any update with pix before they get chopped?
gottt it said:shit to be honest with you i havent used it very much .. i used to rent it out to a friend of a friend .. i think the machine kinda takes some of the bud's features away ..
i havent used it since last summer .. i might try it this time and really see what it does .. i just dont wanna mess the buds up cuz the bubbas are loookin reeeeeeeeal nice
Stealthy said:Gottt it,
I can't remember what size buckets you said that you were using and I'm to damn lazy to read all 17 pages again. About how much hydroton do you need for all those buckets...I'm guessing 8 to 10 50L bags. Also, are your buckets double stacked w/ holes in the top buckets for drainage?
One more thing...can I trouble you for some detailed pics of your res and controller and the connections between the bucket and lines?
I would burn one with you as payment for this info but you know how it is...being all anonymous and stuff LOL.
wafflehouselove said:gott it how exactly did you clean your 7 bags of hydroton, or did you just use it out the bag?