr Nice 10-packs of seeds for $180+. There are lots of people who still do read High Times and buy into it all... them are the ones that'll come runnin with fat, open wallets for something featured in their favorite magazine. For most in our beloved state, this is actually the first time they could go to a shop and buy what they saw in the mag!!!! Noodle on that for a moment friends. There will be lots of demand for High-Times 'blessed' genetics from that slice of the patient population.

One very last thing on the Caregivers cup then I'll shut the fuck up about it: the 3 dispensaries present should have brought several vapes to the event and vaped people out free... get everyone baked and happy, let em get a feel for your meds so they can then buy more of what they like. Ya come out looking like heroes because everyone is irie and looking forward to seeing you soon at your shop next time. Of course you still make a shitload of cash that night, albeit 10% less, but it's so worth it!

Instead they preyed on the fact that everyone was looking to get stoned and there was no vaping in sight for hours. Kinda makes ya wanna empty your wallet in a situation like that, huh.. You're at a pot contest featuring High Times (some folks there were big fans, mind you) and not stoned anymore after waiting in line for over an hour. Then you walk in only to find a co-op of 3 dispensaries selling their buds. My homies and I split, but many others were just eating it up and buying buying buying. I had a dream there were a bunch of cattle lining up to those vendor tables.

But personally, I don't give a shit about High Times or BruceBanner, cause there are plenty of great genetics (and reading material) all around. We live in Colorado folks and if I can pull one positive thing out of this event, it would be the FREEDOM!!! freedom to have attended such a thing in a public venue and the freedom of going to a store and buying pot.


From a bizniss sense, it'd be foolish for Delta to give up (sell clones of) the strain that's about to take them into major cashland. If I were them, I'd start thinking about the next Caregivers cup right fricken now. They have the opportunity to make it way big by winning next year, too, and then they can begin selling clones of BruceBanner for whatever they want to charge. Folks will buy them up like they do Mr Nice 10-packs of seeds for $180+. There are lots of people who still do read High Times and buy into it all... them are the ones that'll come runnin with fat, open wallets for something featured in their favorite magazine. For most in our beloved state, this is actually the first time they could go to a shop and buy what they saw in the mag!!!! Noodle on that for a moment friends. There will be lots of demand for High-Times 'blessed' genetics from that slice of the patient population.

One very last thing on the Caregivers cup then I'll shut the fuck up about it: the 3 dispensaries present should have brought several vapes to the event and vaped people out free... get everyone baked and happy, let em get a feel for your meds so they can then buy more of what they like. Ya come out looking like heroes because everyone is irie and looking forward to seeing you soon at your shop next time. Of course you still make a shitload of cash that night, albeit 10% less, but it's so worth it!

Instead they preyed on the fact that everyone was looking to get stoned and there was no vaping in sight for hours. Kinda makes ya wanna empty your wallet in a situation like that, huh.. You're at a pot contest featuring High Times (some folks there were big fans, mind you) and not stoned anymore after waiting in line for over an hour. Then you walk in only to find a co-op of 3 dispensaries selling their buds. My homies and I split, but many others were just eating it up and buying buying buying. I had a dream there were a bunch of cattle lining up to those vendor tables.

But personally, I don't give a shit about High Times or BruceBanner, cause there are plenty of great genetics (and reading material) all around. We live in Colorado folks and if I can pull one positive thing out of this event, it would be the FREEDOM!!! freedom to have attended such a thing in a public venue and the freedom of going to a store and buying pot.

well put :2cents: i stopped reading hightimes back in the mid 90's.. some people have brucebanner clones already and im sure they will be gifted all over soon enough for those that want to buy into the hype. i got some homegrown meds that would make banner look like dirtweed :dueling: delta9.. nothing like going big and alllout..let see if its hype or not.. ill check them out soon enough i say you hit it up to dude and put up a review