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12/12 From Seed: A Different Way To Grow


imade some lst and supercropping combination. I havent topped it , but i trimmed mass of leaves during flowering.
Atm the three others are flowering.its around 3rd week.(Bubblegummer,Ice, second WWxBB)
Soon Ill make some updates.


High Class Grass
Hey yall...i grew several strains 12/12 from seed, sog style in a 4x4 tent under 600w hps this time around....i feel it definately prolonged the flowering period, but the size of all of the plants except the TW´s was very nice....heres a few pics and link to the thread:







Stay Safe


Lil update , my 12/12 from seed grow , lights are 2x150W (0,5m2), pots 12L
Its around 4th week of 12/12





Female seeds Grapefruit should do just fine from 12/12, if the soil/nutrients are just perfect. A pure Indica or strong indica, ya they don't usually yield with a slow veg but I'd mess up a sativa and get less anyhow. Well, I messed up a female seeds grapefruit x Nevilles haze and a nice OG kush sativa leafed with dense indica buds and got more than from a ripe masterlow.


Active member
Anyone grown Femaleseeds Grapefruit under 12/12 from seed? It's a candidate for my next grow, just wondering how well it responds. From what I've read in this thread, it should grow fine. In a product description I read on a site earlier they claim it does well too, but I'm just looking for some real-life experiences.

BTW, brilliant thread Hal. This thread could really benefit a lot of people.
I think she would work well 12/12 from seed in right conditions.... here is a grow I did a few years back where I flipped her after 2 weeks from germ and was happy with the results


my brother grew purple urkle out and he vegd it for 3n a 1/2 months 4 months n flowered it out and only got like 1 - 1 1/2 ounces per plant im a fairly new grower and i kinda thought fuk man sounds like u grew some shitty ass weed or something but he ya gets them 4-8 ounce a plant harvests ive been on the hunt for a good indica strain for about a month now i got a pre 98 bubba kusk x tga deep purple but after hearing on how low the indicas yield i dont think its possible to keep an all indica garden going here and stay within the law beings you opnly get 3 plants per flower got any ideas of some good quality decent yielding idies out there?? give me a hollar

Purple Urkle is a VERY slow veging plant with ZERO stretch the worst vegging plant i've ever seen. I would only grow it outdoors. It is almost 100% mold resistant also which makes no sense if you grow it and see how dense the plant is.


Anyone know if you can take clones from a seed plant that has been started on 12/12? Anyone does this and had success? I really wanna know if i can do this so if I find a really good female in a pack of 50 seeds, i can keep her!!


Anyone know if you can take clones from a seed plant that has been started on 12/12? Anyone does this and had success? I really wanna know if i can do this so if I find a really good female in a pack of 50 seeds, i can keep her!!

you probably could... i have heard of ppl taking clones in flower. they have to get a re-veg. one of the major problems is the shock to a cutting that is taken from flower. why do this backwards? why not veg and number that way when you lock down a nice girl you can keep her for years.


having a prob with cfls and 12/12. got seedlings cracking the dirt, but falling over in the middle of the night and loosing there tops. i keep the lights give or take 3" from them. tried in dirt and coco. almost forgot temps 68*F-76*F
if i veg they take right off and don't stop.


New member
hello everyone, i want to start 12/12 from seed grow under 200 w cfl..i want to grow Skunk n.1 from TFD and Brainstorm from DP..

what do you think about these strains? good idea or not?

thanx for your answers..bootii


New member
halo halo

halo halo

:noway:Hi Bootii

Brain storm----I had problem with that, start to finish

1, Very yellow leaves (MAG DEF)? and fix it , yellow leaves (MAG DEF)? and fix it , they come back again DEF)? and fix it , they come back again.

so I felt "Brain Storm" a bit weak.:noway:


Hey Hal,
I was wondering if you knew of any successful seed grafts, If not I may have a first. I had a crazy purple urple seed, and a dank purple bag seed out of a QPer. I took the two seeds out of their shell, bisected them and switched half of each, then glued the seed shell back together and planted. One of them grew this(well not exactly this, this is a clone of her:



I`m new to this 12/12 but i really want to do this stuff. But i`m little afraid!

From my first run Satori, i have ~ 60 seeds, but they are "satori x satori" and "satory x lowryder" and they all are together, i dont know which is "s X s" and which one "s X l".

So im afraid of that, that there will be sick plants and much more trouble... But is it will be fine if first week i will go 24/0 and then switch to 12/12. (will this be good?)

And how about space, i have Homebox XL, how much plants i can fit there in this method?

Help and peace & sorry for my bad English! :)


Hey Melkor...

You aren't serious, are you? I can't believe that actually worked for ya...and if it did, you need to post a thread about it. Seems impossible to me.

Nice harvest there piosh :)

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