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15x600 watt 48 bucket system

gottt it

Active member
if i spray them now that isnt gonna be good .. i sprayed them at the beggining with that safer 3 in 1 spray but i think i brought the spores in from the other room .. i dunno .. i think im going to just ride it out this cycle .. clean really well after so the next doesnt get this shit .. cant find my sulfer burner ;/

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
Once you have PM, you'll always have PM.

Controlling PM is easy, its all about controlling the environment and spraying weekly with safer... that means all your plants.

Do you have a dehumidifier? I hope so with all the money you spent, you should at least have a good one. If you do, have it set at 40% and keep the temps around 78, this should slow it down at least.


Lookin good bud,hope you kill that mother fuckin PM,invest in a fogmaster and some AN protector,it works great and no sulfer burner taste.


All I can say is......DAMN!!!!!

All I can say is......DAMN!!!!!

My hands hurt just thinking about trimming those awesome buds. That is an excellent stand of trees you have there. Going to need some help packing those up....... Oh, OK...I volunteer. Boy I wish......LMAO

Did you ever do anything about the PM or just over grow it. :nono:


gottt it

Active member
good thing i got one of these .. as far as the PM .. its there it isnt going away until after the crop im not gonna spray some shit on them at this stage ..



gottt it said:
good thing i got one of these .. as far as the PM .. its there it isnt going away until after the crop im not gonna spray some shit on them at this stage ..

how do you like it does it work that great would you recomend buying one

gottt it

Active member
shit to be honest with you i havent used it very much .. i used to rent it out to a friend of a friend .. i think the machine kinda takes some of the bud's features away ..

i havent used it since last summer .. i might try it this time and really see what it does .. i just dont wanna mess the buds up cuz the bubbas are loookin reeeeeeeeal nice

gottt it

Active member
see if anyone at the hydro store you goto has one for rent first .. see if you like the outcome .. hand trimmed product looks better hands down .. but it does speed the process up ... guess u cant have you cake and eat it too ...

not being able to sleep = you get faster answers :) lol
the automatik feature on that thing really does lower your shit big time like probably Triple A to a high B. You will get away with just doing the manual job on the colas tho.