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1st Annual High Times Colorado Caregivers Cup!!!


Tagged on this thread.....

Tagged on this thread.....

All competitions by their very nature involve politics and ethics. If people were not making money or getting an advantage such events would be like county fairs..... but if you have ever been in a county fair..... you know it involves both politics and ethics to the power of 10........

Have to go with pp69 on this one.....



This is worth sharing as well:

"The owners of The Healing Center, Jesse Irizarry and Deborah Schultz, are excited to announce a new MMJ Colorado event. The Breeder’s Bowl will be an annual spring competition for the legally registered medical marijuana patients and caregivers in the state of Colorado. Our first annual competition will be held in June 2010.

This competition will be for those patients and caregivers in Colorado who are creating new medicines for our community, by crossing existing strains and developing new ones. In addition to the competition, this event will also provide legal and medical information that is open to the public, entertainment, a ticketed dinner banquet, and a weekend of fun.

In order to keep this event at a minimal cost to the attendees, The Healing Center will be holding various fundraisers over the next year. Our first fundraiser is to be held in August 2009. The event is a comedy night, with a silent auction and a tricky tray raffle. Now, we know you are asking, “What’s a tricky tray raffle?” Each item to be raffled will be a themed tray of goodies. Some examples are: coffee tray, dinner night for two, an evening at the movies, and the list goes on…

We are asking for donations of cash or items for the silent auction and the tricky tray raffle. We will also be happy to build a tray from any item or service you are able donate. Let your imagination run wild!

If you are interested in making a donation, please contact The Healing Center at 303-412-0200.
We appreciate your continued support!

Jesse & Deborah
The Healing Center"

Last year, this kid Jesse...used a Grape Ape that he didn't grow and entered it in HIS OWN competition....who won you ask?? HIM of course!!!!
Have fun at that one...
The worst meds I saw in a dispense. Way too leafy.


so maybe they are greedy

so maybe they are greedy

Caregivers' Cup 2009 - "Das Kup II"

It started with High Times, but it's gone beyond...
Sunday, November 15, 2009

Oriental Theater
4335 W 44th Ave
Denver, CO
4pm to 10pm

Exclusive Patient and Caregiver Party
for Colorado Legal Patients and Caregivers in the company of same.

Time to change my tune on these guys. seems pretty greedy to have an annual event every 2 months. Not even a full cycle for growers.

why the need for another so soon? Guess my opinions on these guys are changing. I sent them an email giving my opinions. It is disrespectful of previous entrants and judges to have this "annual" event again so soon. Maybe they will have a 'freedom fighter of the month' award to down too.

what a joke

pikes peak 69

Active member
TT must of ran through all the $$$ the last one made for him, so now it's another round.
The sad part is some will still be there paying up the price.


Time to change my tune on these guys. seems pretty greedy to have an annual event every 2 months. Not even a full cycle for growers.

why the need for another so soon? Guess my opinions on these guys are changing. I sent them an email giving my opinions. It is disrespectful of previous entrants and judges to have this "annual" event again so soon. Maybe they will have a 'freedom fighter of the month' award to down too.

what a joke


Well-known member
do they have to be nonprofit? renting a hall and throwing a party paying your friends bands, caters, etc.. to show up is a nice way of getting rid of any profit..but the 2 month cycle is just blatant